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LESSON LI. Second Special Message

Questions to Lesson 51*What is the second message? What exists before the call to come out of Babylon? What is her fall? What consequence follows? Who cannot be the subjects of such a fall? What does Babylon still have in her fallen state? At what time was this state of things to exist? What says Paul? What the voice from heaven? When was the fall of Babylon announced? How has the fall of the churches been? When were they forsaken, and their fall proclaimed? What did they desire? To what has God given them up? What looks most like their desired spiritual reign? What will Babylon soon become? Where will her sins have reached? What will then come?

The second prophetic message is, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Verse 8. The fall of Babylon and her destruction are two events. By reading what is said of her in Chap. 18, it will be seen, that her fallen state is the reason why the people of God should forsake her, and, in so doing, escape the destruction which is soon coming upon her. Therefore, her fall is her apostasy from God, in consequence of which she is abandoned of him, as the Jewish people were when it was said, Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. BIC 120.1

The world of non-professors cannot be the subject of this fall, which is moral or spiritual. They that never enjoyed the favor of God cannot fall from his favor. Therefore, this special message respecting Babylon, is the formal announcement that the time is fully come, foretold by Paul, when men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, etc., having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. 2 Timothy 3. This was to be in the “last days,” and God prepares a special message for the last days, declaring that this state of things is fully come. Says Paul, From such turn away; the voice from heaven says, Come out of her my people. BIC 120.2

The second message has been fulfilled. The fall of Babylon was announced in 1844. Thousands heard it and left the various professed churches to which they belonged. Events which have followed, bear united testimony to the truth of that cry, and prove that it was from Heaven. BIC 121.1

The fall, or apostasy of the various churches has been gradual, from the humility, self-denial and cross-bearing of their younger days, down to the pride, worldliness and popularity of their more advanced age. God could not entirely forsake them, and announce their fall, till they should reach a certain point in their departure from him. That point was reached, when they virtually rejected Christ by rejecting the Bible doctrine of his second personal coming. As in the parable of the nobleman, who went into a far country to receive the kingdom and return; so these virtually sent a message after Jesus, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. Luke 19:12. No, said they, we will have a spiritual reign. In many instances they went so far, as to withdraw fellowship from persons, for no other reason than that they looked for, and loved the appearing of Jesus Christ. BIC 121.2

This point reached, God proclaims their fall and abandons them to the strong delusions of Satan; and soon their spiritual reign commences. Raps, from an invisible agent, are soon heard in Hydesville, and then in Rochester, followed by all the signs and wonders of Spirit Manifestations, which are now flooding the churches and the world. BIC 122.1

Soon will it be said in truth, not only that Babylon is fallen, but that she is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. That her sins have reached unto heaven. Revelation 18. Then her plagues will come. BIC 122.2