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LESSON XLVIII. National Troubles

Questions to Lesson 48*What said Jesus in Luke 21:25? Where have some looked for the signs in the sun, moon and stars? How does this text prove that these signs will be fulfilled? How are these signs being fulfilled? What is the next sign in the heavens? What will the guilty then no longer have? What will our High Priest have laid down? What will he have taken? What prophet speaks of these signs in heaven? What does he prophesy to the nations? What is this preparation a sign of? What will take place when the Lord shall utter his voice from his holy habitation? What comes before the wrath of God under the sounding of the seventh angel? What fact proves that the present troubles among the nations, are the ones prophesied of?

Our Lord said as recorded by Luke, And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity. Luke 21:25. Some have taught that the signs, in the sun, moon and stars, were figurative, and were to have their fulfillment among the nations of the earth. But this text proves that view to be false. It shows that the signs in the heavens are to be literally fulfilled and followed by literal signs among the nations on earth. BIC 112.1

The signs are being fulfilled in their order. Since the falling of the stars, we see distress and perplexity coming upon the nations; and when the next great sign in heaven appears, the shaking of the powers of heaven, men will see their hopeless condition, and will actually be dying for fear, and for looking for those things that are coming upon the earth. Then Mercy, so long abused, will have fled, and stern Justice, with flaming sword, will take the field. Then the guilty will no longer have an intercessor in the Sanctuary to wash away their guilt; but our great High Priest will have laid down the golden censer, and taken the iron scepter with which to break the heathen, and dash them in pieces as a potter’s vessel. Psalm 2:9. BIC 112.2

The same order of events is given by the prophet Joel. In the second chapter he foretells the signs in the sun and moon. Then, in the third chapter, he speaks of the troubles among the nations. He says, Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near. Chap 3:9. What does this preparation for war indicate? This question is answered in verse 14: The day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. [Cutting off, or threshing.] The harvest of the earth is almost ready for the sickle. Verse 13; Revelation 14:14. And then, in verse 16, the prophet says, The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth shall shake. Here we have, 1st. Signs in the lights of heaven, 2nd. National troubles, and 3rd. The voice of God which shakes not the earth only, but also heaven. Hebrews 12:26. BIC 113.1

Before the great day of wrath comes, the nations are to be angry. Under the sounding of the seventh trumpet there are a number of distinct events to take place, two of which are, (1,) The nations were angry, (2,) and thy wrath is come. Revelation 11:18. This agrees with the other scriptures to show that national troubles will come just before the day of wrath. And what makes it certain, that the present troubles among the nations are the ones referred to in the prophecies, is the fact that the signs in the heavens have already been seen, which were to be followed by distress of nations and perplexity. BIC 114.1