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Is a Semi-monthly Periodical, of 16 pages, royal octavo, devoted mainly to the topic of SSII 167.7

“NO IMMORTALITY NOR ENDLESS LIFE, EXCEPT THROUGH JESUS CHRIST ALONE;” or,, that man is not constitutionally immortal; and apart from Christ, he will cease to be: hence there is no endless sin and suffering. GEORGE STORRS, New York Editor and Proprietor. Published at 140 Fulton street, at $1 for the year, commencing in January. No subscription for a less time. Payment always in advance. SSII 167.8

THE EXAMINER has been published for eight years past; and the theme on which it treats is increasing in interest in Europe and America. SSII 167.9

THE EXAMINER for 1854 contains a Discussion of the question - “Does the Bible teach that the creature man - which the Lord God formed of the dust of the ground - has a superadded entity called the soul?” PROF. H. MATTISON, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, affirms, and the EDITOR denies. SSII 167.10

This volume, in addition to the before-named discussion, contains a large amount of other matter; among which is, a republication of nearly the whole of two works by Rev. Wm. Glen Moncrieff, Scotland, on the Scripture terms soul and spirit; which is a thorough examination of their use and import, and a work of great value. Also, the Speeches of the EDITOR of the BIBLE EXAMINER in the “Bible Convention,” at Hartford, Conn. June, 1853. That Convention was manifestly called to destroy the influence of the Bible and managed by Deists. Messrs Storrs and Turner met them and defended the Bible triumphantly. SSII 167.11

The bound volume for that year can be had for $1: in sheets 75 cents. SSII 167.12

Various books and pamphlets are for sale at the OFFICE OF THE BIBLE EXAMINER on the foregoing subjects, among which are the following: SSII 167.13

“BIBLE VS. TRADITION: in which the true teaching of the Bible is manifested: the corruptions of Theologians detected, and the Traditions of men exposed.” A most instructive work for the times: a thorough cure for “spirit rapping” and all other fancies about disembodied men. Price 75 cent. SSII 167.14

“DOBNEY ABRIDGED, or Second Part” of “Dobney on Future Punishment.” A work of great interest and merit. By H. H. DOBNEY, Baptist Minister, England. In paper cover, 200 pages, at the low price of 25 cents. SSII 167.15

“UNITY OF MAN;” being a “Reply to Rev. Luther Lee, by Anthropos.” A most thorough and triumphant refutation of that gentleman’s work on “the Soul.” Price 15 cents. SSII 167.16

Address, in all cases, GEORGE STORRS, Bible Examiner Office, New York SSII 167.17