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Questions to Lesson 20*What is said in Revelation 12:17? What is given in this chapter? Who makes war with them? Where does the woman flee? How long does she remain there? What do we understand that to be? When did they end? What is said of the dragon after this? With whom does he make war? Who are the remnant? What is the cause of the dragon’s wrath? How many commandments can we keep and not offend the dragon? How does the word of God adjudge him who breaks one of the commandments? What commandments will the remnant keep? Who thought to change them?

Another proof, that the commandments will be restored to the people of God, is found in Revelation 12:17: And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. BIC 47.1

This chapter gives, in symbolic language, a brief history of God’s people on earth, down to the end. The dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, makes war with them to the last. After the man-child, which symbolizes Jesus Christ, is caught up to God, the woman is driven to the wilderness, where she remains the same length of time that the saints, times and laws were given into the hand of him who should think to change times and laws: (Daniel 7:25:) that is, a time, and times, and half a time-a thousand two hundred and three score days. (Compare verse 6, with verse 14.) This time is really twelve hundred and sixty years, and ended a little more than 50 years age. BIC 47.2

During all this time, the dragon, prevailing against the seed of the woman, the saints of God, enjoys his triumph. But soon the dragon is enraged-he is wroth with the woman, and renews the combat with his once subjected, but now rising foe. He goes to make war with “the remnant of her seed.” The remnant consist of the few faithful ones which remain to the coming of the Lord-the last end of the church on earth. BIC 47.3

What is it now that stirs the dragon’s wrath? What is there new, that comes across his path? The remnant have reared up the law of God, Which had for ages in the dust been trod; That law the Man of Sin had thought to change. They keep entire, and this seems very strange. BIC 48.1

They keep the commandments of God. This enrages the dragon. Is he not angry with all professors of Christianity? Do they not all keep God’s commandments? They may in part; but the remnant will keep them all. BIC 48.2

The dragon is content if men but break One plain command, knowing the choice they make; While one command they trample in the mire, Nine they may keep and not evoke his ire. BIC 48.3

James says we are guilty if we “keep the whole law and yet offend in one.” The Enemy of man knows this, and he will be as quiet as a lamb as long as men knowingly violate one commandment. But if we keep ten, he will declare war. BIC 48.4

Thus we see that the remnant, the last of the church on earth, will keep the same commandments Daniel kept, and which the Lord showed him the Papal church would think to change. BIC 49.1