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Questions to Lesson 16*Of whose law does the Son of God testify? What do some attempt? What were the apostles sent to teach? Whose words are forced? What do people bring upon themselves by wresting the Scriptures? What brings destruction? What will encourage people to sin? On what will the apostles sit in the regeneration? As law-givers, or as judges? To explain away the fact that Christ offered life to commandment-keepers, what is said? Who was dead and is alive? To whom did he give a revelation many years after the resurrection? What were his last words of blessing? What does he mean by his commandments? What may commandment-keepers hope for? Do you want eternal life?

With such testimony, from the lips of the Son of God, in favor of his Father’s law, it is truly astonishing that any, who hope for salvation through him, should attempt to prove that law abolished by forcing the words of the apostles, whom he sent out to teach the way of salvation from sin, which is transgression of the law. But so it is; and it is the words of Paul that are so forced. The Holy Spirit, foreseeing this, gave a timely warning, by another Apostle, that those who did so, would do it to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:15, 16. It is sin that brings destruction; and sin is the transgression of the law. There is no surer way to encourage sin than to teach that the law is abolished. Therefore Paul is forced to teach that the law has passed away, and thus to contradict him who sent him. BIC 37.2

Having exalted the apostles to their thrones before the regeneration, (Matthew 19:28; Revelation 20:4,) not as judges, but as law-givers, or rather as law-abolishers, the teachings of Jesus must be made to harmonize with this forced interpretation of theirs. To explain the fact that he presented the commandments to those who would enter into life, it is said, that the law was not abolished till Christ died; that the Jewish law was in force up to that time, therefore he taught it. BIC 38.1

To this we reply, that we have the testimony of him that liveth and was dead, and is alive for evermore. Jesus bore a testimony to his servant John, about 60 years after his resurrection; if it disagrees with what he taught before, we will admit that the law is abolished or changed. His last testimony, on the point before us, is this: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14. That these are the words of Jesus needs no proof but what is found in close connection. Verses 13, 16. The way of the commandments is still the way of life. He does not say, My commandments, nor Their commandments, but His commandments; and there can be no reasonable doubt that he means the commandments of the Father; the same that he had always taught, and that as the way of entering into eternal life. BIC 38.2