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LESSON XVIII. The Restoration of the Law

Questions to Lesson 18*By whom has the law of God not been changed? Who has attempted a change? What part of the subject is introduced in this lesson? What do we claim in respect to the restoration? What do the prophets clearly point out? What is said in Isaiah 8:16? What are the ten commandments often called? Will you repeat Exodus 31:18? What is implied by binding up? When must the testimony be bound up? How long were the saints in the power of the changer of laws? Where does this brings the binding up? Is not the time given more definitely? When is it? What says the next verse? At the same time, what will people be saying? When did the spirits begin their present work? When did the special work in favor of the law of God begin? What prophetic words are now being fulfilled?

Much more might be said to prove that the law of God has never been abolished or changed, by its Divine Author; but we leave this part of the subject. That the Man of Sin would attempt a change has been briefly noticed in Lesson 10. We now will notice the restoration of the commandments-the repairing of the breach; for a special work of restoring is as clearly foretold, in the word of God, as the fact, that the Little Horn should think to change times and laws. And not only so, but the prophets clearly point out the time when this work must be done. BIC 42.1

In Isaiah 8:16, it is said, Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. The law and the testimony, in this, and in verse 20, I understand to be one and the same thing-the ten commandments, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word.” This word, in the singular number, refers to the law and testimony, showing that they are one thing. The ten commandments are often called the testimony. We will quote two texts in proof of this. Exodus 25:16. And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee. Exodus 31:18. And he gave Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. BIC 42.2

Bind up the testimony. The expression, bind up, is used in the sense of healing; as we would bind up a limb that is broken or wounded. The Lord, speaking of his flock, promised to bind up that which was broken. Ezekiel 34:16. BIC 43.1

When is the testimony to be bound up? After it is broken, of course. We do not bind up a limb before it is broken. The blasphemous work of the Little Horn has filled up a time, times and a half (1260 years) of the gospel dispensation. The binding up must be after the end of that period. This brings it near the present time. But is not the time given more definitely still? Yes: the testimony is to be bound up, and the law sealed among the disciples, when the Lord’s people are looking for his coming. The next verse says, And I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. BIC 43.2

Again, this work must be done when the people are seeking to familiar spirits, professing to be the spirits of the dead. Verse 19. And when they shall say unto you. Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter; should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? It is since 1844 that the “rapping spirits” commenced their present work; and the special work that is now going on in favor of the law of God, began about the same time. These two special works are progressing at the present time. The testimony is being bound up. The law of God is being sealed-confirmed-among the disciples of the Lord. The words of the prophet are now being fulfilled: Bind up the testimony. BIC 43.3