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Chapter 6 - The Covenant Sealed

Now we come to a record which opens up the promise in a most wonderful manner. More than twenty-five years had passed since God first made the promise to Abraham. 1The margin has it, “upright, or sincere.” As in 1 Chronicles 12:33, 38, the meaning is, single-hearted. God told Abraham to be sincere before Him, and not double-hearted. When we recall the story recorded in Doubtless the time had been prolonged by the false step that Abraham took through listening to the reasoning of his wife. More than thirteen years had elapsed since that time. But Abraham had learned the lesson, and so God could lead him a step further. EVCO 80.1

“And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before Me, and be thou perfect.” 1Abraham was seventy-five years old when he left Haran (Genesis 12:4), and the promise was first made known to him before he left Mesopotamia (Acts 7:2.), and the promise was first made known to him before he left Mesopotamia (Acts 7:2.) The margin has it, “upright, or sincere.” As in 1 Chronicles 12:33, 38, the meaning is, single-hearted. God told Abraham to be sincere before Him, and not double-hearted. When we recall the story recorded in the preceding chapter, we see the force of this injunction. We see also the force of the statement, “I am the Almighty God.” God would let him know that He was fully able to perform His promise, and that therefore he should trust Him with a perfect or an undivided heart. EVCO 80.2