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In 1962 the church at Saint Helena Sanitarium, California, enjoyed a revival and gained renewed strength through a “School of Prayer” conducted by the pastor and several retired workers of long experience who made up the faculty. CWG 3.1

The school commenced with a Sabbath morning church service, after which classes met for six weeks on prayer-meeting night. To provide adequate time for instruction and participation, the usual time for prayer meeting was extended to an hour and a half. The class session consisted in a presentation by one of the members of the faculty, followed by a panel discussion or by small group meetings. There was also a daily period of personal study and prayer at home. CWG 3.2

It soon became apparent that more effective work would be done if key quotations could be drawn together from the rich sources of the Ellen G. White writings and placed in the hands of the class members for personal study and contemplation. Fifty such studies, entitled Communion With God, were prepared by the faculty and duplicated. Those leading in this initial project were Elder C. M. Mellor, pastor of the Sanitarium church; Elder A. L. Ham, a former vice-president of the General Conference; Elder and Mrs. Taylor G. Bunch, who for long years carried responsibilities in conference leadership and pastoral work; and Miss Minnie Dauphinee, veteran college dean of women. CWG 3.3

This “School of Prayer” proved to be such a blessing that the instructors were invited to present the program in other churches. For this, additional copies of the Communion With God guide were needed. Three thousand were distributed, yet the supply was soon exhausted and requests for more kept coming. It soon became evident that thousands of our members are eager for the blessing accruing from such periods of devotion. It was therefore felt wise that this study guide be published in an attractive but inexpensive form. Thus Communion With God has come into being under the sponsorship of the Ministerial Association of the General Conference. The content of these studies has been drawn almost entirely from the writings of Ellen G. White, whose inspired pen has produced so much on the importance and rewards of prayer. It has been difficult to condense into a few minutes’ reading the wealth of material available from the messenger of the Lord; but all will agree that the initial “School of Prayer” faculty has made a fine selection. CWG 3.4

It is suggested that first the pages for the day be read thoughtfully. Next, ponder the gems presented, asking the question, “Lord, how can I apply this to my own life?” Then one is ready to enter into that most important, sacred, and thrilling experience known to the Christian—prayer! “Ye shall find Me when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.” CWG 4.1

Where “Schools of Prayer” are conducted, we urge that the student pursue still further study in the sources referred to in Communion With God. If such a program could be conducted in our churches throughout the world, what an inspiration that would be! CWG 4.2

Nothing else will do so much for our members as an experience of deep devotion and prayer. Communion With God has been prepared with this in mind. It is with confidence, therefore, that we send forth this booklet. Let us all unite in praying for the promised revival and the showers of the “latter rain.” CWG 4.3

James A. Cress
Secretary, Ministerial Association

Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Shelley whose generosity underwrote the development of this spiritual project.