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“These were more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so.” - Acts 17:11. SSII 107.1

Paul and Silas were persecuted at Thessalonica, for the doctrine they preached, and had to leave that place. The Thessalonians seemed to think it was no matter what Scripture proof the Apostles could present in defence of their position; that question they would not examine. It was enough for them to know it was turning “the world upside down,” bringing something to their ears that differed from their long established ways of thinking; that was not to be endured at all; hence what they lacked in reason and argument, they made up in contempt of these disturbers of the established order that existed among them; and they rejected the Apostles without giving the subject an examination. Not so the Bereans - they first heard - then examined the Scriptures to see whether what they heard was in accordance with the sure rule and test by which all theories are to be tried. They did not go to their creeds - articles of faith - nor doctors even, but to the Scriptures themselves, - and this they did daily. No wonder inspiration should call them noble. They manifested a noble and praiseworthy spirit: and it is left on record for our learning. Happy are we, if we act on the same principles. SSII 107.2

No man is worthy the name of a minister of Jesus Christ who asks his hearers to receive what he says for truth, without being satisfied, by a personal study of the Scriptures, that it is truth. SSII 108.1

With these remarks, I now proceed in the examination of objections to the theory that the finally impenitent will be utterly destroyed, or rooted out of the universe of God. SSII 108.2