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LESSON VI. The Ten Commandments are the Law of God

Questions to Lesson 6*What fact may be learned from the testimony already examined? In what chapter do we find the law? Of what does it consist? Who spoke them? From what mountain? What did he do besides speaking them? What are these the precepts? Repeat Deuteronomy 4:13. Chapter 5:22. What do these scriptures prove? What are contained in the ten commandments? What can be added to them which will improve them? What is the language of inspiration concerning this law? Will you try to keep it?

From what has been already seen, we may learn an important fact which we shall do well to remember; and that is, that the Sabbath commandment is the first one revealed in the Bible, as being a part of the law of God. BIC 14.3

We now pass on to the twentieth chapter of Exodus. Here we find the law of God. It consists of ten commandments, and ends at the close of the seventeenth verse. God spoke them all to all Israel with his own voice, when he came down upon the top of Mount Sinai in fire, and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. See Exodus 19:16, and onward. And He wrote them in two tables of stone. BIC 14.4

These ten precepts are a whole, finished code of laws. That the Lord wished us to understand it so, is evident from the Scriptures. In Deuteronomy 4:13, Moses says, And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. Also in Chap 5:22, he says, These words the Lord spake unto all your assembly in the mount, out of the midst of the fire, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: and he added no more; and he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me. These scriptures show that these ten precepts are a whole law; it was perfectly finished; therefore he added no more. BIC 15.1

In these commandments are contained all the great principles of God’s government. The principles of all moral duties are summed up in them. These principles or rules can be carried out more in detail, as they are in other parts of the Bible, but nothing can be added to them which will make them better. They are right altogether. In the language of inspiration by David, The law of the Lord is perfect. Psalm 19:7. It is the perfect law of liberty of which the Apostle speaks. James 1:25. The person that is not condemned by it, enjoys the largest liberty; and whoever tells you that you are at liberty to break one of its precepts, knowing what he does, is himself the servant of corruption. 2 Peter 2:19; Matthew 5:19. BIC 15.2