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The writer does not claim the title of a Theologist, nor of infallibility, and only presents himself in common with other writers on the same, or other subjects to like import, to be tried by the infallible, touchstone of Divine truth; therefore in order that the reader may have a clue to my manner of studying the prophecies, by which I have come to the following result, I have thought proper to give some of the rule of interpretation which I have adopted. ESH 3.1

Prophetical scripture, is very much of it communicated to us by figures, and highly, and richly adorned metaphors; by which mean, that fingers, such as, beats, birds, air or wind, water, foe, candlesticks, lamps, mountains, islands, etc., to represent things prophecied of-such as kingdoms, warriors, principles, people, judgements, churches, profession, larger and smaller governments, etc. It is metaphorical also, as showing some peculiar quality of the thing prophecied of-by the most prominent feature of the figure as the face of a Lion, shows the boldness and power of the people or church spoken of. The face of an ox-subjection and submission. The face of a man-independent, proud and avaricious. The face of an eagle-clear sighted, proneness to flee to the wilderness, away from the haunts of men. Therefore, almost all the figures used in prophecy, have a literal and metaphorical meaning; as beats denote literally a kingdom, so metaphorically, good or bad, as the case may be, to be understood by the particular Subject in connection. To understand the literal meaning or figures used in prophecy, I have pursued the following method-say I find the word “beast”, I follow that word through all the prophets, and find in Daniel 7:17, it is explained to mean “kings or kingdoms.” Again I find the word “bird or fowl,” and in Isaiah 46:11, it is used meaning a conqueror or warrior, to wit, Cyrus. Also in Ezekiel 39:4-9, denotes armies or conquerors. ESH 3.2

I find the word “air or wind” used as in Revelation 9:2 & 16:17. To understand which, I turn to Ephesians 2:2 and learn that it is used to denote the theories of worldly men, or vain philosophy, see also Ephesians 4:14. Again, the word “water, waters, or rivers” are used. I trace the words and find an explanation Revelation 17:15, it means “people, multitude, nations.” “Rivers” of course means the people or nation living on the river, as for instance. Revelation 16:12. “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the waters thereof were dried up.” Which, if I may be permitted to paraphrase I would read thus; Upon the Turkish nation; or Ottoman Government, and the people thereof were dried up, or diminished. As prophecy is a language, somewhat different from other parts of scripture, the events foretold, are not all told by one prophet. And yet there is a perfect chain. They interweave their prophecies in such a manner, that you take away one, and a link will be wanting. This will appear evident to any one, who will take the pains of comparing scripture expressions of a similar kind as for example, see Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:21. Isaiah 47:8. Zephaniah 2:15. Revelation 18:7. There was no book ever written, that has such a general connection as the Bible. And yet it is like a great store house, filled with all the precious commodities that heart could wish thrown in promiscuously, and the biblical student must select, all bring together very part of the subject he wishes to investigate, and then let every word have its proper bearing, and have no contradiction, and yet theory will be correct. Truth is one undeviating path, that grows brighter and brighter the more it is tried. It needs no plausible arguments, nor pompous dress to make it more bright, for the simple and naked the fact, the stronger the truth appears. Let it be noticed also, that God has in study times and by different figures revealed in drivers ways, as in the as in the 2nd, 7th and 8th chapters of Daniel, likewise in all the other prophets, especially to John in Rev. And all those vision or prophecies must be concentrated and brought, together, which have reference to the point, or subject which we wish to investigate, and when we have them all combined, and let every word and sentences have its proper significances, and force, in the grand whole, and the theory, or system, as I have before said, will be correct. ESH 3.3

I have likewise noticed, that in those or prophecies which have been fulfilled, and which are beyond a doubt accomplished, every word, and every particular has had an exact, and almost in every instance, a literal fulfilment. And that no two events has every happened, that can exactly apply to that same prophecy; take for instance the prophecies concerning the birth, and passion or crucifixion of our Saviour, and although millions have suffered martyrdom in as cruel a manner, yet we can never find another, that all the circumstances will exactly agree with the death of Christ, or the prophecies concerning his sufferings. Again, take the prophecies, which have universally been admitted, by protestants at least to apply to Cyrus, Alexander, Julius Caesar, and the church of Rome, and I have never been able to trace even a resemblance to the prophecies in question in any historical events expect the true ones. If this is true, may we not suppose that the unfulfilled prophecies in their accomplishments will be equally as evident and literal? There are two important points to which prophecy seems to centre, the first coming of Church, the promulgation of the gospel, and setting up his visible kingdom. The next point, to which the ardent faith and pious hope of the tried and tempted child of God centres, is the second coming of our dear. Redeemer, the complete redemption from sin, the justification and glorification of his saints, and the destruction of the wicked, and mystical babylon, the abomination of the whole earth. His first coming, was as a man, his human nature being only visible; his second coming will be as God, his divine Godhead and power being most visible; he comes first, like the “first man of the “earth earthly;” his record coming is “the Lord from heaven.” His first coming was literally according to the prophecies. And so may we safely infer will be his second appearance, according to the scriptures. At his advent-his fore-runner was spoken of, “one crying in the wilderness,” the manner of his birth,” a child born of a Virgin” the place where, “Bethlehem;” the time of his death, “seventy weeks,” for what he should suffer, to make an and of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, etc.” The star that appeared, the stripes he received, the miracles he performed, the tauntings of his foes, all was literally fulfilled. Then why not suppose, that all the prophecies concerning his second appearance will be as literally accomplished as the former? Can any show a single reason why it will not? If this true we can obtain much light, by reading his holy word, observing the manner of his second coming, “suddenly, in the clouds, with power and great glory, on a great white throne,” as the “ancient of days.” Likewise, what be will come to do, “send his angles and gather his elect, raise the dead, they that are his at his coming, chain satan a thousand years, destroy the wicked, who destroy the earth, glorify his people, with his own glory, cleanse and purify his church, present her to the Father without spot or wrinkle, live and reign with his people, on the “new heavens, and new earth,” which he will create, the form of the old having passed away. ESH 4.1

The time when these things shall take place is also specified “unto 2300 days, (years,) then shall the sanctuary be Justified.” The signs of the times, are also noticed in the scriptures, after the anti-christian beast has reigned her “time, times and a half,” after the, two witnesses have prophecied, “a thousand two hundred and three score days, clothed in sake both,” after the church captivity in the wilderness, “forty two months,” after the “Gospel should be preached in all the world for a witness, then shall the end come.” When there is a time of trouble such as never was before; when the kings of the East shall come up to battle, when the city of the nations shall be divided into three parts, when the church of Christ is in its Laodicean state; when the seventh seal opens, the seventh vial is poured out, the seventh trumpet sounds, then will the mystery of God be finished and we shall be brought to the last point, his second coming. ESH 5.1

Again, prophecy is sometimes typical, that is, partially fulfiled in one event, but completely only in the last. Such was the prophecy concerning Isaac, partly fulfilled in him, wholly so in Christ; likewise the prophecies concerning the Jewish captivity in Babylon, and their return, are only partly accomplished in the history of those events; the description of those things in the prophets, are so august and magnificent, that if only applicable to the Jews return, the exposition would be week, inefficient and barren. Therefore, I humbly believe, that the exact fulfilment can only be looked for in the captivity of the church, destruction of mystical Babylon, and find glorification of the saints in the new Jerusalem state. ESH 5.2

There is also in the 24th chapter of Matthew many things prophetical of, which were not accomplished at the destruction of Jerusalem; such as the coming of the son of man, in the clouds, the gathering his elect, from the four winds of heaven, his taking one and leaving another, etc. show that there is a double meaning in this prophecy, and that it will not all be literally fulfilled until the end of the world. Also the transfiguration of Christ on the mount, prophecied, of by Christ himself eight days before, is noticed by Peter as being a type or figure of his second coming. Who that has read the prophecies will not acknowledge the great agreement between the old testament prophets and the new? Almost every prophecy spoken by Christ, and his apostles may be found in the old testament, in part, and represented by figures, which were familiar to the writers and readers of those times. The foregoing rules are the principle keys by which I have attempted to unlock the prophecies of Daniel and John, and to give the time when we may look for the fulfilment, and the mystery of God to be finished. ESH 6.1

If I have erred, I hope others may see where, and shun the danger. I have no desire to mislead any, but my principle aim is to excite others more able then myself to investigate the subject. The time is at hand that will try my views on this point, and if it should prove different from what I expect, and from what I do now most sincerely believe; then will I if my life is preserved be willing, I hope, to confers my folly to all who may read these pages; I have bad great distrust of myself; but the word of God will be accomplished, not one jot or tittle of his word will fail. In studying the world I have endeavored to divest myself of all prepossessed opinions, which I had heretofore adopted, without special reference to the word of God. I have had a longing and anxious desire for that wisdom which is from God. I have daily made this subject a matter of prayer for more than fourteen years. I have often felt my weakness, and wish I could feel it more. I have endeavored to adopt no opinions hastily, until they were well matured, and well supported by bible proof. I have felt satisfied only when I had scripture evidence, or facts well attested. I have never dared, knowingly, go one step beyond revelation, fearing I might have too much of self. I do most solemnly believe that assiduity, patience, perseverance and prayer, assisted by the Grace of God, will overcome more obstacles than all the learning one man could contain without these, to understand the bible. And yet of how great help would erudition, be accompanied with the before mentioned graces, for Daniel says, “the wise shall understand.” Which wisdom may you obtain my dear reader is the earnest prayer of your humble servant. ESH 6.2

William Miller. ESH 6.3