THE state of the cause at this time, and the state of mind produced by the belief of the Advent near, was very truthfully and impartially depicted by Rev. Alexander Campbell, President of Bethany College, Va., in the following article, copied from the “Millennial Harbinger.” MWM 239.2
“As time advances, the doctrine of the Second Advent in 1843 gains new interest, and grasps with a stronger hold the minds of all who assent to its strong probability. This is just what we expected and predicted since first we heard its annunciation. Excitement keeps pace with every new convert, and consequently has not yet reached its proper height. The ardently pious and strongly imaginative proclaimers of the world’s immediate end, in their untiring efforts to propagate the opinion in such a community as this, cannot fail to influence thousands, and to inflame their zeal to the highest enthusiasm. What topic more sublime, more soul-subduing, more delightful to the Christian, than that of the Lord’s glorious return to judge the world, to reward his friends and punish his enemies? Talk they of sublime themes! Methinks the most sublime of all that earth and time afford are the veriest commonplaces compared with this. MWM 239.3
“Many sincere and conscientious spirits are already enrolled amongst its advocates, and some of them are not only sincere, but pure, and noble, and amiable Christians. These are the great apostles of the theory, to whose virtues and excellences the cause is mainly indebted for its comparative success. Its temples are festooned with Christian charity. Its altars are covered with the garlands and wreaths of piety and humanity. Its priests wear the coronal of elevated sanctity, and its votaries are from necessity all more learned in the symbols of prophecy than those who oppose them. MWM 240.1
“Everything in society is now favorable to the rapid propagation of the new theory. The prevailing ignorance of the Bible, and especially of prophecy, on the part of many who declaim against ‘Millerism,’ and the unfortunate essays of learned men in their zeal for old opinions, so far transcending the oracles of reason and the canons of common sense, have contributed no little to advance into public favor the doctrine of ‘the Second Advent near.’ Amongst these essays may stand first that of Professor Stuart, whose high attainments in biblical learning I highly appreciate. That essay, already trumpeted by a thousand voices, republished in various forms by distinguished preachers and writers from Boston to Cincinnati, - by the Colvers, the Stows, and the Mahans of this land, - has greatly aided ‘THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES’ and ‘THE MIDNIGHT CRIES’ of the new school of prophetic expositors. MWM 240.2
“But more than any other individual cause have the profane scoffings, falsehoods, and caricatures of the religious and political press, in opposition to the doctrine of the ‘Second Advent near,’ contributed to confirming the minds of the initiated in the pleasing hope, and to the furnishing of their preachers with new ’signs of the times’ in arguing the certainty of their opinions. If Noah, Daniel, and Job, had reappeared in the person of friend Miller, and uttered the oracles of the Lord, they would have been derided, slandered, misrepresented, and denounced as disturbers of the peace of the world’s giddy dance, and troublers of the modern Israel in her one hundred and one fractions of orthodox prescription, just as Mr. Miller and his party have been. MWM 240.3
“Another reason of the assurance of the faith in the minds of those who are true believers of the doctrine, is the delightful state of mind into which they feel themselves inducted through the new theory. Every righteous man must feel an exquisite pleasure in the strongly anticipated immediate return of his Lord. What possible event could be hailed with such overwhelming joy as the end of this sin-distracted and convulsed world, and the beginning of a new creation, in which, as Christians, all hope to participate? New heavens, illumined with an unsetting sun of ineffable glory, spangled with stars brighter far than our present sun; a new earth, surrounded with an immortal atmosphere, filled with unfading freshness, sweetness, and beauty, decorated with charms incomparably superior to those of Eden and its ancient Paradise, animated too with the presence of nature’s eternal and immortal King and his celestial train, the eternal home of the saints, where ‘sin and sorrow, pain and death, are felt and feared no more.’ I say, who would not gladly exchange a sin-emaciated face, a shattered constitution, sown thick with the seeds of death, for a spiritual and immortal frame; a shipwrecked earth, filled with unquenchable fires, convulsed with interminable agonies, and covered with floods of water that have washed and drenched its deeply furrowed face with a thousand mountains and valleys, for a new earth never to be trodden by the profane foot of a solitary prodigal, nor marred by the unsanctified touch of a rebel hand, during the ceaseless ages of eternity! MWM 241.1
“None on earth are more to be envied than those happy spirits who are wrought up, or have wrought themselves up, to the full persuasion that in one short year, a little less or more, and they shall most certainly realize all this. Methinks to such the year 1843 will pass along with dreams of felicity and sweet antepasts of blessedness, whose remembrance will, in years to come, be as the delightful oasis in a parched desert, - as the vision of a Paul caught away into the celestial Paradise, into the purer climes of the third heavens. And all this, too, without even the parting pang which nature feels when ‘shuffling off this mortal coil,’ and bidding a long adieu to those we leave behind. For in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, perhaps during some prayer or song of praise, while in the midst of a monosyllable, one half uttered in time, the other in eternity, - the first accent from a mortal, the second from an immortal tongue, crystallized into a gem in less than time’s shortest mark or minutest point, - we have passed the bourn of mortality, and are found dwelling not in houses of clay, founded in the dust, but in a house from heaven, spiritual, incorruptible, immortal, and glorious. And all this, too, I repeat, without the pain of parting from one we love. We cast not one ‘longing, lingering look behind.’ None are left we care anything about. Nature, flesh, and all earth’s associations, are forever left without one single feeling that time or sense endear. What a mysterious, delightful, ineffable moment that in which mortality is swallowed up in life; in which we obtain beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; in which we part from sin, and sorrow, and woe, and find ourselves at home in the presence of the Lord, in the bosom of his love, surrounded with all the sons of light, with the riches and glory of the New Jerusalem temple, thronged with the great hierarchs and kings of all the dominions of Eternity! Who, of the Christian family, would not rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, that in a few months all this should transpire, and that without the least of all the agonies of death; - perhaps fall asleep some night, and awaken glorified in the presence of the Lord, hearing, with an immortal ear, the last echo of the grave-opening, body-reanimating, soul-transforming sound of the archangel’s trumpet! MWM 241.2
“No doctrine, then, more cheering than that of ‘the Second Advent near;’ no opinion produces a more delightful state of mind.” MWM 242.1
In the interval between Mr. Miller’s return from Boston to his home at Low Hampton and the recommencement of his public labors, he was visited by his dearly beloved friend, the late Elder Nathaniel Southard, who wrote as follows of MWM 242.2
“It was Saturday forenoon when we passed over the rough road, and stopped at a one-storied house, where a post-office is kept. It is the residence of William S., oldest son of Bro. Miller, P. M., at the office, which, for distinction, is called Low Hampton. He was not at home; but one of his little daughters told us the residence of her grandfather was in sight on the hill. Without waiting for her to point it out, I easily recognized it - from previous description - among the good-looking farm-houses in sight. It was not the largest or handsomest. The back part of it only, which is painted red, could be seen. It is two stories high. The northern front and ends are painted white. On the way we passed the small plain meeting-house of the Baptist church to which Bro. M. belongs. MWM 242.4
“At the gate of his hospitable mansion we met a young man in a wagon, with crutches by his side whose round open countenance showed him to be a son of William Miller. He gave us a cordial invitation to enter. Three visitors were already in the house, to whom myself, wife and child, being added, made a number which we feared would be burdensome. We soon found ourselves perfectly at home, though we had never before seen one of the family but its venerable head. MWM 243.1
“The next day five other visitors arrived, one of whom was a lady from Iowa, and three from Vergennes. The day was very stormy. We went to the place of worship, and found a congregation consisting of fewer persons than we left at the house. The preacher, Bro. Increase Jones, gave a plain, practical sermon on the text, ‘The end of all things is at hand; be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.’ In the afternoon we opened the Scriptures, and tried to pursue the apostolic method in speaking of Jesus and the resurrection. MWM 243.2
“On our way from the meeting, after referring to the number of guests, we asked Robbins if they usually had as much company. MWM 243.3
“‘Pretty nigh,’ said he; ‘I wish I had kept count of the number of visitors for the last six months.’ MWM 243.4
“‘Did they come in such numbers when Bro. Miller was sick?’ we inquired. MWM 243.5
“‘It seemed to make but little difference,’ he replied. MWM 243.6
“We just then passed by the open carriage gate into the spacious enclosure at the west end of the house. MWM 243.7
“‘It seemed to be the hardest task,’ he proceeded, ‘to make friends understand that it was not friendly to visit a sick man in such numbers. I have had to stand here and keep people out of the house, and sometimes there were six asking admission at once.’ MWM 243.8
“As it was, I have no doubt company added weeks to his sickness, and dollars to the doctor’s bills. I afterwards learnt that the expenses of his sickness were one hundred dollars. MWM 244.1
“Let us try to get a glimpse at his wealth and resources. Twelve years ago he was the owner of about two hundred acres of land, less than half of which was capable of cultivation, yielding a liberal return to hard labor. No one, who knows with what energy, diligence, and firmness, Bro. Miller has prosecuted the labors he seems to have been raised up to perform, will need to be told that he is a man of industrious, temperate, and frugal habits. Such a man, in such a place, with a help meet for him, could not be poor and thriftless. Twenty-five years ago he built his house. Other buildings were erected as they became necessary, but none within the last dozen years, except a bee-house, and small, plain shed, or boiling-house, where food is prepared for his hogs. He showed me his home farm, consisting of ninety-six acres, lying wholly on the south side of the road. There is some common wall upon it; but the moss-grown, weather-beaten stones unanimously contradict the foolish and malicious lies which have been told about its recent origin. He also owns a rough tract of fifty acres, north of the road, and twenty acres of interval a little distance to the east. When he let out his farm to his son, he sold him $500 worth of stock, and has since sold seventy acres of land to his son-in-law. What he has thus realized, and $100 yearly for the use of his farm, have enabled him to meet the expenses of travelling, printing, and giving away books, company, sickness, etc. MWM 244.2
“He has brought up eight children, two others having died in early life. His whole family, like Job’s, originally consisted of seven sons and three daughters. Four of them are now in the house with him, and two sons are at the West. As a specimen of the fertility of his farm, he showed us a potato weighing two pounds and seven ounces. MWM 244.3
“While contemplating this lovely family, and their plain but comfortable dwelling-place, equally free from the marks of wasteful neglect or extravagant expenditure, I saw, never as I saw before, the folly and malignity of those falsehoods which have been so industriously told about them. Look at them. MWM 244.4
“A diligent student of the Bible tells us he finds prophetic periods reaching down to the resurrection and the second coming of Christ. MWM 245.1
“‘Nonsense!’ cries one, who must stand at the judgment seat of Christ; ‘Mr. Miller is a man of property, and he holds on to it.’ MWM 245.2
“‘But won’t you please to look in the Bible, and see the evidence that these periods are just running out?’ MWM 245.3
“‘Humbug!’ says another, who must give an account for the manner in which he treats that message from heaven; ‘Mr. Miller is building a solid brick wall round his farm.’ MWM 245.4
“‘But will you not consider and discern the signs of the times, which show that the kingdom of heaven is nigh, even at the doors?’ MWM 245.5
“‘It is all a money-making scheme,’ says a third, who must soon give up his stewardship; ‘Mr. Miller is putting up some large buildings in New Haven, and he has a barrel of jewels in his house, which have been given him where he has preached.’ MWM 245.6
“The amazing stupidity of these fictions almost hides from view the malice which invented them. But when we look at his wife and daughter, to whom a husband and father’s reputation is as the apple of the eye, we begin to feel them as a personal injury, though they are nothing, in this view, in comparison with the public mischief they occasion. MWM 245.7
“Bro. Miller’s faith remains unwavering. He said he should be happy if he felt as sure of heaven as he did that he had the truth on the prophecies of Daniel. MWM 245.8
“His eyesight is improved since his sickness, so that he now uses spectacles which he had laid aside as being too young several years ago. He reads the small Polyglot Bible with the greatest ease. He is a diligent reader of Second Advent papers. After he has received one he seldom lays it aside till he has become acquainted with all its contents. The rest of his reading is nearly confined to the Scriptures. He is able to write freely, and it requires no small share of his time to attend to the numerous letters he receives. MWM 245.9
“He starts early next week (Providence permitting) on his way to Rochester, Lockport, and Buffalo, N. Y. It will be necessary for one of his sons to accompany him, as he is not strong enough to travel alone. MWM 246.1
“We were interested in seeing his old family Bible, which cost $18.50, and his quarto copy of Cruden’s Concordance, which was originally purchased, in 1798, for $8. These two books were almost the only ones he looked at while preparing his lectures. A clergyman once called at his house in his absence, and, being disappointed in not seeing him, wished the privilege of looking at his library. His daughter conducted the visitor into the north-east room, where he has sat so many hours at his ancient desk. Those two books, and no others, lay upon the table. ‘That is his library,’ said she. The clergyman was amazed. Her remark was strictly true, as far as theological writings were concerned. He never had a commentary in his house, and did not remember reading any work upon the prophecies, except Newton and Faber, about thirty years ago. MWM 246.2
“When we spoke to him about the stories in relation to his property in New Haven, he pleasantly remarked that those who believed them could easily satisfy themselves; for he had sold to Bro. McDonald, of Williamsburg, near New York city, all his property, real or personal, out of Low Hampton, for five dollars, and the purchaser had offered to give half of it to any one who would find any. MWM 246.3
“Monday afternoon we reluctantly took leave of this peaceful spot, which had been our pleasant home for two days, rejoicing that calumny could there find no truthful basis on which to found its reckless and cruel assertions. MWM 246.4
“N. SOUTHARD. “Carleton, Vt., October 23, 1843.” MWM 246.5
In company with his wife and son George, Mr. Miller started for Rochester, N. Y., on the 9th of November. On his passage down the canal from Whitehall to Albany, by request of the passengers on the boat, he spoke to an attentive audience from Titus 2:13. MWM 246.6
From the 12th to the 19th of November, he gave his first course of lectures in the city of Rochester, speaking to full houses on the afternoon and evening of each day. The ground had been previously prepared for him by a course of lectures in June, delivered by Mr. Himes and others, in connection with the “great tent.” MWM 246.7
Mr. Himes had commenced a paper there, called the “Glad Tidings,” and published thirteen numbers of it, which were extensively circulated; and the late Elder Thomas F. Barry, a devoted brother, had remained in that field during the summer. By those instrumentalities quite an interest had been created, and the labors of Mr. Miller there were abundantly blessed. MWM 247.1
Receiving a pressing invitation from Rev. Elon Galusha, pastor of the Baptist church, and sixty-eight others, in Lockport, N. Y., to visit that place, he lectured there from the 21st to the 30th of November. The salvation of some souls, and a general expression of interest in the subject of his discourses, were the result of his labors. MWM 247.2
From the 2nd to the 10th of December he lectured in Buffalo, N. Y., in the theatre, to a house full of attentive hearers. Writing from that place, on the 4th, he says: “Yesterday I saw the tears of some in the congregation, who, I am informed, were old, hardened infidels.” MWM 247.3
In compliance with an invitation from Rev. A. Claghorn, pastor of the Baptist church, and twenty-three others, he next lectured in Lewiston, N. Y., from the 11th to the 17th of December. There were many hearers present from Canada, as well as from the American side of the line, who gave him a respectful hearing. Writing respecting this place, Mr. M. says: MWM 247.4
“I was here, as at Rochester and Lockport, challenged to a public debate by a Universalist. I will not contend with them. It would be an admission that they might be right, which I cannot for a moment believe. Michael would not contend with the devil. Why? Because he would not admit he could be right. Was he afraid of the devil? No. But he said, ‘The Lord rebuke thee, Satan!’ And so say I to his ministers.” MWM 247.5
Being invited to visit Penfield, N. Y., by Rev. David Bernard and the unanimous vote of his church, he lectured in the Baptist meeting-house there, from the 20th to the 27th of December. Some souls professed conversion, and the pastor and a number of his people avowed their faith in the near coming of Christ. MWM 247.6
Mr. Miller returned to Rochester on the 29th of December, continued there a few days, gave five discourses, and, on the 3rd of January, 1844, he left for home by the way of Troy. After reaching Low Hampton, he wrote: MWM 248.1
“On Saturday, January 6th, I arrived home, having been absent about eight weeks, and given eighty-five lectures. I have seen a number of infidels converted to God; and more than one hundred have obtained a hope where I have been.” MWM 248.2
On the 28th of January he again visited Boston, and gave a course of lectures in the Howard-street Tabernacle. This was his ninth visit to Boston, and his seventh regular course of lectures there. On no previous occasion had such crowds been present to hear as were then assembled in that capacious building. On the Sabbath (January 28th), all day and evening, the seats and aisles were filled with as many as could find a place to sit or stand. Many of the young, with the middle-aged, and even men with gray hairs, stood and listened to the story of the coming One, with the evidences of his near approach. Had the Tabernacle been twice its size, it would hardly have held the multitude who sought admittance. The interest continued during his entire course of lectures, which closed on the 4th of February. MWM 248.3
On the 5th of February, in company with Mr. Himes, he left for New York city; but the weather was inclement, the boat was delayed in the Sound all the next day by ice, and the passage was uncommonly tedious. Mr. Fowler, the phrenologist, being one of the passengers, to while away the time he gave, by request, a lecture on his science. After the lecture he was blindfolded, and in that state examined quite a number of heads. At the request of the company, Mr. Miller’s head was examined. All were eager to hear the opinion of the lecturer. Among other things he said: MWM 248.4
“This man has large benevolence. His object is to do his fellow-beings good. He has great firmness - is a modest man, open, frank, no hypocrite, good at figures, a man of great mental power, might make a noise in the world, has no personal enemies; if he has enemies, it is not because they know him, but on account of his opinions.” MWM 248.5
At the close of the examination his blindfold was removed, and he was introduced to Mr. Miller, to the no small amusement of the company. MWM 248.6
They arrived in New York on the evening of the 6th of February, 1844, and found a conference assembled in Franklin Hall. Mr. Miller gave two discourses there on the 7th; when, finding the place too small, they adjourned to the Broadway Tabernacle, where he lectured, in the afternoon and evening of the 8th and 9th of February, to crowded assemblies. It was estimated that not less than five thousand persons were present. The audiences were solemn and attentive. MWM 249.1
On the 10th of February they went to Philadelphia, and on the 11th Mr. M. commenced a course of lectures in the saloon of the Chinese Museum, - closing on the 18th. That immense hall was filled to overflowing. MWM 249.2
While laboring here, a friend gave the following description of Mr. Miller’s personal appearance: MWM 249.3
“There is a kindness of soul, simplicity, and power, peculiarly original, combined in his manner; and he is affable and attentive to all, without any affectation of superiority. He is of about medium stature, a little corpulent, and, in temperament, a mixture of sanguine and nervous. His intellectual developments are unusually full, and we see in his head great benevolence and firmness, united with a lack of self-esteem. He is wanting in marvellousness, and is naturally sceptical. His countenance is full and round, while there is a peculiar expression in his blue eye, of shrewdness and love. Although about sixty-two years of age, his hair is not gray, but of a light glossy auburn; his voice is full and distinct, and his pronunciation somewhat northern-antique. In his social relations he is gentle and affectionate, and insures the esteem of all with whom he mingles. In giving this charcoal sketch to the public, I have merely sought to correct numerous misstatements, and gratify the honest desire of many distant believers with a faint outline of the character and appearance of the man.” MWM 249.4
While drawing crowded houses of intelligent and attentive hearers, his name was seldom mentioned in the religious press, except by way of ridicule or denunciation; and many churches, particularly those of his own denomination, were taking disciplinary steps with those who had embraced his views. This called forth from him the following MWM 249.5
“DEAR BRETHREN:- We would ask, in the name of our dear Master, Jesus Christ, by all that is holy, by the fellowship of the saints, and the love of the truth, why you cast us off as if we were heretics? What have we believed, that we have not been commanded to believe by the word of God, which you yourselves allow is the rule and only rule of our faith and practice? What have we done that should call down such virulent denunciations against us from pulpit and press, and give you just cause to exclude us (Adventists) from your churches and fellowship? In the name of all that is dear, all that is holy and good, we call upon some of you to come out and tell us wherein our great sin lies. Have we denied the faith once delivered to the saints? Tell us, we pray you, or, wherein is our fault? If there is an honest man among you, of which we cannot doubt, we shall expect to see your reasons publicly and honestly avowed; and if we are guilty of heresy or crime, let the Christian community know it, that we may be shunned by all who know and love the truth. MWM 250.2
“Is it heterodox to believe that Jesus Christ will come again to this earth, to receive his saints to himself, and to reward all men as their work shall be? If so, then our fathers, and our ministers, our creeds, and our Bibles, have taught us heresy; and from our infancy we have misunderstood our teachers, and misapplied our Bible. Do tell us what mean a class of texts like these John 14:3: ‘And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself: that where I am there ye may be also.’ Acts 1:11: ‘Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.’ 1 Peter 1:7 and 13: ‘That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it may be tried with fire, might be found unto praise, and honor, and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Wherefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.’ Revelation 1:7: “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.’ MWM 250.3
“Does our crime consist in our looking for him and loving his appearing? This, too, we charge upon our fathers and teachers; we have heard, ever since we had consciousness, as our duty explained and enforced, to watch and look, to love and be prepared for his return, that when he comes we may enter into the marriage supper of the Lamb. We also have Christ and the apostles for our example in so doing. Witness Matthew 24:44; 25:13; Mark 13:34-37; Philippians 3:20, 21; 2 Timothy 4:8; Titus 2:13; 2 Peter 3:12; Revelation 14:15. MWM 251.1
“Or are we to be severed from our brethren because we believe the prophecies of the Old and New Testament to be the true prophecies of God; or because that we think we can understand them, and see in the history of our world their fulfilment? Are we to be cut off from our connection with your churches because we believe as your ministers have told us we ought to for ages past? Acts 24:14: ‘But this I confess unto you, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets.” 26:22: ‘Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come. King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets?’ 1 Timothy 4:14: ‘That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Revelation 1:4: ‘Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand.’ MWM 251.2
“Again, let me inquire: Are we treated as heretics because we believe Christ will come this year? Are we not all commanded to watch? Mark 13:37: “And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch.’ And I would ask, Is it not our duty to watch this year? If so, will you tell us how a man can watch, and not expect the object for which he watches? If this is the crime, we plead guilty to the charge, and throw ourselves upon the word of God, and the example of our fathers, to justify us in so doing. Ecclesiastes 8:5, 6: ‘Whoso keepeth the commandments shall feel no evil thing; and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment; because to every purpose there is time and judgment.’ Daniel 12:6, 7: ‘And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.’ 1 Peter 1:9, 13: ‘Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you; searching what, or what manner of time, the spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven: which things the angels desire to look into. Wherefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.’ MWM 251.3
“Now, if we are wrong, pray show us wherein consists our wrong. Show us from the word of God that we are in error; we have had ridicule enough; that can never convince us that we are in the wrong; the word of God alone can change our views. Our conclusions have been formed deliberately and prayerfully, as we have seen the evidence in the Scriptures; and all reasoning against our views has only served to confirm us in them. MWM 252.1
“Or, are you ready to say that our crime consists in examining the Bible for ourselves? We have inquired ‘Watchman, what of the night?’ we have besought and entreated them to give us any signs of the coming morning, and have waited patiently for an answer; but have waited in vain; have been turned off with some German or French philosophy, or had the book closed in our face, and been insulted for our deep anxiety. We have, therefore, been obliged to study for ourselves; and if we are to be cut off for honestly believing in the exactness of prophetic time, then Scott, and Wesley, and the Newtons, and Mede, Gill, and others, should all be excommunicated for the like offence. We, therefore, once more call upon you to show us our errors; and until this is done, we must continue to believe the Lord will come in this Jewish year. MWM 252.2
WM. MILLER.” MWM 253.1
On the 17th of February, Messrs. Miller, Himes, and Elder Josiah Litch, left Philadelphia for Washington city, which they reached on the 20th. On the evening of that day they held their first meeting in the Baptist house, near the Navy-yard. It became so thronged that, on the 26th, they removed to the Apollo Hall, near the President’s mansion, where they continued till the 2nd of March. MWM 253.2
During these lectures, on the 28th of February, the “Peacemaker,” on board of the “Princeton,” exploded, killing Colonel Gardiner and Mr. Upshur, the United States Secretary of State, and wounding others. That event added interest and solemnity to the lectures, and caused them to be more fully attended. There were present at the lectures a goodly number of persons belonging to both houses of Congress. MWM 253.3
Writing from Washington on the day of that explosion, but before the occurrence, Mr. Miller said: MWM 253.4
“They throng us constantly for papers, books, and tracts, which Brother Himes is scattering gratuitously by thousands, containing information on this subject. They send in from this vicinity and from ‘old Virginia’ for papers and lecturers; but the one-hundredth part of their requests can never be complied with. Never have I been listened to with so deep a feeling, and with such intense interest, for hours.” MWM 253.5
Mr. Miller gave nineteen lectures in this place, and Messrs. Himes and Litch fifteen. MWM 253.6
Calls for them to extend their tour further south came up from Charleston, S. C., Savannah, Geo., Mobile, Ala., and from many other of the larger places in the Southern States. Some of these were very importunate, but previous arrangements prevented a compliance with those requests. MWM 253.7
They returned north, held meetings in Baltimore from the 3rd to the 8th of March, and, on the 9th, returned to Philadelphia. There Mr. Miller gave two more discourses on the 10th; on the 11th he lectured in Newark, N. J., in the Free Presbyterian meeting-house; on the 12th he gave one discourse in New York; on the 13th he spoke in Brooklyn and Williamsburg, N. Y., and on the 14th he returned to Low Hampton. MWM 254.1
He seems to have kept no minute of his subsequent labors, but closes his note-book, at the termination of this tour, with these words: “Now I have given, since 1832, three thousand two hundred lectures.” MWM 254.2