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A Word from The Folks in The Department of Health

The World Health Organization in its constitution regards good health as “a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being.” Spiritual well-being adds wholeness to this definition. This interpretation is contained in the prayer of John for his friend Gaius and the church as he declares: “1 wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health” (3 John 2). CD-SG 3.1

We are reminded that “one of the greatest aids in perfecting pure and noble characters... is sound physical health.” Therefore, “it is of the highest importance that men and women be instructed in the science of human life, and the best means of preserving and acquiring health.”— Messages to Young People, p. 233. During these past one hundred years the church has had access to a vast fund of knowledge, information dealing with optimal nutrition and ways of attaining maximal health. More recently scientific research has confirmed these principles, a development that has brought the Adventist way of life into international prominence. CD-SG 3.2

It is believed that this guide to a study of Counsels on Diet and Foods will fill a need in the church by directing those seeking a better way of life—a way that will give improved health and freedom from disease—to helpful, inspired sources of information. Seventh-day Adventists are urged to study systematically the guiding principles outlined in the Spirit of Prophecy relative to man’s nutritional needs and the best ways of satisfying them. This is tremendously important, particularly for a people seeking the best of health, a people called to reflect the image of Christ, and a people looking forward to translation. CD-SG 3.3

We are pleased to participate in the preparation of this Study Guide and recommend it to all church members. We believe that as we consistently apply these precepts to our lives we will have not only a healthier church but a triumphant church. May God add His blessing to a study of the blueprint given to His people. CD-SG 3.4

Department Of Health of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists