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IN the autumn of this year, Mr. Miller received a license to preach, from the church of which he was a member, as follows: MWM 108.2

“Let brotherly love continue: the Baptist Church of Christ, in Hampton and Whitehall, do certify that Brother William Miller is a member in regular standing in this Church. Brother Miller has been improving his gifts with us in expounding the words of Divine Truth, in public, for some time past, to the approbation and edification of the church. We are satisfied that Brother Miller has a gift to improve in public; and are willing he should improve the same, wherever his lot may be cast among the Zion of God, - that the name of the Lord may be glorified, and his followers edified. Done in Church Meeting, Saturday, Sept. 14, 1833. By order of the Church. MWM 108.3

“(Signed,) BYRON S. HARLOW, Clerk pro tem.” MWM 109.1

In a letter to his sister, before referred to, written two days subsequent to the date of the above, and dated “Low Hampton, Sept. 16, 1833,” he speaks of the above license, and of his labors, as follows: MWM 109.2

“I have just returned from Dresden, where I have been to spend a Sabbath, and to preach to them the word of life. My texts, yesterday, were Hosea 13:1; Isaiah 61:7; and Psalm 102:16...I do feel anxious to come and see you; and, if the Lord will, and your people should not object, to try to speak to them of the things of the kingdom. My brethren have given me a license - unworthy and old and disobedient as I am. Oh, to grace how great a debtor!” MWM 109.3

He then proceeds with matters of mere family interests; and closes with the following exhortation to his brother-in-law, respecting the doctrine of Universalism: MWM 109.4

“Just as sure as the word of God is true, depend upon it, universal salvation is not true. Was this what David saw, when he saw the end of the wicked? Enter into the sanctuary of your own conscience, my brother, and you will find ‘NO,’ or declarations as plain. ‘Strive to enter in at the strait gate; for many shall strive to enter in, and shall not be able.’ Look at Daniel 12:9, 10; - here we have the end described. What does conscience say? Be careful, my brother; remember that eternal consequences hang on your decision; and what is the answer? ‘Many (not all) shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand.’ See Malachi 4:1-3. Where are the wicked, the proud, and all that do wickedly? Do they enjoy the healing beams of the Sun of righteousness? MWM 109.5

’No.’ Again, in Matthew 13:49, 50. Are the wicked permitted to dwell with the just? Is heaven and happiness their abode? Enter into the sanctuary, and what do you hear? No! No! Again, in Matthew 25:12, 30, and 46. Do the foolish virgins enter in to the marriage supper? or are they ever married to the Lamb? No! Is the unprofitable servant ‘in light and glory?’ No! No! And are the goats enjoying the same communion with the sheep? or are they going ‘into life eternal?’ No! No! NO! Read, again, Romans 1:18, to the fifth verse of the second chapter. Would it be unjust for God to condemn the characters there described? Your judgment tells you No. Your conscience responds the same answer, No! Your tongue must one day answer NO! For every tongue must and will confess to the glory of God. Oh! my brother, enter into the sanctuary, and knock while the door may be opened; seek while you may find; look while you may live; and you will most assuredly learn ’their end.’ All the plausible reasoning of all the Universalists under the whole canopy of heaven, cannot save one soul. ‘Except a man is born of the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’” MWM 110.1

During the fall of 1833, and the ensuing winter, Mr. Miller seems to have been constantly occupied in lecturing in Dresden and other towns in New York and Vermont. The very modest estimate which he had of his own abilities and qualifications as a preacher, is apparent in all his correspondence where any reference is made to his public labors. In writing to Eld. Hendryx, under date of Low Hampton, Feb. 25th, 1834, he says; MWM 110.2

“..You have undoubtedly heard that I have been trying to preach (as some call it) about in this vicinity. I have been laboring, it is true, in my weak manner, in Dresden, two or three months; and the Lord has seen fit to bless us with a little reformation. I have likewise preached in Putnam, Wrentham, Poultney, and in this place. You laugh, Bro. Hendryx, to think old Bro. Miller is preaching! But laugh on: you are not the only one that laughs; and it is all right - I deserve it. If I could preach the truth, it is all I could ask.” MWM 110.3

Being now recognized as a regularly licensed preacher, his Bro. Hendryx naturally addressed him as the “Rev. MWM 110.4

William Miller.” To a letter thus directed, Mr. Miller, under date of “Hampton, March 22, 1834,” thus replied: MWM 111.1

“DEAR BRO. HENDRYX: - I wish you would look into your Bible, and see if you can find the word Rev. applied to a sinful mortal like myself; and govern yourself accordingly...... Let us be determined to live and die on the Bible. God is about to rise and punish the inhabitants of the world. The proud, the high, the lofty must be brought low; and the humble, the meek, and the contrite will be exalted. Then, what care I for what the world calls great or honorable? Give me Jesus, and a knowledge of his word, faith in his name, hope in his grace, interest in his love, and let me be clothed in his righteousness, and the world may enjoy all the high-sounding titles, the riches it can boast, the vanities it is heir to, and all the pleasures of sin; and they will be no more than a drop in the ocean. Yes, let me have Jesus Christ, and then vanish all earthly toys. What glory has God revealed in the face of Jesus Christ! In him all power centres. In him all power dwells. He is the evidence of all truth, the fountain of all mercy, the giver of all grace, the object of all adoration, and the source of all light; and I hope to enjoy him to all eternity. What! such a sinful wretch as I enjoy Christ? How can this be? Yes, yes; through the electing love of God, the sprinkling of the blood of the covenant, and the work of regeneration, such a sinner as I may be cleansed from sin, purified, and made white, and glorified in the New Jerusalem, together with him, and with all who love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and who love his appearing. Bro. H., shall you and I appear together in that general assembly and church of the first born? If God will, I hope we shall there meet, to part no more. How can I realize the glory that will there be manifested? And how could I bear the thought to be banished from the face of Jesus, and from the glory of his power? Forbid it, O my Redeemer! Forbid! and let grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord.” MWM 111.2

The same devotional feelings are manifest in all his epistles, and also evince that he experienced nearness of access to God, and great religious enjoyment. MWM 111.3

Many of his unstudied letters contain sentiments poetically expressed. Some of these have been given in the preceding pages. The following one contains so full a synopsis of his views, that it is here inserted entire: MWM 112.1

“North Hampton, August 17, 1834. MWM 112.2

“DEAR BROTHER HENDRYX: - Your favor of last month was duly received. I have delayed writing, for fear my letter would arrive at Locke before you. Since I saw you, I have been on a tour north. I was gone from home twenty-eight days, and delivered thirty-two lectures on the second coming of our dear Redeemer and his personal reign, as follows:- two at Keene, nine at Jay, (there a reformation broke out while I was lecturing, and Brother Sawyer writes me that it is still progressing, and that about eighty have been the fruits thus far), seven at a place called the Forks (here three were converted before I left, and eight or ten were under conviction, not heard from since), nine at Keesville (a great concourse of people, spent two Sabbaths and one week, some Universalists shaken), five at Peru Village (large audience, and some conversions - one strong Universalist). I have spent a few Sabbaths in this vicinity; but shall take another tour next week. MWM 112.3

“How thankful, Brother Hendryx, we ought to be, that God can and does make use of feeble, frail, broken instruments, for the salvation of immortal souls! Yes, thanks be to God! Let all glory belong to him. I have had invitations from twelve other places to visit them and lecture on the same subject. After haying and harvesting are over, I shall go again. If I am correct, how important is time! Nine years will pass soon; and then, my dear brother, you and I must render our account before the solemn bar of our omnipotent Judge. MWM 112.4

“Come, come, dear Saviour, nor let time delay! ............Revelation 22:17, 20. MWM 112.5

Break, sacred morning! usher in the day, ..................Isaiah 58:8. MWM 112.6

When all the happy throng, the heavenly band, ..............Daniel 7:10. MWM 112.7

Shall descend from above, ‘the spirit land;’ ...............1 Thessalonians 4:14. MWM 112.8

When the seventh trump its solemn blast shall sound, ........” “16. MWM 112.9

And Gabriel’s voice shall shake the solid ground; ..........Isaiah 2:19, 21. MWM 112.10

When sleeping myriads from their graves shall rise, ........1 Thessalonians 4:16. MWM 112.11

And meet thee, Jesus, in these nether skies; ...............” “17. MWM 112.12

When those who yet remain, by sin oppressed, ...............” “” MWM 112.13

Will feel a sudden change and join the blessed. ............1 Corinthians 15:51, 52. MWM 112.14

There all the Spirit’s fruits unite to praise ..............Galatians 6:8. MWM 113.1

The Father, Son, and Spirit - ‘Ancient of days.’ ...........Daniel 7:9, 22. MWM 113.2

“Yes, my brother, if we are found looking, longing and believing, happy will that meeting be. ‘Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection,’ etc. But if, on the contrary, we are hypocrites, what a sad scene, what a dismal morning to us! MWM 113.3

“When from the East we see the cloud arise, ...............Acts 1:9, 11. MWM 113.4

And bring to view a Saviour long despised, .................Revelation 1:7. MWM 113.5

When we shall hear the trump’s portentous roll, ............Isaiah 27:13. MWM 113.6

That shakes the earth from centre to the pole; .............Psalm 18:7. MWM 113.7

When, from the great white throne, indignant ire ...........Revelation 20:11. MWM 113.8

Shoots forth its blaze, and sets the world on fire: ........Malachi 4:1. MWM 113.9

Then all the wicked, all that pride can boast, ............. “” “ MWM 113.10

’Shall be as stubble,’ saith the Lord of hosts; ............ “” “ MWM 113.11

When kings, and captains, tyrants, mighty men, .............Revelation 19:18. MWM 113.12

Are the great supper for the fowls of heaven; ..............” “17. MWM 113.13

And kingdoms, thrones, and powers, dominions riven, ........Daniel 2:44. MWM 113.14

Like chaff before the angry whirlwind driven. ..............“” 35. MWM 113.15

The dragon, papal beast, the great arch-foe, ...............Revelation 19:20. MWM 113.16

Shall sink in endless night, - eternal woe; ................” 20:10. MWM 113.17

The orb of day, his face be hid in gloom, ..................Isaiah 24:23. MWM 113.18

And the old reeling earth in Nature’s tomb. ................“” 20. MWM 113.19

“But we, my brother, if we are what we profess to be, look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. MWM 113.20

“When this dark orb shall from its ashes rise, ............Isaiah 65:17. MWM 113.21

And the new heavens, descending from the skies, ............Revelation 21:10. MWM 113.22

The bride, adorned in robes of righteousness, ..............“” 2. MWM 113.23

Shall with the Bridegroom enter into rest. .................Hebrews 4:9. MWM 113.24

Then, O my soul, shall you, permitted, view ................Psalm 130:5-8. MWM 113.25

The word fulfilled: ‘created all things new;’ ..............Revelation 21:5. MWM 113.26

And all be banished - trials, sins and fears, ..............“” 4. MWM 113.27

To live and reign with Christ a thousand years. ............” 20:6. MWM 113.28

The beloved city, filled with boys and men, ................Zechariah 8:4, 5. MWM 113.29

Will constitute the New Jerusalem, .........................“” 3,8. MWM 113.30

And there, as priests of God, with Christ to dwell, ........Revelation 20:6. MWM 113.31

While Satan and his hosts are chained in hell. .............“” 1-3. MWM 113.32

But, lo! a thousand years are past and gone, ...............“” 7. MWM 113.33

Since the new world was from the old one born; .............Isaiah 42:5-9. MWM 113.34

When death gives up the particles of dust, .................Revelation 20:13. MWM 113.35

And hell lets loose the spirits of the curs’d. .............“” 13. MWM 113.36

Then on the surface of the earth they stand, ...............“” 9. MWM 113.37

A company unnumbered as the sand; .......................... “” 8. MWM 113.38

For in the flesh they sinned in time that’s pass’d. ........Romans 7:5. MWM 113.39

So in the flesh must they be judg’d at last; ...............1 Peter 4:6. MWM 113.40

Deceived and gathered, round the city come, ................Revelation 20:8. MWM 113.41

To hear their sentence and receive their doom. .............“” 13. MWM 113.42

But can they scale those walls, so great and high? .........Revelation 21:22. MWM 114.1

No; nothing enters that doth make a lie. ...................“” 27. MWM 114.2

Now from the golden gates, from tower to tower, ............“” 12-18. MWM 114.3

The saints look forth for the decisive hour! ..........1 Corinthians 6:2.Revelation 14:7. MWM 114.4

Then justice, from on high, in fiery breath, ..........Daniel 9:3.Hebrews 12:29. MWM 114.5

Destroys the rebels - this ‘the second death!’ ........Revelation 20:9, 14; 21:8. MWM 114.6

“But stop; what am I about? Writing poetry, when I ought to have been writing sober prose! for I am almost certain I shall never see you again, until the morning of that day comes, ‘and the Sun of righteousness arises.’ - Malachi 4:2. MWM 114.7

“With healing wings shall grace on grace distil, ..........Zechariah 4:7. MWM 114.8

And cleanse the church on Zion’s holy hill; ................Daniel 8:14. MWM 114.9

Where sin no more controls, nor death by sin, ..............Romans 5:12-21. MWM 114.10

But justified and glorified with him: ......................” 8:30-39. MWM 114.11

No need of sun or moon, for He’s our light; ................Revelation 21:23. MWM 114.12

No changing seasons there, nor gloomy night; ...............” 22:5. MWM 114.13

No parting there of friends, nor farewells given, ..........Romans 8:35-39. MWM 114.14

But gathered all in one from earth and heaven. .............Ephesians 1:10. MWM 114.15

On this my faith is fixed, my hope is rais’d; ..............1 Corinthians 13:13. MWM 114.16

To him the glory, and his name be prais’d. .................Psalm 148. MWM 114.17

Then, while I stay in this unfriendly state, ...............1 Corinthians 15:9. MWM 114.18

Lord, give me grace, and patiently I’ll wait. ..............Romans 5:4, 5. MWM 114.19

“Poetry again! Indeed, Brother Hendryx, you must forgive me, for my pen refuses to write anything except it hobbles along in verse; and this may be wholly uninteresting to you. MWM 114.20

“For poets say, and surely they can tell, .................Song of Solomon 1:7. MWM 114.21

To read a poet right, ‘drink from his well;’ ............Song of Solomon 5:1.Acts 8:29. MWM 114.22

To catch the spirit, touch the spirit’s flame, ..........1 John 4:1.Romans 8:9. MWM 114.23

And kindred spirits kindle back again. .....................1 Timothy 4:12. MWM 114.24

Then read my quotings, brother, and believe, ...............2 Corinthians 1:12-14. MWM 114.25

If I’m not right, I’m happy being deceived; ................Galatians 6:3, 4. MWM 114.26

For hope’s an anchor, - all in this agree, - ...............Hebrews 6:19. MWM 114.27

And faith a helmsman - so at least with me; ................2 Corinthians 5:7. MWM 114.28

The word of God my compass, love the pole, .............Revelation 15:2.Isaiah 60:9. MWM 114.29

Experience my sails, and Christ the whole. .................Ezekiel 27:7. MWM 114.30

Grace is my ballast, for it keeps me low; ..................Romans 7:7-25. MWM 114.31

The Spirit is the wind, that bears me through; .......Song of Solomon 4:16. Acts 2:2. MWM 114.32

Perfection is the haven for which I run, ...................Ephesians 4:13. MWM 114.33

Consigned to him who gave for me his Son; ..............1 Corinthians 15:24.John 3:16. MWM 114.34

Life is the voyage, and I am ‘homeward bound,’ .............Jeremiah 45:5. MWM 114.35

Time is my log-book, death my anchor-ground; ...........Revelation 2:10.Psalm 116:15. MWM 114.36

The resurrection is my ship o’erhauled, ................” 20:6.Psalm 17:15. MWM 114.37

Eternity unites us all in all. .............................1 Corinthians 15:28. MWM 114.38

“And now, surely, brother, your patience will be relieved; for my paper is filled up, and I can only say, my respects to all you and yours. Mrs. Miller sends hers also. MWM 115.1

“I remain your brother in the Gospel, “WILLIAM MILLER. MWM 115.2

Mr. Miller kept no journal, nor any record of the places he visited, till October, 1834. Beginning at a place called “The Forks,” supposed to be “Moore’s Forks” in Clinton county, N. Y., the names of places where, the dates when, and the texts from which, he preached, are given in two small memorandum-books, as follows: PLACE TIME. TEXT. TEXT. MWM 115.3

Forks, N. Y. Oct.1,1834 Luke 15:18. Revelation 8:13. MWM 115.4

Keesville, N. Y. “5,” Revelation 1:20. Job 23:24. MWM 115.5

Beekmantown, “6,” Daniel 8:13, 14.” 10:14. MWM 115.6

Plattsburgh, “8,” Daniel 8:13, 14. Revelation 20:6. MWM 115.7

Keesville, “11,” 1 Corinthians 3:11. MWM 115.8

” “12,” Romans 8:6, 7. Luke 15:18. MWM 115.9

Westport, “14,” Daniel 8:13, 14. “10:14.” “15,” Revelation 20:6. MWM 115.10

After visiting the above places, he returned home to Low Hampton, and soon after wrote to Elder Hendryx, as follows: MWM 115.11

“North Hampton, 1The north part of Hampton is called Low or North Hampton, to distinguish it from the main part of the town. Oct.23, 1834. MWM 115.12

“MY DEAR BROTHER HENDRYX:- Your favor of Sept. 17 came to hand while I was absent on a tour into Clinton county, of about six weeks, I gave thirty-six lectures on the Second Coming of Christ, was at two covenant meetings, attended two protracted meetings in said time, saw a number of new-born babes in Christ, and now, being at home, I shall write to Brother H. and rest myself a little. .... MWM 115.13

“You ask me to give you a skeleton of some discourse. My last was from Romans 8:6. And, MWM 115.14

“I. I show the exercise of the carnal mind. “II. I show the exercise of the spiritual mind. “III. Explain Death, Life and Peace. “How I treated my first and second heads you well know. MWM 115.15

“III. Death is a separation. MWM 116.1

“1st. Natural death is a separation of soul and body. All mankind are its subjects. It is not the penalty of the law; for Christ became the end of the law for us, etc. MWM 116.2

“2nd. Death moral is a separation from holiness and happiness. All men were under this death by reason of sin. This is the penalty - and Christ bore this in his own body on the tree, when he cried, ‘My God, my God,’ etc. This death is eternal, unless we are delivered by some power that can give life. And we must be born of the Spirit, or be morally dead forever. MWM 116.3

“3rd. Death spiritual is a separation from piety, or from spiritual life; and none but those who have been born of the Spirit can become subjects of this death, and those only while in the body, ‘absent from the Lord.’ 2 Corinthians 1:9. MWM 116.4

“Life is the opposite of Death; and is natural, moral and spiritual. Natural life is animal, and may and doth exist in transgressors of the holy law of God. This all men have and will possess, both before and after the resurrection. Moral life is that life enjoyed by all perfectly holy beings, as the holy angels, man in his original state, and the church of the First-born made perfect. It is God with us, saints glorified, etc. Spiritual life is the life enjoyed by spiritual men; those who live not after the flesh, but after the Spirit; those who are born of the spiritual man, the Lord from heaven. This is more or less enjoyed by the Christian in this imperfect state, is the fruit of the Spirit, and is manifested by love, faith and hope, and all the graces of the Spirit. These are the spiritual seed, children of the promise; which have the promise not only of this (spiritual) life, but of that (moral life) which is to come, which is eternal, out of the reach of sin or temptation. MWM 116.5

“Peace is that holy exercise of love to God and man, which constitutes the happiness of all souls reconciled to the government of God; makes them at peace with God, with man, and their own conscience, and gives a taste of heaven, happiness, and the world to come. MWM 116.6

“I am every day more convinced that the whole word of God is given for our instruction, reproof and correction; and that the prophecies contain the strongest evidences of the divinity and truth of the Bible; and present to saint and sinner the strongest motives for a holy life, and repentance and faith towards God, that can be produced. When John preached repentance, he prophesied that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, as a principal motive. The apostles prophesied that God had appointed a day, in which he would judge the world in righteousness, by that man, Jesus Christ; and your unworthy brother in Christ proclaims that the day is at hand, when ‘he that is filthy will be filthy still, and he that is holy will be holy still’; and that Christ is now standing at the door and knocking for the last time. And, my dear brother, I can truly say ‘that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.’ And yet how many professed ministers of Christ, at the present day, treat that part of the word with total neglect, and even laugh and jeer at those who would warn the people of their approaching danger. But God has supported me beyond my most sanguine expectation. And although they say much before they hear, yet when they do hear they seem confounded. MWM 116.7

“The evidence is so clear, the testimony is so strong, that we live on the eve of the present dispensation, towards the dawn of the Glorious Day, that I wonder why ministers and people do not wake up and trim their lamps. Yes, my brother, almost two years since you heard the news, ’Behold, the bridegroom cometh!’ - and yet you cry, A little more sleep, a little more slumber. Blame not your people if they go to sleep under your preaching. You have done the same. Bear with me, my brother. In every letter you have written me, you have promised to study this all-important subject, and in every letter you confess your negligence. The day draws near. More than one sixth of the time is gone since my Brother Hendryx promised, and yet asleep! Oh! God, forgive him! Are you waiting for all the world to wake up before you dare get up? ‘Where has your courage fled?’ Awake! awake! O sluggard! Defend your own castle, or take sides with the word of God; destroy, or build. You must not, you cannot, you shall not be neutral. Awake! awake! Tell Deacon Smith to help wake you. Tell him, for me, to shake you, and not give out shaking, until Bro. H. will put on the whole armor of light. MWM 117.1

“In every church where I have lectured on this important subject, many, very many, seem to awake, rub open their eyes, and then fall back to sleep again. But the enemy is waking up. In one town (North Beekmantown) I received a letter, the day after my first lecture, from some bullies and blackguards, ‘that if I did not clear out of the state, they would put me where the dogs could never find me.’ The letter was signed by ten of them. I staid, and, blessed be God! he poured out his Spirit, and began a work which gain-sayers could not resist. MWM 117.2

“Some ministers try to persuade their people not to hear me; but the people will go, and every additional lecture will bring an additional multitude, until their meeting-houses cannot hold them. Depend upon it, my brother, God is in this thing; and he will be glorified; and blessed be his holy name! Do pray for me, my brother, that I may have grace equal to my need, and that I may always see my need, feel my weakness, and be kept humble, and that I may always declare the truth. Do pray! MWM 118.1

“I think, if the Lord will, I shall be in your section of country next spring or summer. Do give me a list of some brethren between here and your place, if you can. MWM 118.2

“I remain yours in Christ, Rev. T. HENDRYX. “WILLIAM MILLER.” MWM 118.3

Two days subsequent to the date of the above, Mr. M. was again in the field; and, according to his memorandum-book, gave lectures as follows: Oct. 25 and 26, at Paulet, Vt.; Nov. 6, 8 and 9, at Orwell, Vt.; 10 and 12, in Cornwall, Vt.; and Nov. 16, in Hampton, N. Y. His success in the above places is indicated in the following extract from a letter which he wrote Elder Hendryx from Low Hampton, on the 28th of Nov., 1834: MWM 118.4

“I have had good success since I wrote you before. The Lord has been with me. I have been into a number of towns in Vermont. Some old, hardened rebels have been brought to plead for mercy, even before my course of lectures was finished. Blessed be the holy name of God! He has given me more than I should have dared to ask. How good, my brother, it is to preach, having God for paymaster! He pays down. He pays in souls. He paid the Shepherd thus, and he was satisfied: will he not pay his servants too? Yes, yes. Bless his name, O my soul, for all his benefits! MWM 118.5

“I find that studious Christians are the best hearers; and the reason is obvious. The more we know of mankind, the less room there is for bigotry, superstition, and prejudice. Those are evils always attending ignorance.” MWM 119.1

With the exception of a single Sabbath in Orwell, Vt., Mr. Miller remained at home during the remainder of the year. MWM 119.2