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Questions to Lesson 23*Where now is the law of God? What were the earthly tabernacle and vessels of ministry? What must the heavenly things themselves resemble? What were the holy places made with hands? What is in heaven? With how many holy places? What is it called? Is the law of God in it? What is said in Revelation 11:19? When was the ark seen there? Was it an empty ark, or the ark of his testament? How many commandments did the pattern ark contain? Where then are the ten commandments?

But the typical dispensation is passed away; the earthly tabernacle is no more. Is there now no place for the law of God? There is. It is in the true tabernacle which is in heaven. Hebrews 8:2. Paul teaches us that the earthly tabernacle and vessels of ministry were the patterns of things in the heavens. Hebrews 9:23. Then there must be “the heavenly things themselves” and they must resemble their patterns on earth. “The holy places made with hands are the figures of the true.” Verse 24. There is, then, a temple in heaven, with its two holy places. It is called in Revelation 15:5, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven. Does it contain the testimony? BIC 53.3

The Christian’s temple is in heaven. Is the law of God in it? It is. Revelation 11:19. The temple of God was opened is heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament. BIC 54.1

When was the ark seen there? After the seventh angel began to sound, that is, near the close of probationary time. Revelation 10:7. Is that ark empty? or is the testimony in it? Mark the language-the ark of his testament. There is a wide difference between a basket of corn, and a corn basket. One is much more valuable than the other. So there is a difference between an empty ark, and the ark of his testament. BIC 54.2

Among the patterns of the things in heaven, was an ark containing the tables of the ten commandments. In heaven the ark is seen, and what is in it? The pattern contained ten commandments: is there but nine in heaven? Deep in the earthly table was engraved, The seventh day is the Sabbath. Think you the heavenly tables say, The first? BIC 55.1

The ten commandments are in the heavenly temple. Within the second vail, beneath the throne of Him that dwelleth between the cherubim, is their secure abode. They are beyond the reach of those who would abolish, or change them; and as well might feeble man attempt to pluck away the foundation of God’s throne, as to remove one jot or tittle of that holy law. BIC 55.2