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Chapter 20—Why Pray If God Already Knows?


“When you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.”—Matthew 6:7, 8 CWG 52.1


Since God already knows our needs and He is more willing to supply them than parents are to give good things to their children, why do we need to ask for them in prayer? CWG 52.2


We ask because God says, “Ask and ye shall receive”: “Our prayers are not to inform God of something He does not know. The Lord is acquainted with the secrets of every soul.”—Messages to Young People, 247 CWG 52.3

“Even before the prayer is uttered, ... grace from Christ goes forth to meet the grace that is working upon the human soul.”—Christ's Object Lessons, 206 CWG 52.4

“It is a part of God's plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask.”—The Great Controversy, 525 CWG 52.5

Blessings in store for those who ask: “God has a heaven full of blessings that He wants to bestow on those who are earnestly seeking for that help which the Lord alone can give.”—Sons and Daughters of God, 123 CWG 52.6

“When you have asked for things that are necessary for your soul's good, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.”—My Life Today, 16 CWG 52.7

Continue to ask: “God does not say, Ask once and you shall receive. He bids us ask. Unwearyingly persist in prayer. The persistent asking brings the petitioner into a more earnest attitude, and gives him an increased desire to receive the things for which he asks.”—Christ's Object Lessons, 145 CWG 52.8

Watch, lest you defraud the soul: “You need to watch, lest the busy activities of life lead you to neglect prayer when you most need the strength prayer would give. ... It is a great evil to defraud the soul of the strength and heavenly wisdom which are waiting your demand.”—Testimonies For The Church 5:560 CWG 53.1

“Do just what He [God] has told you to do, and be assured that God will do all that He has said He would do.”—Our High Calling, 97 CWG 53.2

Prayer does not change God's mind; it does influence His actions: “The sense of our need leads us to pray earnestly, and our heavenly Father is moved by our supplications.”—Christ's Object Lessons, 172 CWG 53.3

“It is only as we ask in earnest prayer, that God will grant us our heart's desire.”—Gospel Workers, 255 CWG 53.4

Quest for power through prayer: “The Greatest victories gained for the cause of God are not the result of labored argument; ... they are gained in the audience chamber with God.”—Gospel Workers, 259 CWG 53.5


Without prayer we would never know where we are spiritually. It is answered prayer that shows like a gauge our position. No prayer gives no spiritual power, no overcoming power and no heavenly guidance. CWG 53.6

Irregular, little, pathetic short prayers will give little, inadequate spiritual muscle, but still no victory over self, pride, the lust of the flesh, and the cravings of our evil nature, and the temptations we face. CWG 53.7

Much earnest heartfelt prayer of faith will give us that blessed assurance that we have been reanointed daily by the mighty, overcoming power of the Holy Spirit, and that Jesus lives inside of us. Then the world, the flesh, the devil will have no power over us. Self and pride will be bound crucified and buried, and as a result we will have intimate sweet unity with the Trinity, constant overcoming power and ongoing heavenly guidance. CWG 53.8

When we ask and seek and knock, God has promised to answer. CWG 53.9