“Christ, The Way of Life”
The drama of the great controversy--opening with the inception of sin in the heart of Lucifer and the fall of our first parents, and moving forward to the time when the New Jerusalem becomes the abode of the redeemed--was repeatedly opened to Ellen White in vision. This theme pervaded her literary work through much of her life. It was first opened to her in 1848 when she was a young woman of 21. The vision was repeated ten years later, and she was bidden to write it out. This she did, touching the high points of the story as they now appear in Early Writings, though they first appeared in the little 219-page book Spiritual Gifts, volume one. SR-SG 2.1
As the visions of succeeding years ever more fully opened to her the details of the sweeping account, and as the church in its growth could handle larger books, Ellen White wrote and rewrote the story. It is largely from the presentation in the four volumes of the 1870s and 1880s, bearing the general title of the Spirit of Prophecy, forerunners of our Conflict of the Ages Series, that the chapters of The Story of Redemption were drawn. SR-SG 2.2
This Study Guide is the fifth in a continuing series of helps for the study of Spirit of Prophecy books. Others have appeared for The Adventist Home (1965), Counsels on Stewardship (1966), Child Guidance (1967), and Counsels on Diet and Foods (1967). This guide has been prepared, not as an interpretation of the book The Story of Redemption, but as a help to the discovery of the rich content and inspiration to be found in that volume. SR-SG 2.3
The broad descriptions and detailed accounts of the past, present, and future as set forth in The Story of Redemption give startling evidence of the divine guidance of the writer. The clear and precise style of Ellen G. White, as seen in this book, catches the imagination. She puts into words such vivid accounts of what she sees that you are made aware that through her visions she was there and saw things as they happened or will happen in the future. SR-SG 2.4
You are privileged to watch the beginnings of sin in Lucifer’s mind in heaven. You stand in the Garden of Eden, sometimes wishing that you could step between Eve and the serpent and stop the tragic scene. You enter Eve’s thoughts and trace the terrible steps she took in falling into sin. You become acquainted with the great men of the Old Testament--Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and others. The great apostles Peter and Paul stand out in the New Testament. You look into the heart of Judas and shudder at the ease with which a person can take a wrong path. You see the climactic struggle between good and evil forces at the time of Christ’s death. SR-SG 2.5
Then you stand with Luther, the great Reformation champion, and you know what he is thinking as he defends his faith at Worms. You catch the spirit of the great advent movement of the early nineteenth century and realize that the same fervor is needed today. The present and future hope of the remnant church and of all saved is made personal as immortality is described with the words “We shall ever feel the freshness of the morning, and shall ever be far from its close” (pages 431, 432). SR-SG 3.1
The years go by quickly in this book. In a few brief pages you are swept through centuries of time. It is like the Bible in that one may miss a hundred years--and the lessons to be gained--if he hurries too fast. If you take time to absorb each lesson, reading the pages deliberately and completely before you begin looking for answers, you will receive a greater blessing. SR-SG 3.2
This study guide cannot be exhaustive. How can justice be done to 6,000 years in these few pages? In holding the study guide to a reasonable size, only the high points have been touched. The thought and discussion questions are intended to open the door to wider possibilities as your study time permits. SR-SG 3.3
Attention is called to “Features for Special Study.” These topics generally cover longer portions of the book than are included in the individual lessons. They can provide an interesting and helpful study all their own to be followed as the lessons are pursued, or they can be used at the conclusion of the lesson study for review of some broader topics not otherwise covered. SR-SG 3.4
We are living in the “time of the end,” and the tremendous issues of all time come into final focus in our day. How important it is that we understand and put into practice in our experience the lessons from lives and events of the past. To that end this study guide is earnestly dedicated. SR-SG 3.5
The Board of Trustees Ellen G. White Estate SR-SG 3.6