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Our prayer for each person that reads this book is that as you read you may know that you have been and you are right now prayed for by multitudes of your Christian brothers and sisters around the world. We are praying that you may sense the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit as you read these pages. He will inspire you with new insights and help you to develop a deep and meaningful relationship with the Trinity that will last until Jesus comes. By earnest sincere heartfelt prayer we can have the privilege to open the treasure house of Heaven and there awaits us multitudes of gifts and blessings which we will never receive unless we ask and earnestly seek the good Lord in prayer. CWG 5.1

Has your Christian life become dry, meaningless and joyless? God has a wonderful way to change all that and completely revitalize, renew, invigorate and make your Christian life the most satisfying experience you ever had in your whole life. CWG 5.2

God personally invites you and me through the Prophet Isaiah to develop on our knees an everlasting relationship that will bring complete fulfillment, great joy and total satisfaction to our lives. CWG 5.3

This is an unconditional invitation irrespective of where we are spiritually. God says to you and me in Isaiah 1:18, “Come now and let us reason together.” Here the Creator of the Universe says to us individually: Come now, I want to have a two-way communication with you, talk to me in sincere prayer, and I will talk to you by that still small voice. CWG 5.4

My precious brothers and sisters, God promises that you will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” Isaiah 30:21. However this precious experience will not come to casual seekers, or if we love our position or possessions or worldly pleasures and sin more than we love the living God. CWG 5.5

Multitudes of you brothers and sisters and this writer have turned the TV off and turned on prayer for lengthy periods of time every day, and as a result, our lives have become most joy filled and happy, contented, very satisfying and truly meaningful, and our prayer is that you may experience the same untold, unexplainable pleasures. CWG 5.6

You can make this old fashioned yet revolutionary experience, this two-way communication with God, a most rewarding experience. And when you do, you will do anything to maintain it forever. CWG 6.1

You'll never be the same person again if thoughtfully and prayerfully you read this book. CWG 6.2

With much Christian love and best wishes, your brother and sister in Christ, CWG 6.3

Tibor and Maria Shelley 


Without the kind suggestion and initiative of Elder Leo Ranzolin, General Conference Vice President, and the help and encouragement of Elder James A. Cress of the General Conference Ministerial Association, this book would not have been reprinted. I am also eternally grateful to my loving wife Maria, who wholeheartedly supports me in all our missionary undertakings. I'm also grateful to my loving daughter, Esther Plewa, who helped me to reconstruct sentences for hours, even at 1:00 a.m., and also to Joan Jones for typing all the prayer thoughts and suggestions. CWG 6.4

Of course, above all, we are thankful to God for all of His wonderful blessings. May He lead and guide continuously in all of our lives. CWG 6.5

Tibor Shelley