The Great
Second Advent
Its Rise and Progress
By J. N. Loughborough
1905 edition
“Though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”
Habakkuk 2:3
[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: While the title page indicates that this is the 1905 edition, when it was republished in 1992 an additional Preface was added, as well as three appendices. It should be noted that Appendix A is a Loughborough document that was never published in his lifetime, but which defended the accuracy of the history contained herein. As noted below, the footnote references have been updated to more recent reprints of those referenced books. Otherwise, Loughborough’s original content is intact.]
Footnote references are assumed to be for those publications used in the 1905 edition of The Great Second Advent Movement. A few references have been updated to correspond with reprinted versions of certain books. They are as follows:—
Early Writings, reprinted in 1945.
Life Sketches, reprinted in 1943.
Spiritual Gifts, reprinted in 1945.
Testmonies for the Church, reprinted in 1948.
The Desire of Ages, reprinted in 1940.
The Great Controversy, reprinted in 1950.
Three Messages of Revelation 14, reprinted in 1970.