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LESSON XLIX. Definite Time

Questions to Lesson 49*What was revealed concerning the first advent of Christ? For what else was definite time given? What said the angel to Daniel? What object could be gained by giving time that could not be understood? What is all scripture given by inspiration of God? In which chapter is the date of the beginning of the 2300 days? In the eighth chapter what was the angel Gabriel commanded to do? To what does he call Daniel’s attention in the ninth chapter? What part of the time was cut off for the Jews? Where did the 69 weeks end? Where the seventy? Take seventy weeks from 2300 days and how many days will be left? Add 1810 years to the year 34 and to what year will it bring us? What part of his priesthood is Christ now performing for his people? What is it? When this is finished what does he say?

As there was a definite time revealed when Christ would make his appearance on earth, as the Prophet foretold by Moses, [Deuteronomy 18,] so also definite time was given for the commencement of his last work as our great High Priest, in the true tabernacle in heaven. It was said to Daniel, Unto two thousand and three hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. Daniel 8:14. BIC 114.2

The Lord could have no object in giving a set time for any event, unless he meant for it to be understood by those for whom it was given. If he has not given the means by which we may learn when the time will begin and end, Paul certainly must have been mistaken when he said that all scripture given by inspiration of God is profitable. For what profit can we receive from a set time without a beginning, and, consequently, without an end? BIC 115.1

As there is no date given in this chapter for the commencement of the 2300 days, we must look elsewhere for it. By reading the ninth chapter carefully, we plainly see that the same angel, which was commanded, in the eighth chapter, to make Daniel understand the vision, appears to him again; and, after calling his attention to that vision, tells him that seventy weeks are determined [cut off] upon his people, the Jews. Cut off from what? From the vision of 2300 days, which was the subject which he had just introduced. BIC 115.2

We have seen (Les. 33) that 69 of these seventy weeks reached to the time when Christ was baptized and commenced his ministry, which was in the year 27 of our common reckoning. For the remaining week, the seventieth, in the midst of which Messiah was cut off, (crucified,) we must add seven years. This gives us the year 34 for the end of the seventy weeks. Now we take seventy weeks, which are 490 days, from the 2300 days and we have 1810 days or years remaining. This added to the year 34, where the 70 weeks end, brings us down to the year 1844, where the work of cleansing the sanctuary must commence. BIC 116.1

The act of cleansing the sanctuary, in the typical dispensation, was the last act of the atonement, and occupied only one day in the year. Hence we conclude that our great High Priest is now performing the last work for his people, which is the blotting out of their sins; and that it can be but a little while longer before he that is unholy must remain so still. At this point of time Jesus says, Behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be. Revelation 22:12. BIC 116.2