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Questions to Lesson 9*What object is used in this lesson to illustrate obedience? What is its name? How is it divided towards the top? What is the name of the first branch? Of the second? How many branches spring from Love to God? What are they called? How many from Love to men? What are their names? What upholds these ten branches? What grow out of the ten? What is the fruit of this tree? What is said in Proverbs? What is the tree we have been examining? What does love do? What does it become? What does Christ say in Matthew 19:17? In Revelation 22:14? What is the fruit of breaking the commandments? Will you choose life, or death?

Now let us see what a beautiful tree is produced by obedience to the law of God. The name of the tree is Love; it is deep-rooted in God, the source of love. Its body is straight and its bark is smooth. Towards the top it is divided into two large branches. The name of the first is Love to God; the name of the second is Love to men. [This page has a graphic of a tree as described.] BIC 22.1

The branch called Love to God, parts again into four branches, called, Have no false gods, Make no image, Profane not God’s name, and Keep holy the Creator’s Rest-day. BIC 23.1

The branch called, Love to men bears six principal branches which are named as follows: Honor parents, Kill not, Commit not adultery, Steal not, Witness not falsely, and, Covet not. BIC 23.2

Thus there are ten principal branches supported by the two great ones, and the ten branch out again into all the various duties of life. The leaves cover the whole as a robe of righteousness, and the fruit is the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22. These and many more of the kind, are the “peaceable fruits of righteousness,” or right doing. BIC 23.3

It is said in the Proverbs, that, The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life. Proverbs 11:30. The tree which we have been examining is a tree of love. But love fulfills the law; that is, keeps all its precepts, and thus becomes a tree of life; for Christ said, If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. Matthew 19:17. And again, Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14. BIC 23.4

We might describe the tree of Hatred, breaking all the commandments, and bringing forth fruit unto death; [Romans 6:20-33;] but we turn from the disagreeable picture, and say, in the language of an Apostle, We are persuaded better things of you, things that accompany salvation. Hebrews 6:9. BIC 24.1