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The author of the sermon under review in the following pages, holds a high rank among the Orthodox clergy in New England. His talents, learning, and piety are highly prized by the sect to whose interest he is devoted. We are always pleased to have such men come out with their views, and their reasons for rejecting the doctrine of the Advent near at hand. Our opponents, no doubt, are willing to rest their cause in such hands. If it is sustained, well; but if not, the candid and honest will yield to the stronger reasons. Mr. Dimmick has evidently laid out his whole strength in this treatise, to overthrow Mr. Miller’s theory. It is true that this is not his avowed object; but he has done what he could in a single discourse to effect it. RDDD 2.1

Let the reader examine the following review of Mr. D.’s discourse, in the light of the Scriptures, and we think he will see the weakness of the arguments by which the modern Millennists endeavor to sustain their theory. RDDD 2.2

J. V. Himes.
Boston, March 26, 1842.