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A few texts have been passed in the foregoing sermons, without special notice, which some rely on as proof of the immortality of man and the endless sin and suffering of the wicked. They were passed simply because they involved the State of the Dead, which the author of the Six Sermons thought best to take up in another work of a more general character. The Rich Man and Lazarus is one of the texts passed. A single remark here is all that is necessary on it till the state of the dead is under consideration. SSII 165.1

Suppose the rich man to be actually in a conscious state after death, and in torment, it does not prove him immortal, or that his conscious suffering is to be eternal: for, the advocates of the immortality of man admit the state of the rich man, spoken of, was immediately after death and before the day of judgment. Hence, whatever his state is now it is not his proper punishment - that may be utter annihilation for all there is in the text to prove the contrary: he has not yet passed the judgment; when he has, then comes the real punishment, and the Scriptures elsewhere must determine what it is. We have positive testimony that “The wages of sin is Death:” Romans 6:23. SSII 165.2

The phrase “immortal soul” is not once found in the Old and New Testament Scriptures; either in our translation or the original languages in which they were written; while - among many other terms which clearly express the idea of deprivation of life - that of annihilation is found distinctly in the Hebrew Scriptures as expressive of the doom of the wicked. SSII 165.3

Prof. Pick, in his “Bible Student’s Concordance” - a work of great value to a mere English scholar - gives us two original terms, the literal signification of which is, “to annihilate:” and these terms are applied to the destiny of wicked men in such connection as to make it certain that the Spirit of God - which inspired “holy men of old” - designed to teach the utter extirpation of the wicked, and not a preservation in any living state. These Hebrew terms are Tsomath and Shomad. In our translation they are sometimes rendered destroy, destroyed, and cut off. According to Prof. Pick there are about forty different Hebrew words that are translated destroy and destroyed. We will give a few instances where the terms occur, the literal signification of which, he tells us, is “to annihilate.” In Psalm 18:40 tsomath occurs. None doubt but that a portion of this Psalm is prophetical of Messiah and what he will do. Thus speaks the word of prophecy - “Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might tsomath - annihilate - them that hate me.” Saith Jesus, Luke 19:27, when the Nobleman shall return he will say - “Those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.” Thus the prophecy, in Psalm 18, is to have a fulfillment when Messiah, who is to be King on David’s throne, shall “return from heaven.” So Paul declares, on that return the disobedient “shall be punished with everlasting destruction:” 2 Thessalonians 1:9. Thus the Prophet, our Lord, and Paul, witness together, the enemies of Christ are to be annihilated. SSII 166.1

Again prophecy thus speaks, Psalm 54:5 - “He [God] shall reward evil unto mine enemies: tsomath - annihilate them in thy truth.” The truth of God is, the wicked shall be annihilated. SSII 167.1

In Psalm 94:23, tsomath occurs twice; and the verse literally reads thus - “He shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall annihilate them in their own wickedness: yea, the LORD our God shall annihilate them.” Thus the fate of the wicked is clearly stated. SSII 167.2

In Psalm 101:8, tsomath occurs twice; and as the language is clearly prophetical of Messiah it speaks in language not to be mistaken. “I will early annihilate all the wicked of the land; that I may annihilate all wicked doers from the city of the Lord.” SSII 167.3

Once more, Psalm 143:12, David personating Messiah, prays - “Of thy mercy annihilate mine enemies, and annihilate all them that afflict my soul.” SSII 167.4

Finally, Psalm 145:20, we read - “The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he shomad - annihilate.” SSII 167.5

These examples are amply sufficient to warrant us in using the term annihilation in relation to the destiny of all the enemies of God. Those who choose to deny it, and affirm that such a disposal of them is impossible, we leave to settle their controversy with Him who cannot lie, and whose word abideth forever. We believe that men who reject Christ as the Life-Giver will be eternally excluded from life - “be no more” - “be as though they had not been:” Psalm 104:35: Obadiah 16. - “The wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs; they shall consume: into smoke shall they consume away.” Psalm 37:20. Thus do the wicked PERISH UTTERLY AND FOREVER. SSII 167.6