(1668) da' [daw]
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'zeh' (zeh); this:--one..another, this. SHD DA.2
(1669) da'ab [daw-ab']
a primitive root; to pine:--mourn, sorrow(-ful). SHD DAAB.2
(1670) d'abah [deh-aw-baw']
from 'da'ab' (da'ab); properly, pining; by analogy, fear:--sorrow. SHD DABAH.2
(1671) d'abown [deh-aw-bone']
from 'da'ab' (da'ab); pining:--sorrow. SHD DABOWN.2
(1672) da'ag [daw-ag']
a primitive root; be anxious:--be afraid (careful, sorry), sorrow, take thought. SHD DAAG.2
(1673) Do'eg [do-ayg']
or (fully) Dowoeg {do-ayg'}; active participle of 'da'ag' (da'ag); anxious; Doeg, an Edomite:--Doeg. SHD DOEG.2
(1674) d'agah [deh-aw-gaw']
from 'da'ag' (da'ag); anxiety:--care(-fulness), fear, heaviness, sorrow. SHD DAGAH.2
(1675) da'ah [daw-aw']
a primitive root; to dart, i.e. fly rapidly:--fly. SHD DAAH.2
(1676) da'ah [daw-aw']
from 'da'ah' (da'ah); the kite (from its rapid flight):--vulture. See 'ra'ah' (ra'ah). SHD DAAH.2
(1677) dob [dobe]
or (fully) dowb {dobe}; from 'dabab' (dabab); the bear (as slow):-- bear. SHD DOB.2
(1678) dob [dobe]
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'dob' (dob):--bear. SHD DOB.2
(1679) dobe' [do'-beh]
from an unused root (compare 'dabab' (dabab)) (probably meaning to be sluggish, i.e. restful); quiet:--strength. SHD DOBE.2
(1680) dabab [daw-bab']
a primitive root (compare 'dobe'' (dobe')); to move slowly, i.e. glide:--cause to speak. SHD DABAB.2
(1681) dibbah [dib-baw']
from 'dabab' (dabab) (in the sense of furtive motion); slander:--defaming, evil report, infamy, slander. SHD DIBBAH.2
(1682) dbowrah [deb-o-raw']
or (shortened) dborah {deb-o-raw'}; from 'dabar' (dabar) (in the sense of orderly motion); the bee (from its systematic instincts):--bee. SHD DBOWRAH.2
(1683) Dbowrah [deb-o-raw']
or (shortened) Dborah {deb-o-raw'}; the same as 'dbowrah' (dbowrah); Deborah, the name of two Hebrewesses:--Deborah. SHD DBOWRAH.2
(1684) dbach [deb-akh']
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'zabach' (zabach); to sacrifice (an animal):--offer (sacrifice). SHD DBACH.2
(1685) dbach [deb-akh']
(Aramaic) from 'dbach' (dbach); a sacrifice:--sacrifice. SHD DBACH.2
(1686) dibyown [dib-yone']
in the margin for the textual reading, cheryown {kher-yone'}; both (in the plural only and) of uncertain derivation; probably some cheap vegetable, perhaps a bulbous root:--dove's dung. SHD DIBYOWN.2
(1687) dbiyr [deb-eer']
or (shortened) dbir {deb-eer'}; from 'dabar' (dabar) (apparently in the sense of oracle); the shrine or innermost part of the sanctuary:--oracle. SHD DBIYR.2
(1688) Dbiyr [deb-eer']
or (shortened) Dbir (Josh. 13:26 (but see 'Lo' Dbar' (Lo' Dbar))) {deb-eer'}; the same as 'dbiyr' (dbiyr); Debir, the name of an Amoritish king and of two places in Palestine:--Debir. SHD DBIYR.2
(1689) Diblah [dib-law']
probably an orthographical error for 'Riblah' (Riblah); Diblah, a place in Syria:--Diblath. SHD DIBLAH.2
(1690) dbelah [deb-ay-law']
from an unused root (akin to 'zabal' (zabal)) probably meaning to press together; a cake of pressed figs:--cake (lump) of figs. SHD DBELAH.2
(1691) Diblayim [dib-lah'-yim]
dual from the masculine of 'dbelah' (dbelah); two cakes; Diblajim, a symbolic name:--Diblaim. SHD DIBLAYIM.2
(1692) dabaq [daw-bak']
a primitive root; properly, to impinge, i.e. cling or adhere; figuratively, to catch by pursuit:--abide fast, cleave (fast together), follow close (hard after), be joined (together), keep (fast), overtake, pursue hard, stick, take. SHD DABAQ.2
(1693) dbaq [deb-ak']
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'dabaq' (dabaq); to stick to:--cleave. SHD DBAQ.2
(1694) debeq [deh'-bek]
from 'dabaq' (dabaq); a joint; by implication, solder:--joint, solder. SHD DEBEQ.2
(1695) dabeq [daw-bake']
from 'dabaq' (dabaq); adhering:--cleave, joining, stick closer. SHD DABEQ.2
(1696) dabar [daw-bar']
a primitive root; perhaps properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue:--answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use (entreaties), utter, X well, X work. SHD DABAR.2
(1697) dabar [daw-baw']
from 'dabar' (dabar); a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause:--act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles, commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern(-ing), + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, (evil favoured-)ness, + glory, + harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message, (no) thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some (uncleanness), somewhat to say, + song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing (concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what(-soever), + wherewith, which, word, work. SHD DABAR.2
(1698) deber [deh'-ber]
from 'dabar' (dabar) (in the sense of destroying); a pestilence:--murrain, pestilence, plague. SHD DEBER.2
(1699) dober [do'-ber]
from 'dabar' (dabar) (in its original sense); a pasture (from its arrangement of the flock):--fold, manner. SHD DOBER.2
(1700) dibrah [dib-raw']
feminine of 'dabar' (dabar); a reason, suit or style:--cause, end, estate, order, regard. SHD DIBRAH.2
(1701) dibrah [dib-raw']
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'dibrah' (dibrah):--intent, sake. SHD DIBRAH.2
(1702) dobrah [do-ber-aw']
feminine active participle of 'dabar' (dabar) in the sense of driving (compare 'dober' (dober)); a raft:--float. SHD DOBRAH.2
(1703) dabbarah [dab-baw-raw']
intensive from 'dabar' (dabar); a word:--word. SHD DABBARAH.2
(1704) Dibriy [dib-ree']
from 'dabar' (dabar); wordy; Dibri, an Israelite:--Dibri. SHD DIBRIY.2
(1705) Dabrath [daw-ber-ath']
from 'dabar' (dabar) (perhaps in the sense of 'dober' (dober)); Daberath, a place in Palestine:--Dabareh, Daberath. SHD DABRATH.2
(1706) dbash [deb-ash']
from an unused root meaning to be gummy; honey (from its stickiness); by analogy, syrup:--honey((-comb)). SHD DBASH.2
(1707) dabbesheth [dab-beh'-sheth]
intensive from the same as 'dbash' (dbash); a sticky mass, i.e. the hump of a camel:--hunch (of a camel). SHD DABBESHETH.2
(1708) Dabbesheth [dab-beh'-sheth]
the same as 'dabbesheth' (dabbesheth); Dabbesheth, a place in Palestine:--Dabbesheth. SHD DABBESHETH.2
(1709) dag [dawg]
or (fully) dag (Nehemiah 13:16) {dawg}; from 'dagah' (dagah); a fish (as prolific); or perhaps rather from 'da'ag' (da'ag) (as timid); but still better from 'da'ag' (da'ag) (in the sense of squirming, i.e. moving by the vibratory action of the tail); a fish (often used collectively):--fish. SHD DAG.2
(1710) dagah [daw-gaw']
feminine of 'dag' (dag), and meaning the same:--fish. SHD DAGAH.2
(1711) dagah [daw-gaw']
a primitive root; to move rapidly; used only as a denominative from 'dag' (dag); to spawn, i.e. become numerous:--grow. SHD DAGAH.2
(1712) Dagown [daw-gohn']
from 'dag' (dag); the fish-god; Dagon, a Philistine deity:--Dagon. SHD DAGOWN.2
(1713) dagal [daw-gal']
a primitive root; to flaunt, i.e. raise a flag; figuratively, to be conspicuous:--(set up, with) banners, chiefest. SHD DAGAL.2
(1714) degel [deh'-gel]
from 'dagal' (dagal); a flag:--banner, standard. SHD DEGEL.2
(1715) dagan [daw-gawn']
from 'dagah' (dagah); properly, increase, i.e. grain:--corn ((floor)), wheat. SHD DAGAN.2
(1716) dagar [daw-gar']
a primitive root, to brood over eggs or young:--gather, sit. SHD DAGAR.2
(1717) dad [dad]
apparently from the same as 'dowd' (dowd); the breast (as the seat of love, or from its shape):--breast, teat. SHD DAD.2
(1718) dadah [daw-daw']
a doubtful root; to walk gently:--go (softly, with). SHD DADAH.2
(1719) Ddan [ded-awn']
or (prolonged) Ddaneh (Ezek. 25:13) {deh-daw'- neh}; of uncertain derivation; Dedan, the name of two Cushites and of their territory:--Dedan. SHD DDAN.2
(1720) Ddaniym [ded-aw-neem']
plural of 'Ddan' (Ddan) (as patrial); Dedanites, the descendants or inhabitants of Dedan:--Dedanim. SHD DDANIYM.2
(1721) Dodaniym [do-daw-neem']
or (by orthographical error) Rodaniym (1 Chron. 1:7) {ro-daw-neem'}; a plural of uncertain derivation; Dodanites, or descendants of a son of Javan:--Dodanim. SHD DODANIYM.2
(1722) dhab [deh-hab']
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'zahab' (zahab); gold:--gold(- en). SHD DHAB.2
(1723) Dahava` [dah-hav-aw']
(Aramaic) of uncertain derivation; Dahava, a people colonized in Samaria:--Dehavites. SHD DAHAVA`.2
(1724) daham [daw-ham']
a primitive root (compare 'duwach' (duwach)); to be dumb, i.e. (figuratively) dumbfounded:--astonished. SHD DAHAM.2
(1725) dahar [daw-har']
a primitive root; to curvet or move irregularly:--pause. SHD DAHAR.2
(1726) dahahar [dah-hah-har']
by reduplication from 'dahar' (dahar); a gallop:--pransing. SHD DAHAHAR.2
(1727) duwb [doob]
a primitive root; to mope, i.e. (figuratively) pine:-- sorrow. SHD DUWB.2
(1728) davvag [dav-vawg']
an orthographical variation of 'dag' (dag) as a denominative (1771); a fisherman:--fisher. SHD DAVVAG.2
(1729) duwgah [doo-gaw']
feminine from the same as 'davvag' (davvag); properly, fishery, i.e. a hook for fishing:--fish (hook). SHD DUWGAH.2
(1730) dowd [dode]
or (shortened) dod {dode}; from an unused root meaning properly, to boil, i.e. (figuratively) to love; by implication, a love- token, lover, friend; specifically an uncle:--(well-)beloved, father's brother, love, uncle. SHD DOWD.2
(1731) duwd [dood]
from the same as 'dowd' (dowd); a pot (for boiling); also (by resemblance of shape) a basket:--basket, caldron, kettle, (seething) pot. SHD DUWD.2
(1732) David [daw-veed']
rarely (fully); Daviyd {daw-veed'}; from the same as 'dowd' (dowd); loving; David, the youngest son of Jesse:--David. SHD DAVID.2
(1733) dowdah [do-daw']
feminine of 'dowd' (dowd); an aunt:--aunt, father's sister, uncle's wife. SHD DOWDAH.2
(1734) Dowdow [do-do']
from 'dowd' (dowd); loving; Dodo, the name of three Israelites:--Dodo. SHD DOWDOW.2
(1735) Dowdavahuw [do-daw-vaw'-hoo]
from 'dowd' (dowd) and 'Yahh' (Yahh); love of Jah; Dodavah, an Israelite:--Dodavah. SHD DOWDAVAHUW.2
(1736) duwday [doo-dah'-ee]
from 'duwd' (duwd); a boiler or basket; also the mandrake (as an aphrodisiac):--basket, mandrake. SHD DUWDAY.2
(1737) Dowday [do-dah'ee]
formed like 'duwday' (duwday); amatory; Dodai, an Israelite:--Dodai. SHD DOWDAY.2
(1738) davah [daw-vaw']
a primitive root; to be sick (as if in menstruation):--infirmity. SHD DAVAH.2
(1739) daveh [daw-veh']
from 'davah' (davah); sick (especially in menstruation):--faint, menstruous cloth, she that is sick, having sickness. SHD DAVEH.2
(1740) duwach [doo'-akh]
a primitive root; to thrust away; figuratively, to cleanse:--cast out, purge, wash. SHD DUWACH.2
(1741) dvay [dev-ah'ee]
from 'daveh' (daveh); sickness; figuratively, loathing:--languishing, sorrowful. SHD DVAY.2
(1742) davvay [dav-voy']
from 'daveh' (daveh); sick; figuratively, troubled:--faint. SHD DAVVAY.2
(1743) duwk [dook]
a primitive root; to bruise in a mortar:--beat. SHD DUWK.2
(1744) duwkiyphath [doo-kee-fath']
of uncertain derivation; the hoopoe or else the grouse:--lapwing. SHD DUWKIYPHATH.2
(1745) duwmah [doo-maw']
from an unused root meaning to be dumb (compare 'damah' (damah)); silence; figuratively, death:--silence. SHD DUWMAH.2
(1746) Duwmah [doo-maw']
the same as 'duwmah' (duwmah); Dumah, a tribe and region of Arabia:--Dumah. SHD DUWMAH.2
(1747) duwmiyah [doo-me-yaw']
from 'damah' (damah); stillness; adverbially, silently; abstractly quiet, trust:--silence, silent, waiteth. SHD DUWMIYAH.2
(1748) duwmam [doo-mawm']
from 'damam' (damam); still; adverbially, silently:--dumb, silent, quietly wait. SHD DUWMAM.2
(1749) downag [do-nag']
of uncertain derivation; wax; -wax. SHD DOWNAG.2
(1750) duwts [doots]
a primitive root; to leap:--be turned. SHD DUWTS.2
(1751) duwq [dook]
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'daqaq' (daqaq); to crumble:--be broken to pieces. SHD DUWQ.2
(1752) duwr [dure]
a primitive root; properly, to gyrate (or move in a circle), i.e. to remain:--dwell. SHD DUWR.2
(1753) duwr [dure]
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'duwr' (duwr); to reside:--dwell. SHD DUWR.2
(1754) duwr [dure]
from 'duwr' (duwr); a circle, ball or pile:--ball, turn, round about. SHD DUWR.2
(1755) dowr [dore]
or (shortened) dor {dore}; from 'duwr' (duwr); properly, a revolution of time, i.e. an age or generation; also a dwelling:--age, X evermore, generation, (n-)ever, posterity. SHD DOWR.2
(1756) Dowr [dore]
or (by permutation) Dorr (Josh. 17:11; ''ab' ('ab) Kings 4:11) {dore}; from 'dowr' (dowr); dwelling; Dor, a place in Palestine:--Dor. SHD DOWR.2
(1757) Duwra' [doo-raw']
(Aramaic) probably from 'duwr' (duwr); circle or dwelling; Dura, a place in Babylonia:--Dura. SHD DUWRA.2
(1758) duwsh [doosh]
or dowsh {dosh}; or diysh {deesh}; a primitive root; to trample or thresh:--break, tear, thresh, tread out (down), at grass (Jer. 50:11, by mistake for 'deshe'' (deshe')). SHD DUWSH.2
(1759) duwsh [doosh]
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'duwsh' (duwsh); to trample:--tread down. SHD DUWSH.2
(1760) dachah [daw-khaw']
or dachach {Jer. 23:12) {daw-khakh'}; a primitive root; to push down:--chase, drive away (on), overthrow, outcast, X sore, thrust, totter. SHD DACHAH.2
(1761) dachavah [dakh-av-aw']
(Aramaic) from the equivalent of 'dachah' (dachah); probably a musical instrument (as being struck):--instrument of music. SHD DACHAVAH.2
(1762) dchiy [deh-khee']
from 'dachah' (dachah); a push, i.e. (by implication) a fall:--falling. SHD DCHIY.2
(1763) dchal [deh-khal']
(Aramaic) corresponding to 'zachal' (zachal); to slink, i.e. (by implication) to fear, or (causatively) be formidable:--make afraid, dreadful, fear, terrible. SHD DCHAL.2
(1764) dochan [do'-khan]
of uncertain derivation; millet:--millet. SHD DOCHAN.2
(1765) dachaph [daw-khaf']
a primitive root; to urge, i.e. hasten:--(be) haste(-ned), pressed on. SHD DACHAPH.2
(1766) dachaq [daw-khak']
a primitive root; to press, i.e. oppress:--thrust, vex. SHD DACHAQ.2
(1767) day [dahee]
of uncertain derivation; enough (as noun or adverb), used chiefly with preposition in phrases:--able, according to, after (ability), among, as (oft as), (more than) enough, from, in, since, (much as is) sufficient(-ly), too much, very, when. SHD DAY.2
(1768) diy [dee]
(Aramaic) apparently for 'da'' (da'); that, used as relative conjunction, and especially (with a preposition) in adverbial phrases; also as preposition of:--X as, but, for(-asmuch +), + now, of, seeing, than, that, therefore, until, + what (-soever), when, which, whom, whose. SHD DIY.2