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Habakkuk - Holy Spirit


(a prophet of Judah) Habakkuk 1:1; Habakkuk 3:1; TCR .Habakkuk.3


Habit Jeremiah 13:23; Jeremiah 22:21; Micah 2:1;  TCR .Habit.2


(Hell) TCR .Hades.3

(Greek, Gehenna) TCR .Hades.4

(Greek, Hades), The Abode of the Dead Matthew 11:23; Matthew 16:18; Luke 16:23; Acts 2:27; Revelation 1:18; Revelation 6:8; Revelation 20:13;  TCR .Hades.5


(handmaid of Sarah) Genesis 16:1; TCR .Hagar.3

Bore Abraham a son, Ishmael Genesis 16:15;  TCR .Hagar.4

Cast out of the home through the jealousy of her mistress Genesis 21:9-14;  TCR .Hagar.5

An angel appears to her with a comforting promise Genesis 21:17-19; Galatians 4:25;  TCR .Hagar.6


(a prophet) Ezra 5:1; Ezra 6:14; Haggai 1:1; Haggai 2:1; Haggai 2:20; TCR .Haggai.3


Hail Exodus 9:23; Joshua 10:11; Psalms 18:13; Isaiah 28:2; Ezekiel 13:11; Revelation 8:7;  TCR .Hail.2


Hair 2 Samuel 14:26; Job 4:15; Matthew 5:36; Matthew 10:30; John 11:2; 1 Corinthians 11:14; 1 Timothy 2:9; 1 Peter 3:3;  TCR .Hair.2

Hairs, Gray

(an Indication of old age) 1 Samuel 12:2; Job 15:10; Proverbs 16:31; Proverbs 20:29; Ecclesiastes 12:5; Hosea 7:9; TCR .Hairs, Gray.3


(in service, examples of) TCR .Half-Heartedness.3

Jehu 2 Kings 10:31;  TCR .Half-Heartedness.4

Joash 2 Kings 13:18; 2 Kings 13:19;  TCR .Half-Heartedness.5

Jehoshaphat's Subjects 2 Chronicles 20:33;  TCR .Half-Heartedness.6

Amaziah 2 Chronicles 25:2;  TCR .Half-Heartedness.7

Judah Jeremiah 3:10;  TCR .Half-Heartedness.8

Israel Hosea 10:2;  TCR .Half-Heartedness.9

Hallowed Bread

(shewbread - placed in the tabernacle) Exodus 25:30; Leviticus 24:5; Numbers 4:7; 1 Samuel 21:6; 1 Chronicles 9:32; Nehemiah 10:33; Matthew 12:4; Hebrews 9:2; TCR .Hallowed Bread.3

Table of TCR .Hallowed Bread.4


(son of Noah) Genesis 5:32; Genesis 7:13; Genesis 9:18; Genesis 10:6; TCR .Ham.3


(an Agagite) TCR .Haman.3


(a city and kingdom north of Damascus) Numbers 13:21; Numbers 34:8; 2 Kings 17:24; 2 Kings 18:34; 2 Kings 23:33; 1 Chronicles 18:3; 2 Chronicles 8:4; Isaiah 10:9; TCR .Hamath.3


Hammers Judges 4:21; 1 Kings 6:7; Isaiah 41:7; Jeremiah 10:4; Jeremiah 23:29; Jeremiah 50:23;  TCR .Hammers.2


(the father of Shechem) Genesis 33:19; Genesis 34:6; Genesis 34:20; Genesis 34:26; Genesis 49:6; Joshua 24:32; Judges 9:28; Acts 7:16; TCR .Hamor.3


(a prophet) 2 Chronicles 16:7; TCR .Hanani.3


(a ruler of the palace) Jeremiah 28:1; TCR .Hananiah.3

Hand, Divine

Upon Men for Blessing 2 Chronicles 30:12; Ezra 7:9; Ezra 8:18; Nehemiah 2:18; Psalms 37:24; Psalms 104:28; John 10:28;  TCR .Hand, Divine.3

Upon Men for Chastisement and punishment Exodus 7:5; Deuteronomy 2:15; Ruth 1:13; 1 Samuel 5:6; Job 2:10; Job 19:21; Psalms 32:4; Acts 13:11;  TCR .Hand, Divine.4

Mighty Deuteronomy 5:15; Joshua 4:24; Psalms 89:13; Psalms 98:1; Psalms 118:15; Isaiah 59:1; John 10:29; 1 Peter 5:6;  TCR .Hand, Divine.5

God's TCR .Hand, Divine.6

Mighty Deuteronomy 5:15; Joshua 4:24; Psalms 89:13; Psalms 98:1; Psalms 118:15; Isaiah 59:1; John 10:29; 1 Peter 5:6;  TCR .Hand, Divine.7

Taken TCR .Hand, Divine.8

(Taking the Hand, expressive of Fellowship and Helpfulness) TCR .Hand, Divine.9

Jehonadab's, by Jehu 2 Kings 10:15;  TCR .Hand, Divine.10

The Little Maid's, by Jesus Matthew 9:25;  TCR .Hand, Divine.11

The Demoniac's, by Jesus Mark 9:27;  TCR .Hand, Divine.12

The Lame Man's, by Peter Acts 3:7;  TCR .Hand, Divine.13

Dorcas, by Peter in Restoring Life Acts 9:41;  TCR .Hand, Divine.14


(a measure) Exodus 25:25; 1 Kings 7:26; Ezekiel 40:5; Ezekiel 43:13; TCR .Handbreadth.3


Handkerchiefs Acts 19:12;  TCR .Handkerchiefs.2


Laying on of TCR .Hands.3

In Consecration of Offerings Leviticus 1:4; Leviticus 3:2; Leviticus 4:15; Leviticus 16:21;  TCR .Hands.4

In Ordination or Consecration of Men for Service Numbers 8:10; Numbers 27:18; Deuteronomy 34:9; Acts 6:6; 1 Timothy 4:14; 1 Timothy 5:22; 2 Timothy 1:6;  TCR .Hands.5

In Blessing Genesis 48:14; Matthew 19:15; Mark 10:16;  TCR .Hands.6

In Healing Mark 6:5; Mark 7:32; Mark 16:18; Luke 4:40; Luke 13:13; Acts 28:8;  TCR .Hands.7

Lifted up TCR .Hands.8

(in prayer and praise) Psalms 28:2; Psalms 63:4; Psalms 134:2; Psalms 141:2; Psalms 143:6; Lamentations 2:19; 1 Timothy 2:8; TCR .Hands.9

Taken TCR .Hands.10

(Taking the Hand, expressive of Fellowship and Helpfulness) TCR .Hands.11

Jehonadab's, by Jehu 2 Kings 10:15;  TCR .Hands.12

The Little Maid's, by Jesus Matthew 9:25;  TCR .Hands.13

The Demoniac's, by Jesus Mark 9:27;  TCR .Hands.14

The Lame Man's, by Peter Acts 3:7;  TCR .Hands.15

Dorcas, by Peter in Restoring Life Acts 9:41;  TCR .Hands.16

Washed TCR .Hands.17

(in token of innocence) Deuteronomy 21:6; Psalms 26:6; Psalms 73:13; Matthew 27:24; TCR .Hands.18


(as punishment) Genesis 40:22; Deuteronomy 21:23; Joshua 8:29; Joshua 10:26; 2 Samuel 21:9; Ezra 6:11; Esther 7:9; Galatians 3:13; TCR .Hanging.3


(wife of Elkanah, mother of Samuel, Characteristics of) TCR .Hannah.3

Prayerfulness 1 Samuel 1:10; 1 Samuel 1:11;  TCR .Hannah.4

Self-denial 1 Samuel 1:27; 1 Samuel 1:28;  TCR .Hannah.5

Thankfulness 1 Samuel 2:1-10;  TCR .Hannah.6

Industry and Maternal Love 1 Samuel 2:19;  TCR .Hannah.7


General References to Psalms 128:2; Psalms 144:15; Proverbs 3:18; Proverbs 14:21; Proverbs 16:20; Proverbs 28:14; Proverbs 29:18; John 13:17;  TCR .Happiness.3

Affliction of the Righteous leads to Job 5:17; Psalms 94:12; James 5:11; 1 Peter 3:14; 1 Peter 4:14;  TCR .Happiness.4

Earthly TCR .Happiness.5


Father of Lot Genesis 11:26;  TCR .Haran.3

Or Charran, Land of Genesis 11:31; Genesis 12:5; Genesis 27:43; Genesis 28:10; 2 Kings 19:12; Acts 7:4;  TCR .Haran.4

Hard Labour

(as punishment) Exodus 1:11-14; Joshua 9:27; Judges 16:21; TCR .Hard Labour.3

Hardness (of Heart)

Condemned Psalms 95:8; Proverbs 28:14; Proverbs 29:1; Isaiah 42:25; Romans 2:5; Hebrews 3:13;  TCR .Hardness (of Heart).3

Examples of Exodus 8:15; 2 Chronicles 36:13; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalms 78:32; Jeremiah 5:3; Daniel 5:20; Zechariah 7:12; Mark 3:5; Mark 8:17; Mark 16:14;  TCR .Hardness (of Heart).4


General References to Genesis 34:31; Leviticus 19:29; Leviticus 21:14; Deuteronomy 23:18; 1 Kings 3:16;  TCR .Harlots.3

Warnings against Proverbs 2:18; Proverbs 5:3; Proverbs 6:24; Proverbs 7:10; Proverbs 29:3; Hosea 4:14; Luke 15:30; 1 Corinthians 6:16;  TCR .Harlots.4


(conduct) Matthew 10:16; Romans 16:19; Philippians 1:10; Philippians 2:15; Hebrews 7:26; TCR .Harmless.3


Harmlessness Matthew 10:16; Romans 16:19; Philippians 1:10; Philippians 2:15; Hebrews 7:26;  TCR .Harmlessness.2


Harps Genesis 4:21; 1 Samuel 16:23; 2 Samuel 6:5; 1 Kings 10:12; 1 Chronicles 25:3; Nehemiah 12:27; Job 21:12; Psalms 137:2; Isaiah 5:12; Revelation 5:8; Revelation 14:2; Revelation 15:2;  TCR .Harps.2



Natural Genesis 8:22; Exodus 23:10; Deuteronomy 24:19; Ruth 1:22; 1 Samuel 12:17; 2 Samuel 21:9; Proverbs 10:5; Proverbs 26:1;  TCR .Harvest.3

Spiritual - General References to Psalms 126:6; Hosea 10:12; Matthew 9:37; Mark 4:29; Luke 10:2; John 4:35; John 4:36; Galatians 6:9;  TCR .Harvest.4

Sin's TCR .Harvest.5

Disappointing Isaiah 17:11;  TCR .Harvest.6

Profitless Jeremiah 12:13; Jeremiah 51:33; Hosea 6:11; Hosea 8:7;  TCR .Harvest.7

Reaped at the Judgment Day Joel 3:12; Joel 3:13;  TCR .Harvest.8

According to the Seed Sown Galatians 6:7; Galatians 6:8;  TCR .Harvest.9

Sure to Come in the Fulness of Time Revelation 14:15;  TCR .Harvest.10


Duty of TCR .Haste.3

The King's Business Requires 1 Samuel 21:8;  TCR .Haste.4

Salutations Hinder 2 Kings 4:29;  TCR .Haste.5

The Urgency of the Work Demands 2 Chronicles 24:5;  TCR .Haste.6

The Rashness of Delaying God's Messengers 2 Chronicles 35:21; Psalms 119:60;  TCR .Haste.7

Hastening to the Place of Prayer Zechariah 8:21;  TCR .Haste.8

Haste in Delivering the Message Matthew 28:7; Luke 10:4;  TCR .Haste.9

Haste in Giving the Invitation Luke 14:21;  TCR .Haste.10

Redeeming the Time TCR .Haste.11

In Making Escape Genesis 19:22; Exodus 12:11; 2 Samuel 15:14;  TCR .Haste.12

Unwise TCR .Haste.13


HASTE TCR .Haste-Delay.3

The King's Business Requires 1 Samuel 21:8;  TCR .Haste-Delay.4

Salutations Hinder 2 Kings 4:29;  TCR .Haste-Delay.5

The Urgency of the Work Demands 2 Chronicles 24:5;  TCR .Haste-Delay.6

The Rashness of Delaying God's Messengers 2 Chronicles 35:21; Psalms 119:60;  TCR .Haste-Delay.7

Hastening to the Place of Prayer Zechariah 8:21;  TCR .Haste-Delay.8

Haste in Delivering the Message Matthew 28:7; Luke 10:4;  TCR .Haste-Delay.9

Haste in Giving the Invitation Luke 14:21;  TCR .Haste-Delay.10

Redeeming the Time TCR .Haste-Delay.11

In Making Escape Genesis 19:22; Exodus 12:11; 2 Samuel 15:14;  TCR .Haste-Delay.12

PROCRASTINATION, causes of TCR .Haste-Delay.13

Worldly Entanglements Genesis 19:16;  TCR .Haste-Delay.14

Family Cares Matthew 8:21; Luke 9:61;  TCR .Haste-Delay.15

Unbelief Acts 17:32;  TCR .Haste-Delay.16

Personal Convenience Acts 24:25;  TCR .Haste-Delay.17

DELAY, examples of fatal TCR .Haste-Delay.18

The Egyptians, in Attempting to Escape God's Judgments Exodus 14:24; Exodus 14:25;  TCR .Haste-Delay.19

Israel, in Seeking to Enter the Promised Land Numbers 14:40; Numbers 14:41; Numbers 14:44; Numbers 14:45;  TCR .Haste-Delay.20

Saul, in Repenting his Disobedience 1 Samuel 15:24; 1 Samuel 15:25; 1 Samuel 15:26;  TCR .Haste-Delay.21

Israel, in Repenting of Sin Jeremiah 8:20;  TCR .Haste-Delay.22

The Foolish Virgins, in Preparing for the Coming of the Bridegroom Matthew 25:11; Matthew 25:12;  TCR .Haste-Delay.23

Judas, in Repenting his Betrayal of Christ Matthew 27:3;  TCR .Haste-Delay.24

Those Knocking at the Closed Door Luke 13:25;  TCR .Haste-Delay.25

Esau, in Repenting the Sale of his Birthright Hebrews 12:17;  TCR .Haste-Delay.26

Hated, Christ

Hated, Christ Luke 6:11; Luke 19:14; John 7:7; John 15:18; John 15:25; John 19:6;  TCR .Hated, Christ.2

Hated, Saints

Hated, Saints Isaiah 66:5; Matthew 24:9; Luke 6:22; Luke 21:17; John 15:19; John 17:14; 1 John 3:13;  TCR .Hated, Saints.2


Condemned Leviticus 19:17; Proverbs 10:12; Proverbs 15:17; 1 John 2:9; 1 John 3:15; 1 John 4:20;  TCR .Hatred.3

Examples of TCR .Hatred.4

Esau Genesis 27:41;  TCR .Hatred.5

Joseph's Brethren Genesis 37:4;  TCR .Hatred.6

Ahab 1 Kings 22:8;  TCR .Hatred.7

Haman Esther 3:5-6; Esther 9:1;  TCR .Hatred.8

Herodias Mark 6:18-19;  TCR .Hatred.9

The Jews Acts 23:12; Titus 3:3;  TCR .Hatred.10

Of Christ Luke 6:11; Luke 19:14; John 7:7; John 15:18; John 15:25; John 19:6;  TCR .Hatred.11

Of the Saints Isaiah 66:5; Matthew 24:9; Luke 6:22; Luke 21:17; John 15:19; John 17:14; 1 John 3:13;  TCR .Hatred.12


(condemned) 2 Samuel 22:28; Isaiah 3:16; Isaiah 16:6; Isaiah 24:4; Jeremiah 48:29; Zephaniah 3:11; TCR .Haughtiness.3


Hawks Leviticus 11:16; Deuteronomy 14:15; Job 39:26;  TCR .Hawks.2


(king of Syria) 1 Kings 19:15; 2 Kings 8:8; 2 Kings 9:14; 2 Kings 10:32; 2 Kings 12:17; 2 Kings 13:22; TCR .Hazael.3


(one of the resting places of the Israelites on their journey from Egypt to Canaan.) Numbers 11:35; Numbers 12:16; Numbers 33:17; Deuteronomy 1:1; TCR .Hazeroth.3


(a town captured by Joshua) Joshua 11:10; TCR .Hazor.3

Head of the Church

(General References to) Ephesians 1:22; Ephesians 4:15; Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18; Colossians 2:19; TCR .Head of the Church.3

Heal, Apostles

(Examples of) Acts 3:7; Acts 5:16; Acts 9:34; Acts 14:10; Acts 16:18; Acts 19:12; Acts 28:8; TCR .Heal, Apostles.3

Healed, Disease

The Gift of Matthew 10:1; Mark 3:15; Mark 16:18; 1 Corinthians 12:9;  TCR .Healed, Disease.3

Examples of Christ's Matthew 4:23; Matthew 8:3; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 12:13; Matthew 12:22; Matthew 14:36; Matthew 15:30; Matthew 17:18; Matthew 19:2; Matthew 21:14; Mark 1:31; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:21; Luke 13:13; Luke 17:14; Luke 22:51; John 4:50; John 5:9; John 9:6;  TCR .Healed, Disease.4

Examples of Apostolic Acts 3:7; Acts 5:16; Acts 9:34; Acts 14:10; Acts 16:18; Acts 19:12; Acts 28:8;  TCR .Healed, Disease.5

The Dumb Healed Isaiah 35:6; Matthew 9:33; Matthew 12:22; Mark 9:25;  TCR .Healed, Disease.6


The Gift of Matthew 10:1; Mark 3:15; Mark 16:18; 1 Corinthians 12:9;  TCR .Healing.3

Spiritual Psalms 41:4; Psalms 147:3; Isaiah 53:5; Isaiah 57:18; Jeremiah 3:22; Jeremiah 17:14; Hosea 6:1; Luke 4:18; Revelation 22:2;  TCR .Healing.4

Virtue TCR .Healing.5

(Emanating from Christ, and the Apostles) Mark 6:56; Luke 6:19; Luke 8:46; Acts 5:15; Acts 19:11; Acts 19:12; TCR .Healing.6

Heals, Christ

(Examples of ) Matthew 4:23; Matthew 8:3; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 12:13; Matthew 12:22; Matthew 14:36; Matthew 15:30; Matthew 17:18; Matthew 19:2; Matthew 21:14; Mark 1:31; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:21; Luke 13:13; Luke 17:14; Luke 22:51; John 4:50; John 5:9; John 9:6; TCR .Heals, Christ.3

Health Promised

(promised to the obedient) Exodus 15:26; Deuteronomy 7:15; Proverbs 4:22; Jeremiah 30:17; TCR .Health Promised.3


HEALTH, promised to the obedient Exodus 15:26; Deuteronomy 7:15; Proverbs 4:22; Jeremiah 30:17;  TCR .Health-Disease.3

DISEASE, different forms of TCR .Health-Disease.4

Boils Exodus 9:9; Leviticus 13:18; 2 Kings 20:7; Job 2:7; Isaiah 38:21;  TCR .Health-Disease.5

Epilepsy Matthew 4:24; Matthew 17:14; Matthew 17:15;  TCR .Health-Disease.6

Fever Leviticus 26:16; Deuteronomy 28:22; Job 30:30; Mark 1:30; John 4:52; Acts 28:8;  TCR .Health-Disease.7

Insanity Daniel 4:33; Matthew 4:24; Matthew 17:15;  TCR .Health-Disease.8

Leprosy Leviticus 13:2; Leviticus 14:2; Leviticus 14:34; Deuteronomy 24:8; 2 Chronicles 26:19;  TCR .Health-Disease.9

Loss of Appetite 1 Samuel 1:7; 1 Samuel 28:23; Psalms 102:4; Psalms 107:18;  TCR .Health-Disease.10

Palsy Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:6; Matthew 9:2; Acts 8:7; Acts 9:33;  TCR .Health-Disease.11

Other Diseases mentioned TCR .Health-Disease.12

Ague Leviticus 26:16;  TCR .Health-Disease.13

Consumption Leviticus 26:16; Deuteronomy 28:22;  TCR .Health-Disease.14

Dropsy Luke 14:2;  TCR .Health-Disease.15

Dysentery Acts 28:8;  TCR .Health-Disease.16

Emerods Deuteronomy 28:27; 1 Samuel 5:6;  TCR .Health-Disease.17

Issue of Blood Matthew 9:20;  TCR .Health-Disease.18

Itch Deuteronomy 28:27;  TCR .Health-Disease.19

Sun-stroke 2 Kings 4:18; 2 Kings 4:19; Isaiah 49:10;  TCR .Health-Disease.20

Ulcers Isaiah 1:6; Luke 16:20;  TCR .Health-Disease.21

SICKNESS TCR .Health-Disease.22

Sometimes sent as a Judgment for Sin Leviticus 26:15; Leviticus 26:16; Deuteronomy 28:61; 2 Chronicles 21:15; Psalms 107:17; Psalms 107:18; Ecclesiastes 5:17; Micah 6:13; 1 Corinthians 11:30;  TCR .Health-Disease.23

The Righteous suffer from 2 Kings 20:1; Job 2:7; Daniel 8:27; John 11:1; Acts 9:37; Philippians 2:27; 2 Timothy 4:20;  TCR .Health-Disease.24

BODILY INFIRMITIES, general references to Matthew 8:17; Luke 5:15; Luke 13:11; John 5:5; 2 Corinthians 12:10; Galatians 4:13; 1 Timothy 5:23; Hebrews 4:15;  TCR .Health-Disease.25

For Deafness TCR .Health-Disease.26

The Dumb TCR .Health-Disease.27

BLINDNESS TCR .Health-Disease.28

Physical, inflicted Genesis 19:11; 2 Kings 6:18; Acts 9:8; Acts 13:11;  TCR .Health-Disease.29

Healed Matthew 9:27; Matthew 12:22; Matthew 20:30; Matthew 21:14; Mark 8:22; Mark 10:46; Luke 7:21; John 9:1;  TCR .Health-Disease.30

LAMENESS Leviticus 21:18; 2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 5:8; Matthew 15:31; Matthew 21:14; Luke 7:22; Acts 3:2; Acts 14:8;  TCR .Health-Disease.31

PREVENTION AND CURE of disease. Miscellaneous Topics relating to TCR .Health-Disease.32

Physicians Genesis 50:2; 2 Chronicles 16:12; Jeremiah 8:22; Matthew 9:12; Luke 4:23; Luke 5:31; Colossians 4:14;  TCR .Health-Disease.33

Medicine Proverbs 17:22; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 30:13; Jeremiah 46:11; Ezekiel 47:12;  TCR .Health-Disease.34

Remedies 2 Kings 20:7; Isaiah 1:6; Luke 10:34; 1 Timothy 5:23; James 5:14;  TCR .Health-Disease.35

Anointing with Oil Mark 6:13; James 5:14;  TCR .Health-Disease.36

Ointment Isaiah 1:6;  TCR .Health-Disease.37

Poultices 2 Kings 20:7;  TCR .Health-Disease.38

Treatment of Fractures Ezekiel 30:21;  TCR .Health-Disease.39

Treatment of Wounds Isaiah 1:6; Luke 10:34;  TCR .Health-Disease.40

Disinfection Leviticus 14:41; Leviticus 15:5;  TCR .Health-Disease.41

Quarantine Leviticus 13:4; Leviticus 13:46; Leviticus 14:8; Numbers 5:2; Numbers 31:19; 2 Kings 15:5; Luke 17:12;  TCR .Health-Disease.42

HEALING TCR .Health-Disease.43

The Gift of Matthew 10:1; Mark 3:15; Mark 16:18; 1 Corinthians 12:9;  TCR .Health-Disease.44

Examples of Christ's Matthew 4:23; Matthew 8:3; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 9:35; Matthew 12:13; Matthew 12:22; Matthew 14:36; Matthew 15:30; Matthew 17:18; Matthew 19:2; Matthew 21:14; Mark 1:31; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:21; Luke 13:13; Luke 17:14; Luke 22:51; John 4:50; John 5:9; John 9:6;  TCR .Health-Disease.45

Examples of Apostolic Acts 3:7; Acts 5:16; Acts 9:34; Acts 14:10; Acts 16:18; Acts 19:12; Acts 28:8;  TCR .Health-Disease.46

The Dumb Healed Isaiah 35:6; Matthew 9:33; Matthew 12:22; Mark 9:25;  TCR .Health-Disease.47


General References to Isaiah 1:5; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 30:12; Micah 1:9; Mark 2:17;  TCR .Health-Disease.49

Healing of Psalms 41:4; Psalms 147:3; Isaiah 53:5; Isaiah 57:18; Jeremiah 3:22; Jeremiah 17:14; Hosea 6:1; Luke 4:18; Revelation 22:2;  TCR .Health-Disease.50

Hearers, Emotional

Hearers, Emotional Matthew 8:19; Mark 4:5; Luke 11:27; Galatians 4:15;  TCR .Hearers, Emotional.2


Spiritual of Believers Proverbs 8:34; Proverbs 15:31; Ecclesiastes 5:1; Habakkuk 3:2; Luke 8:15; James 1:19; Revelation 2:11;  TCR .Hearing.3

Careless, Characteristics of TCR .Hearing.4

Sentimentality Ezekiel 33:32;  TCR .Hearing.5

Disobedience Matthew 7:26;  TCR .Hearing.6

Shallowness Matthew 13:19;  TCR .Hearing.7

Hardness Luke 16:31;  TCR .Hearing.8

Forgetfulness James 1:23; James 1:24;  TCR .Hearing.9

Divine, God attentive to the Prayers of the Saints 2 Samuel 22:7; Psalms 34:15; Psalms 94:9; Isaiah 59:1; Isaiah 65:24; James 5:4; 1 Peter 3:12;  TCR .Hearing.10

The Hearing Ear Psalms 40:6; Proverbs 18:15; Proverbs 20:12; Proverbs 25:12; Matthew 11:15; Matthew 13:16;  TCR .Hearing.11


(to Admonition) Deuteronomy 4:1; 2 Chronicles 20:15; Job 34:10; Proverbs 7:24; Isaiah 51:1; Micah 1:2; Mark 7:14; James 2:5; TCR .Hearken.3


Centre of Life TCR .Heart.3

Hence should be Carefully Guarded Proverbs 4:23;  TCR .Heart.4

Determines Character Proverbs 23:7; Matthew 6:18;  TCR .Heart.5

The Source o Evil Matthew 15:18;  TCR .Heart.6

Controls Speech Luke 6:45;  TCR .Heart.7

Source of Faith Romans 10:10;  TCR .Heart.8

Evil, Characteristics of TCR .Heart.9

Stubbornness Ecclesiastes 8:11;  TCR .Heart.10

Madness Ecclesiastes 9:3;  TCR .Heart.11

Depravity Jeremiah 17:9;  TCR .Heart.12

Extortion and excess Matthew 23:25;  TCR .Heart.13

Fountain-head of all evil Mark 7:21;  TCR .Heart.14

Source of unbelief and covetousness Hebrews 3:12; 2 Peter 2:14;  TCR .Heart.15

The Whole TCR .Heart.16

Read by Christ Proverbs 15:11; Jeremiah 20:12; Matthew 12:25; Matthew 22:18; Mark 2:8; Luke 6:8; Luke 11:17; Luke 16:15; John 2:25; Acts 15:8;  TCR .Heart.17

Renewed Deuteronomy 5:29; 2 Chronicles 11:16; Nehemiah 9:8; Psalms 57:7; Jeremiah 24:7; Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 36:26; Luke 8:15;  TCR .Heart.18

Whole TCR .Heart.19

(Giving the Whole Heart to God) TCR .Heart.20

In Love Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 30:2;  TCR .Heart.21

In Obedience Psalms 119:2; Psalms 119:34;  TCR .Heart.22

In Trust Proverbs 3:5;  TCR .Heart.23

In Prayer Jeremiah 29:13;  TCR .Heart.24

In Repentance Joel 2:12; Matthew 22:37; Acts 8:37;  TCR .Heart.25

Hardness of TCR .Heart.26

(Condemned) Psalms 95:8; Proverbs 28:14; Proverbs 29:1; Isaiah 42:25; Romans 2:5; Hebrews 3:13; TCR .Heart.27

Sinful TCR .Heart.28

(Characteristics of) TCR .Heart.29

Stubbornness Ecclesiastes 8:11;  TCR .Heart.30

Madness Ecclesiastes 9:3;  TCR .Heart.31

Depravity Jeremiah 17:9;  TCR .Heart.32

Extortion and excess Matthew 23:25;  TCR .Heart.33

Fountain-head of all evil Mark 7:21;  TCR .Heart.34

Source of unbelief and covetousness Hebrews 3:12; 2 Peter 2:14;  TCR .Heart.35

The Whole TCR .Heart.36


(Examples of) TCR .Heartlessness.3

Cain Genesis 4:9; Matthew 15:23;  TCR .Heartlessness.4

The Priest and Levite Luke 10:31; Luke 10:32;  TCR .Heartlessness.5

The Unjust Judge Luke 18:4; Luke 18:5;  TCR .Heartlessness.6

The people who Rebuked the Blind Man Luke 18:39;  TCR .Heartlessness.7

The Spectators at the Cross Matthew 27:42;  TCR .Heartlessness.8

Those who fail to Help the Poor James 2:16;  TCR .Heartlessness.9

Hearts Read

(The Secrets of the Heart Read by Christ) Proverbs 15:11; Jeremiah 20:12; Matthew 12:25; Matthew 22:18; Mark 2:8; Luke 6:8; Luke 11:17; Luke 16:15; John 2:25; Acts 15:8; TCR .Hearts Read.3


Heat Genesis 8:22; Genesis 18:1; Luke 12:55; James 1:11;  TCR .Heat.2


General references to 2 Kings 16:3; 2 Kings 17:8; Ezra 6:21; Psalms 2:1; Psalms 9:15; Psalms 126:2; Psalms 135:15; Ezekiel 39:21; Matthew 6:7;  TCR .Heathen.3

Cast Out of Canaan Because of sin Exodus 34:24; Leviticus 18:24; Leviticus 20:23; Deuteronomy 6:19; Deuteronomy 7:1; Deuteronomy 9:4; Joshua 13:12; 2 Kings 16:3; 2 Kings 17:8; 2 Kings 21:2; 2 Chronicles 28:3; 2 Chronicles 33:2; Psalms 18:42; Psalms 78:55; Psalms 80:8;  TCR .Heathen.4


Heave-Offerings Exodus 29:27; Leviticus 7:14; Leviticus 7:32; Numbers 18:8; Numbers 31:29;  TCR .Heave-Offerings.2


Dwelling Place of God Deuteronomy 26:15; 1 Kings 8:30; 2 Chronicles 30:27; Job 22:12; Psalms 73:25; Psalms 123:1; Isaiah 66:1; Luke 11:2; Acts 7:49;  TCR .Heaven.3

HEAVENLY HOME the final dwelling place of the Saints Revelation 21:1-27; Revelation 22:1-21; John 14:1-31;  TCR .Heaven.4

A Safe-deposit for Treasures Matthew 6:20;  TCR .Heaven.5

Contains a Register of the Saints Luke 10:20;  TCR .Heaven.6

Room for all Believers John 14:2;  TCR .Heaven.7

The Glorified Christ Entered into Acts 7:55; Acts 7:56;  TCR .Heaven.8

Built by the Hand of God 2 Corinthians 5:1; Colossians 1:5; Hebrews 11:10;  TCR .Heaven.9

The Redeemed of all Nations Assembled Revelation 7:9; Revelation 21:1;  TCR .Heaven.10

Obedience, the Condition of Entrance Revelation 22:14;  TCR .Heaven.11

Kingdom of TCR .Heaven.12

(similitudes of) Matthew 13:24; Matthew 13:31; Matthew 13:44; Matthew 13:47; Matthew 20:1; Matthew 22:2; Matthew 25:1; TCR .Heaven.13

Opened Matthew 3:16; Acts 7:56; Acts 10:11; Revelation 19:11;  TCR .Heaven.14


Citizenship TCR .Heavenly.3

A Source of Real Joy Luke 10:20;  TCR .Heavenly.4

Assures Future Exaltation Luke 22:30;  TCR .Heavenly.5

Promises a place of Permanent Residence John 14:2;  TCR .Heavenly.6

Furnishes an Undying Hope Philippians 3:20;  TCR .Heavenly.7

Provides a Glorious Inheritance 1 Peter 1:4;  TCR .Heavenly.8

A Register is kept of the Names of the Citizens Revelation 21:27;  TCR .Heavenly.9

Father TCR .Heavenly.10

General References to 1 Chronicles 29:10; Psalms 68:5; Isaiah 63:16; Isaiah 64:8; Matthew 6:9; Matthew 7:11; Romans 8:15; 1 Peter 1:17;  TCR .Heavenly.11

God Spoken of as the Father of all Men Deuteronomy 32:6; Malachi 2:10; Matthew 23:9; Romans 3:29; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 4:6; Hebrews 12:9; 1 John 5:7;  TCR .Heavenly.12

Home TCR .Heavenly.13

HEAVENLY HOME the final dwelling place of the Saints TCR .Heavenly.14

Select readings Revelation 21:1-27; Revelation 22:1-21; Luke 16:9; John 14:1-31;  TCR .Heavenly.15

A Safe-deposit for Treasures Matthew 6:20;  TCR .Heavenly.16

Contains a Register of the Saints Luke 10:20;  TCR .Heavenly.17

Room for all Believers John 14:2;  TCR .Heavenly.18

The Glorified Christ Entered into Acts 7:55; Acts 7:56;  TCR .Heavenly.19

Built by the Hand of God 2 Corinthians 5:1; Colossians 1:5; Hebrews 11:10;  TCR .Heavenly.20

The Redeemed of all Nations Assembled Revelation 7:9; Revelation 21:1;  TCR .Heavenly.21

Obedience, the Condition of Entrance Revelation 22:14;  TCR .Heavenly.22

Host Nehemiah 9:6; Daniel 7:10; Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 5:11; Revelation 7:9; Revelation 14:1; Revelation 19:6;  TCR .Heavenly.23

Joy TCR .Heavenly.24

Kingdom TCR .Heavenly.25

(Conditions of Entrance into) TCR .Heavenly.26

Humility Matthew 5:3; Matthew 5:10;  TCR .Heavenly.27

Sympathetic Service Matthew 25:34; Matthew 25:35; Luke 6:20;  TCR .Heavenly.28

Perseverance Luke 9:62;  TCR .Heavenly.29

New Birth John 3:3;  TCR .Heavenly.30

Endurance Acts 14:22; 2 Thessalonians 1:5;  TCR .Heavenly.31

Faith and Love James 2:5;  TCR .Heavenly.32

Multitude TCR .Heavenly.33

Origin, Christ's John 3:31; John 6:38; John 8:23; John 8:42; John 16:30; 1 Corinthians 15:47;  TCR .Heavenly.34

Places Ephesians 1:3; Ephesians 1:20; Ephesians 2:6; Ephesians 3:10;  TCR .Heavenly.35

Praise Psalms 148:2; Luke 2:13; Luke 2:14; Revelation 4:8; Revelation 5:11; Revelation 5:12; Revelation 7:11; Revelation 7:12; Revelation 11:17; Revelation 14:3; Revelation 19:5;  TCR .Heavenly.36

Nature's Praise TCR .Heavenly.37

Vision TCR .Heavenly.38

(Beholds the Glory of Things to Come) Psalms 17:15; Isaiah 6:1; Isaiah 33:17; Ezekiel 1:1; Ezekiel 8:3; John 17:24; 1 Corinthians 13:12; 1 John 3:2; Revelation 22:4; TCR .Heavenly.39


(the natural) TCR .Heavens.3

Creation of Genesis 1:1; 1 Chronicles 16:26; Psalms 102:25; Proverbs 8:27; Isaiah 40:22; Isaiah 42:5; Isaiah 45:12; Jeremiah 32:17;  TCR .Heavens.4

Shall pass away Psalms 102:26; Isaiah 34:4; Isaiah 51:6; Matthew 5:18; Matthew 24:35; 2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 6:14; Revelation 21:1;  TCR .Heavens.5

New Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1;  TCR .Heavens.6

Heavenward, Looking

(for Inspiration and Help) Psalms 34:5; Psalms 121:1; Psalms 123:1; Isaiah 40:26; Daniel 4:34; John 11:41; John 17:1; Acts 1:10; Acts 7:55; TCR .Heavenward, Looking.3


(language) 2 Kings 18:26; Nehemiah 13:24; John 5:2; John 19:20; Acts 21:40; Acts 22:2; Acts 26:14; TCR .Hebrew.3

Festivals Exodus 23:14; Leviticus 23:2; Numbers 15:3;  TCR .Hebrew.4

Feasts TCR .Hebrew.5

Of the Passover, held on the 14th of the first month, Abib (April), to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt Leviticus 23:6; Numbers 9:5; Joshua 5:10; 2 Kings 23:22; 2 Chronicles 35:1; Matthew 26:17; Luke 2:41; Luke 22:15; Hebrews 11:28;  TCR .Hebrew.6

Of Pentecost, or Weeks, held at the end of Wheat Harvest, 6th of Sivan (June) to commemorate the giving of the Law Exodus 23:16; Exodus 34:22; Leviticus 23:16; Numbers 28:26; Deuteronomy 16:10; Acts 2:1;  TCR .Hebrew.7

Of Trumpets, held the first of the seventh month Ethanim (October) Leviticus 23:24; Numbers 29:1; Nehemiah 8:2;  TCR .Hebrew.8

Of Tabernacles, or Ingathering, held 15th to the 22nd of Ethanim (October), as a thanksgiving for the harvest TCR .Hebrew.9

The people dwelt in booths to commemorate life in the wilderness Leviticus 23:34; Leviticus 23:39; Numbers 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:13; 2 Chronicles 8:13; Ezra 3:4; Nehemiah 8:14; Zechariah 14:16; John 7:2; TCR .Hebrew.10

Of Dedication, held the 25th of Chisleu (December), to commemorate the reconsecration of the temple after its pollution by the Syrians John 10:22;  TCR .Hebrew.11

Of Purim, held the 14th and 15th of Adar (March), to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from Haman Esther 9:17; Esther 9:22; Esther 9:26;  TCR .Hebrew.12

of New Moons TCR .Hebrew.13


(the Jewish people, so called) Genesis 14:13; Genesis 40:15; Genesis 43:32; Exodus 2:6; 2 Corinthians 11:22; Philippians 3:5; TCR .Hebrews.3

other References to TCR .Hebrews.4


(a city given to Caleb) Genesis 13:18; Genesis 23:2; Numbers 13:22; Joshua 10:36; Joshua 14:14; Joshua 15:13; 2 Samuel 2:1; 2 Samuel 3:2; 2 Samuel 5:1; 1 Chronicles 12:38; 1 Chronicles 29:27; 2 Chronicles 11:10; Nehemiah 11:25; TCR .Hebron.3


Hedges Job 1:10; Proverbs 15:19; Isaiah 5:5; Ezekiel 13:5; Luke 14:23;  TCR .Hedges.2

Heed, Take

(to conduct) Matthew 6:1; Matthew 18:10; Matthew 24:4; Mark 4:24; Mark 13:9; Mark 13:33; Luke 8:18; Luke 11:35; Luke 12:15; Luke 21:8; 1 Corinthians 3:10; 1 Corinthians 10:12; Colossians 4:17; 1 Timothy 4:16; 2 Peter 1:19; TCR .Heed, Take.3


(offered as sacrifices) Genesis 15:9; Numbers 19:2; Deuteronomy 21:3; Hebrews 9:13; TCR .Heifers.3


General references to Natural Genesis 15:3; Genesis 21:10; Genesis 25:5; Numbers 27:8; Numbers 36:9; Deuteronomy 21:16; Ecclesiastes 2:18;  TCR .Heirs.3

Spiritual TCR .Heirs.4

Spiritual TCR .Heirs.5

(Heirs of God) Romans 4:13; Romans 8:17; Galatians 3:29; Galatians 4:7; Titus 3:7; Hebrews 1:14; Hebrews 6:17; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:7; TCR .Heirs.6


Gehenna TCR .Hell.3

(Greek, The place of Punishment) Matthew 5:22; Matthew 5:29; Matthew 10:28; Matthew 18:9; Matthew 23:15; Matthew 23:33; Mark 9:43; Luke 12:5; James 3:6; TCR .Hell.4

Hades TCR .Hell.5

(Greek, The Abode of the Dead) Matthew 11:23; Matthew 16:18; Luke 16:23; Acts 2:27; Revelation 1:18; Revelation 6:8; Revelation 20:13; TCR .Hell.6

Sheol TCR .Hell.7

(Hebrew, The Grave or Unseen State) Deuteronomy 32:22; 2 Samuel 22:6; Job 11:8; Job 26:6; Psalms 9:17; Psalms 16:10; Psalms 18:5; Psalms 55:15; Psalms 86:13; Psalms 116:3; Psalms 139:8; Proverbs 5:5; Proverbs 7:27; Proverbs 9:18; Proverbs 15:11; Proverbs 15:24; Proverbs 23:14; Proverbs 27:20; Isaiah 5:14; Isaiah 14:9; Isaiah 14:15; Isaiah 28:15; Isaiah 28:18; Isaiah 57:9; Ezekiel 31:16; Ezekiel 32:21; Ezekiel 32:27; Amos 9:2; TCR .Hell.8

Jnh 2:2 Habakkuk 2:5; TCR .Hell.9

Tartarus TCR .Hell.10

(Greek, The Place of Punishment) 2 Peter 2:4; TCR .Hell.11

Helmet of Salvation

Helmet of Salvation Isaiah 59:17; Ephesians 6:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:8;  TCR .Helmet of Salvation.2

Helper, Divine

Helper, Divine Deuteronomy 33:29; 2 Chronicles 25:8; Psalms 27:9; Psalms 28:7; Psalms 40:17; Psalms 54:4; Psalms 116:6; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 50:9; Hebrews 13:6;  TCR .Helper, Divine.2

Helper, No

(an expression used to indicate the forsaken condition of man) Psalms 22:11; Psalms 107:12; Isaiah 41:28; Isaiah 59:16; Isaiah 63:5; Ezekiel 22:30; TCR .Helper, No.3

Helpful Children

(Examples of) TCR .Helpful Children.3

The child Samuel assists Eli 1 Samuel 2:18;  TCR .Helpful Children.4

A boy who waited upon David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 20:36;  TCR .Helpful Children.5

A little maid who aided Naaman in securing his health 2 Kings 5:2; 2 Kings 5:3;  TCR .Helpful Children.6

A child king 2 Chronicles 24:1;  TCR .Helpful Children.7

The boy Christ about his Father's business Luke 2:49;  TCR .Helpful Children.8

The lad who have his lunch to help feed the multitude John 6:9;  TCR .Helpful Children.9


(Examples of Helpful Religious Workers) 2 Chronicles 28:15; Job 29:15; Job 29:16; Proverbs 31:20; Isaiah 21:14; Isaiah 50:4; Matthew 25:35; Luke 10:34; 1 Corinthians 16:15; 1 Corinthians 16:16; 2 Corinthians 1:11; Philippians 4:3; TCR .Helpfulness.3


(physical and spiritual of man) Luke 13:11; John 5:7; John 6:44; John 15:5; Acts 3:2; Romans 5:6; Romans 7:18; TCR .Helplessness.3


DIVINE HELPER, God as helper of his people Deuteronomy 33:29; 2 Chronicles 25:8; Psalms 27:9; Psalms 28:7; Psalms 40:17; Psalms 54:4; Psalms 116:6; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 50:9; Hebrews 13:6;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.3

WAY PROVIDED TCR .Helps-Hindrances.4

Through the Difficulties of Life's Journey Exodus 14:16; Exodus 15:19; Joshua 3:17; Proverbs 15:19; Isaiah 30:21; Isaiah 42:16; Isaiah 43:16; Isaiah 49:11;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.5

Obstacles Removed from the Pathway Isaiah 40:4; Isaiah 45:2; Isaiah 49:11; Zechariah 4:7; Matthew 21:21; John 11:41;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.6

A Spiritual Highway Proverbs 16:17; Isaiah 35:8; Isaiah 43:19; Isaiah 62:10; Jeremiah 31:21;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.7

HINDRANCES to spiritual progress TCR .Helps-Hindrances.8

Worldly allurements prevented the escape of Lot's wife Genesis 19:26;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.9

The attempt to use the equipment of Saul delayed David 1 Samuel 17:39;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.10

Discouraged men opposed the building of the wall of Jerusalem Nehemiah 4:10;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.11

Unbelief hindered Christ's work in Nazareth Matthew 13:58;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.12

Worldly possessions kept back the rich young man from discipleship Matthew 19:22;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.13

Imaginary hindrances loom up before the Christian worker Mark 16:3; Mark 16:4;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.14

Family ties prevent a man from following Christ Luke 9:59;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.15

Weights, as well as sins, impede progress Hebrews 12:1;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.16

STUMBLING-BLOCKS in the way of men TCR .Helps-Hindrances.17

Should be Removed Isaiah 57:14;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.18

Unfaithful Leaders become Malachi 2:7; Malachi 2:8; Matthew 16:23;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.19

Hypocrites in the Church Declared to be Matthew 23:13; Luke 11:52;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.20

All need to Watch against becoming Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 8:9;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.21

Love the Preventive of 1 John 2:10;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.22

OFFENCES (causes of stumbling| Matthew 18:7; Mark 9:43; Romans 14:21; 1 Corinthians 10:32; 2 Corinthians 6:3;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.23

OPPOSERS, hinder Religious work TCR .Helps-Hindrances.24

Examples of Ezra 4:4; Nehemiah 4:8; Zechariah 3:1; Acts 13:8; Acts 18:6; 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Timothy 3:8; 2 Timothy 4:15;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.25

Seek to Silence the Prophets and Religious Leaders Isaiah 30:10; Jeremiah 11:21; Amos 2:12; Amos 7:13; Micah 2:6;  TCR .Helps-Hindrances.26


The Wise Man 1 Kings 4:31; 1 Chronicles 2:6;  TCR .Heman.3

The Singer 1 Chronicles 6:33; 1 Chronicles 15:17; 1 Chronicles 16:41; 1 Chronicles 25:5;  TCR .Heman.4


Hen Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34;  TCR .Hen.2


Herds Genesis 18:7; Genesis 47:18; Exodus 10:9; 1 Samuel 11:5; 2 Samuel 12:4; Isaiah 65:10;  TCR .Herds.2


Herdsman Genesis 13:7; Genesis 26:20; 1 Samuel 21:7;  TCR .Herdsman.2


General References to Exodus 34:7; Leviticus 26:39; Psalms 51:5; Psalms 58:3; Isaiah 14:20; Jeremiah 3:25; Lamentations 5:7; Ezekiel 18:2;  TCR .Heredity.3

Evil Influence of the Wicked Upon Posterity Job 27:14; Psalms 21:10; Psalms 37:28; Isaiah 14:20; Isaiah 57:3; Matthew 12:34;  TCR .Heredity.4

Beneficent Influence of the Righteous Psalms 25:13; Psalms 37:25; Psalms 69:36; Psalms 102:28; Psalms 112:2; Proverbs 11:21; Proverbs 14:26; Proverbs 20:7;  TCR .Heredity.5


(examples of) Matthew 15:9; Acts 15:24; 1 Corinthians 11:19; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Peter 2:1; 2 Peter 3:17; TCR .Heresy.3


(Of the righteous) TCR .Heritage.3

Earthly Psalms 37:11; Psalms 37:22; Isaiah 57:13; Matthew 5:5; Romans 4:13;  TCR .Heritage.4

Spiritual Psalms 61:5; Psalms 119:111; Isaiah 54:17; Acts 20:32; Acts 26:18; Ephesians 1:11; Colossians 1:12; Colossians 3:24; 1 Peter 1:4;  TCR .Heritage.5

Of Priests TCR .Heritage.6

Hermon, Mount

Hermon, Mount Deuteronomy 3:8; Joshua 11:17; Joshua 13:11; Psalms 133:3;  TCR .Hermon, Mount.2


Herodians Matthew 22:16; Mark 3:6; Mark 12:13;  TCR .Herodians.2


(wife of Philip, instigated the death of John the Baptist.) Matthew 14:3; Mark 6:17; Luke 3:19; TCR .Herodias.3

Herods of the New Testament

HEROD THE GREAT TCR .Herods of the New Testament.3

Characteristics of TCR .Herods of the New Testament.4

Enterprising, keen of intellect, builder of the temple, but bloodthirsty and cruel TCR .Herods of the New Testament.5

Son of Antipater, was appointed governor of Coel-Syria, and advanced from TCR .Herods of the New Testament.6

one position to another until made king of an extensive territory TCR .Herods of the New Testament.7

General References to Matthew 2:1; Matthew 2:3; Matthew 2:7; Matthew 2:16; Luke 1:5;  TCR .Herods of the New Testament.8

Successors of TCR .Herods of the New Testament.9

The Kingdom of Herod the Great was divided between his sons TCR .Herods of the New Testament.10

Archelaus succeeded to Judea and Samaria TCR .Herods of the New Testament.11

Herod Antipas was made Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea TCR .Herods of the New Testament.12

Herod Philip II received Ituraea, Gaulonitis, Trachonitis, etc TCR .Herods of the New Testament.13

Agrippa I TCR .Herods of the New Testament.14

Facts Concerning TCR .Herods of the New Testament.15

He was the son of Aristobulus and succeeded his uncle, Herod Philip II, as Tetrarch of Ituraea, Trachonitis, etc TCR .Herods of the New Testament.16

He was given the title of king by Caligula, and finally received all the territory of Herod the Great TCR .Herods of the New Testament.17

General References to Acts 12:1; Acts 12:20; Acts 23:35;  TCR .Herods of the New Testament.18

Agrippa II TCR .Herods of the New Testament.19

Facts Concerning TCR .Herods of the New Testament.20

He was the son of Herod Agrippa I, was king of Chalcis, Ituraea, Trachonitis and Abilene TCR .Herods of the New Testament.21

He had the oversight of the temple ad Jerusalem and nominated the High Priest TCR .Herods of the New Testament.22

General References to Acts 25:13; Acts 26:1; Acts 26:27;  TCR .Herods of the New Testament.23

Antipas (Herod the Tetrarch) TCR .Herods of the New Testament.24

Facts Concerning TCR .Herods of the New Testament.25

He ruled over Galilee and Perea for about thirty years. Seeking the title of King he was banished to Gaul TCR .Herods of the New Testament.26

He it was who slew John the Baptist TCR .Herods of the New Testament.27

General References to Luke 3:1; Luke 3:19; Luke 9:7; Matthew 14:1; Matthew 14:3; Mark 6:14; Mark 8:15; Luke 13:31; Luke 23:7; Luke 23:11; Acts 13:1;  TCR .Herods of the New Testament.28

Heroes, Ancient

Select Reading Hebrews 11:1-40;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.3

Typical of Men Engaged in Life's Battles TCR .Heroes, Ancient.4

Joshua Joshua 11:23;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.5

Gideon Judges 7:14;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.6

Jonathan 1 Samuel 14:6;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.7

David 1 Samuel 17:45;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.8

Elisha 2 Kings 6:17;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.9

Jehoshaphat 2 Chronicles 20:20;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.10

When Obedient were Invincible Deuteronomy 7:24; Deuteronomy 11:25; Deuteronomy 28:7; Joshua 1:5; Joshua 10:8; Joshua 21:44; Joshua 23:9; Song of Solomon 6:10;  TCR .Heroes, Ancient.11


(a city of the Amorites) Numbers 21:26; Deuteronomy 2:24; Nehemiah 9:22; Isaiah 16:8; TCR .Heshbon.3


(son of Canaan, father of the Hittites) Genesis 10:15; Genesis 23:3; Genesis 27:46; Genesis 49:32; 1 Chronicles 1:13; TCR .Heth.3


(king of Judah, son of Ahaz) TCR .Hezekiah.3

General References to 2 Kings 16:20; 2 Kings 18:9; 2 Kings 19:3; 2 Kings 20:1; 2 Kings 20:10; 2 Kings 20:21;  TCR .Hezekiah.4

Four Crises in his Life TCR .Hezekiah.5

Crisis of Choice: Chose to forsake the idols of his father, Ahaz 2 Chronicles 28:24; 2 Chronicles 28:25;  TCR .Hezekiah.6

and purged the Kingdom from idolatry 2 Kings 18:4;  TCR .Hezekiah.7

Crisis of Invasion 2 Chronicles 32:1-19;  TCR .Hezekiah.8

He prayed unto the Lord and was delivered 2 Chronicles 32:20; 2 Chronicles 32:21;  TCR .Hezekiah.9

Crisis of Sickness: Obedience furnished him a foundation for prayer and healing Isaiah 38:1-5;  TCR .Hezekiah.10

Crisis of Prosperity: He manifested pride and displayed his treasures to the ungodly Isaiah 39:1-8;  TCR .Hezekiah.11

Hidden, God

Hidden, God Job 23:9; Psalms 10:1; Psalms 13:1; Psalms 89:46; Isaiah 45:15;  TCR .Hidden, God.2

Hiding Place

Hiding Place Psalms 17:8; Psalms 27:5; Psalms 31:20; Psalms 32:7; Psalms 64:2; Psalms 119:114; Psalms 143:9; Isaiah 32:2;  TCR .Hiding Place.2

High Places

(Places devoted to idolatry) TCR .High Places.3

General Reference to Numbers 22:41; 1 Kings 11:7; 1 Kings 12:31; 2 Kings 17:9; 2 Kings 17:29; 2 Kings 18:4; 2 Kings 21:3; 2 Kings 23:5; 2 Chronicles 11:15; 2 Chronicles 17:6;  TCR .High Places.4

Condemned Leviticus 26:30; Numbers 33:52; 1 Kings 13:32; 2 Chronicles 14:3; Jeremiah 7:31;  TCR .High Places.5

Sometimes used for True Worship Genesis 22:2; Genesis 31:54; Judges 6:26; 1 Samuel 9:12; 1 Samuel 10:5; 1 Kings 3:4; 1 Kings 18:19;  TCR .High Places.6

High Priest, Christ As

Human as well as Divine Hebrews 2:17; Hebrews 3:1;  TCR .High Priest, Christ As.3

Sympathetic Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 4:15;  TCR .High Priest, Christ As.4

Divinely Appointed Hebrews 5:5;  TCR .High Priest, Christ As.5

Eternal Hebrews 6:20;  TCR .High Priest, Christ As.6

Sinless Hebrews 7:26;  TCR .High Priest, Christ As.7

Exalted Hebrews 8:1; Hebrews 9:11; Hebrews 10:21;  TCR .High Priest, Christ As.8

High Priests

High Priests Exodus 28:1; Leviticus 21:10; Zechariah 3:1; Hebrews 5:5; Hebrews 9:7;  TCR .High Priests.2

Garments of TCR .High Priests.3

Highway, Spiritual

Highway, Spiritual Proverbs 16:17; Isaiah 35:8; Isaiah 43:19; Isaiah 62:10; Jeremiah 31:21;  TCR .Highway, Spiritual.2


(the high priest) 2 Kings 22:4; 2 Kings 23:4; 1 Chronicles 6:13; 1 Chronicles 9:11; 2 Chronicles 34:9; Ezra 7:1; Jeremiah 29:3; TCR .Hilkiah.3


(a measure, one-sixth of a bath) Exodus 29:40; Leviticus 19:36; Numbers 15:5; Numbers 28:7; Ezekiel 4:11; TCR .Hin.3



Obstacles that Test the Faith of Believers TCR .Hindrances.3

Lack of Sympathy on the part of the Church Matthew 15:23; Mark 10:13;  TCR .Hindrances.4

Discouraging Circumstances Luke 5:18; Luke 5:19;  TCR .Hindrances.5

Unbelieving Friends Mark 5:35;  TCR .Hindrances.6

Scoffers John 9:24;  TCR .Hindrances.7

Divine Delays, not a hindrance but a test John 11:3-6;  TCR .Hindrances.8

Faith tested TCR .Hindrances.9

examples of Genesis 22:2;  TCR .Hindrances.10

By a strange plan of campaign Joshua 6:3;  TCR .Hindrances.11

By reducing a general's army Judges 7:7;  TCR .Hindrances.12

By requiring dependence upon a poor widow 1 Kings 17:9;  TCR .Hindrances.13

By demanding the last morsel of bread 1 Kings 17:13;  TCR .Hindrances.14

By requiring, what appeared to be, useless work 2 Kings 3:6;  TCR .Hindrances.15

By requiring extensive preparation with no blessing in sight 2 Kings 4:3;  TCR .Hindrances.16

Other examples of Matthew 9:28; Mark 7:27; Hebrews 11:8; Hebrews 11:17; Hebrews 11:36; James 1:3; 1 Peter 1:7;  TCR .Hindrances.17

To Spiritual Progress TCR .Hindrances.18

Worldly allurements prevented the escape of Lot's wife Genesis 19:26;  TCR .Hindrances.19

The attempt to use the equipment of Saul delayed David 1 Samuel 17:39;  TCR .Hindrances.20

Discouraged men opposed the building of the wall of Jerusalem Nehemiah 4:10;  TCR .Hindrances.21

Unbelief hindered Christ's work in Nazareth Matthew 13:58;  TCR .Hindrances.22

Worldly possessions kept back the rich young man from discipleship Matthew 19:22;  TCR .Hindrances.23

Imaginary hindrances loom up before the Christian worker Mark 16:3; Mark 16:4;  TCR .Hindrances.24

Family ties prevent a man from following Christ Luke 9:59;  TCR .Hindrances.25

Weights, as well as sins, impede progress Hebrews 12:1;  TCR .Hindrances.26

Opposers TCR .Hindrances.27

Examples of Ezra 4:4; Nehemiah 4:8; Zechariah 3:1; Acts 13:8; Acts 18:6; 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Timothy 3:8; 2 Timothy 4:15;  TCR .Hindrances.28

Seek to Silence the Prophets and Religious Leaders Isaiah 30:10; Jeremiah 11:21; Amos 2:12; Amos 7:13; Micah 2:6;  TCR .Hindrances.29

Test Believers TCR .Hindrances.30

(Obstacles that Test the Faith of Believers) TCR .Hindrances.31

Lack of Sympathy on the part of the Church Matthew 15:23; Mark 10:13;  TCR .Hindrances.32

Discouraging Circumstances Luke 5:18; Luke 5:19;  TCR .Hindrances.33

Unbelieving Friends Mark 5:35;  TCR .Hindrances.34

Scoffers John 9:24;  TCR .Hindrances.35

Divine Delays, not a hindrance but a test John 11:3-6;  TCR .Hindrances.36

Hinnom, Valley

Hinnom, Valley Joshua 15:8; Joshua 18:16; 2 Kings 23:10; 2 Chronicles 28:3; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Jeremiah 7:32; Jeremiah 19:2;  TCR .Hinnom, Valley.2


Or Huram, king of Tyre 2 Samuel 5:11; 1 Kings 5:1; 1 Kings 9:11; 1 Kings 9:27; 1 Kings 10:11; 1 Kings 10:22; 2 Chronicles 9:10;  TCR .Hiram.3

The Artificer 1 Kings 7:13; 2 Chronicles 2:13;  TCR .Hiram.4



Hireling Job 7:1; Job 14:6; Isaiah 16:14; Malachi 3:5; John 10:13;  TCR .Hireling.2


(descendants of Heth) Numbers 13:29; Deuteronomy 7:1; Joshua 24:11; Judges 3:5; 1 Kings 10:29; 1 Kings 11:1; 2 Kings 7:6; 2 Chronicles 8:7; Ezra 9:1; TCR .Hittites.3


(one of the nations of Canaan) Genesis 10:17; Exodus 23:28; Joshua 9:1; Joshua 11:3; 1 Kings 9:20; TCR .Hivites.3


Hold Fast

(Hold Fast the Good) 1 Thessalonians 5:21; Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 10:23; Revelation 3:3; TCR .Hold Fast.3

Hold Your Peace

(Men commanded to Keep Silent) Exodus 14:14; Judges 18:19; 2 Kings 2:3; Nehemiah 8:11; Job 13:13; Job 33:31; Mark 10:48; TCR .Hold Your Peace.3


General References to Exodus 39:30; Isaiah 35:8; Zechariah 14:20; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Hebrews 12:10; 1 Peter 2:9;  TCR .Holiness.3

Of God Exodus 15:11; 1 Samuel 6:20; Psalms 99:9; Isaiah 6:3; Ezekiel 39:7; Habakkuk 1:13; Revelation 4:8; Revelation 15:4;  TCR .Holiness.4

Enjoined Exodus 19:6; Leviticus 11:45; Leviticus 19:2; 1 Chronicles 16:29; Luke 1:74; Luke 1:75; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Ephesians 4:24; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:16; 2 Peter 3:11;  TCR .Holiness.5

Of Christ TCR .Holiness.6


Ambition - General References to Luke 13:24; 1 Corinthians 9:24; 1 Corinthians 12:31; 1 Corinthians 14:1; 1 Corinthians 14:12; Philippians 3:13; Philippians 3:14; 2 Timothy 2:15;  TCR .Holy.3

City TCR .Holy.4

(Jerusalem) Nehemiah 11:1; Isaiah 1:26; Isaiah 48:2; Isaiah 52:1; Joel 3:17; Matthew 4:5; TCR .Holy.5

Gates of TCR .Holy.6

Love for TCR .Holy.7

Prophecies of the Rebuilding of TCR .Holy.8

Of Holies TCR .Holy.9

(the most sacred place in the tabernacle and temple) Exodus 26:33; 1 Kings 6:19; 1 Kings 8:6; 1 Chronicles 6:49; 2 Chronicles 3:8; 2 Chronicles 4:22; Ezekiel 44:13; Hebrews 9:3; TCR .Holy.10

Place Exodus 26:33; Exodus 28:29; Exodus 31:11; Exodus 38:24; Leviticus 6:16; 1 Chronicles 23:32; 2 Chronicles 29:5;  TCR .Holy.11

Holy Spirit

(Select Readings,) John 14:16-26; Acts 2:1-47; Romans 8:1-39;  TCR .Holy Spirit.3

General Work Zechariah 4:6; Matthew 12:28; John 15:26; John 16:8; Romans 8:11; Romans 8:26; 2 Corinthians 3:6; 1 Peter 3:18; 2 Peter 1:21; Revelation 22:17;  TCR .Holy Spirit.4

Dwelling in Believers Ezekiel 36:27; John 14:17; Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 2 Timothy 1:14; 1 John 2:27;  TCR .Holy Spirit.5

Outpouring of, Promised Isaiah 32:15; Isaiah 59:21; Ezekiel 39:29;  TCR .Holy Spirit.6

Upon Young and Old Joel 2:28; Zechariah 12:10;  TCR .Holy Spirit.7

Christ the Giver of Matthew 3:11;  TCR .Holy Spirit.8

Bestowed in Answer to Prayer Luke 11:13;  TCR .Holy Spirit.9

Through Waiting upon God Luke 24:49; John 7:39; John 14:16; John 16:7;  TCR .Holy Spirit.10

Empowers for Service Acts 1:8;  TCR .Holy Spirit.11

Personal Cleansing Precedes Acts 2:38;  TCR .Holy Spirit.12

Examples of Men Receiving the Gift of, under the Old Dispensation TCR .Holy Spirit.13

The Seventy Elders Numbers 11:25;  TCR .Holy Spirit.14

Balaam Numbers 24:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.15

Othniel Judges 3:10;  TCR .Holy Spirit.16

Gideon Judges 6:34;  TCR .Holy Spirit.17

Samson Judges 14:6; Judges 14:19;  TCR .Holy Spirit.18

Saul 1 Samuel 10:10; 1 Samuel 11:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.19

David 1 Samuel 16:13;  TCR .Holy Spirit.20

Saul's Messengers 1 Samuel 19:20; 2 Chronicles 15:1; Luke 2:25;  TCR .Holy Spirit.21

Believers in the Early Church Baptized with TCR .Holy Spirit.22

Simeon Luke 2:25;  TCR .Holy Spirit.23

Believers at Pentecost Acts 2:3;  TCR .Holy Spirit.24

The Samaritan Christians Acts 8:17;  TCR .Holy Spirit.25

Cornelius and his Company Acts 10:44;  TCR .Holy Spirit.26

The Ephesian Believers Acts 19:6; Acts 19:7; 1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 John 2:20;  TCR .Holy Spirit.27

Bearing Witness to the Spiritual Adoption of Believers Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6; 1 John 3:24; 1 John 4:13; 1 John 5:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.28

As Teacher Nehemiah 9:20; Luke 12:12; John 14:26; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 1 John 2:27;  TCR .Holy Spirit.29

The Sin Against Isaiah 63:10; Matthew 12:31; Mark 3:29; Acts 5:3; Acts 7:51; Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; Hebrews 10:29; 1 John 5:16;  TCR .Holy Spirit.30

Withdrawal of Genesis 6:3; 1 Samuel 16:14; Psalms 51:11;  TCR .Holy Spirit.31

Christ Baptized with Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 3:16; John 1:32; Acts 10:38;  TCR .Holy Spirit.32

The Leadership of TCR .Holy Spirit.33

Guides into All Truth John 16:13; Acts 8:39;  TCR .Holy Spirit.34

Controls the Movements of Believers Acts 10:19; Acts 10:20;  TCR .Holy Spirit.35

Directs in the Selection of Christian Leaders Acts 13:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.36

Chooses the Fields of Operation Acts 16:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.37

Obedience to, a Mark of Sonship Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18;  TCR .Holy Spirit.38

Giveth Life John 6:63; Romans 8:11; 2 Corinthians 3:6; 1 Peter 3:18;  TCR .Holy Spirit.39

Called "Spirit of Truth" John 14:17; John 15:26; John 16:13; 1 John 4:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.40

Called the Comforter, (Greek, Parakletos) TCR .Holy Spirit.41

Abides forever John 14:16;  TCR .Holy Spirit.42

Brings to remembrance Christ's words John 14:26;  TCR .Holy Spirit.43

Testifies concerning Christ John 15:26;  TCR .Holy Spirit.44

Convicts the world of sin John 16:7; John 16:8;  TCR .Holy Spirit.45

Guides into all truth John 16:13;  TCR .Holy Spirit.46

Indwelling TCR .Holy Spirit.47

(Dwelling in Believers) Ezekiel 36:27; John 14:17; Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 2 Timothy 1:14; 1 John 2:27; TCR .Holy Spirit.48

Promised TCR .Holy Spirit.49

Outpouring of, Promised Isaiah 32:15; Isaiah 59:21; Ezekiel 39:29;  TCR .Holy Spirit.50

Upon Young and Old Joel 2:28; Zechariah 12:10;  TCR .Holy Spirit.51

Christ the Giver of Matthew 3:11;  TCR .Holy Spirit.52

Bestowed in Answer to Prayer Luke 11:13;  TCR .Holy Spirit.53

Through Waiting upon God Luke 24:49; John 7:39; John 14:16; John 16:7;  TCR .Holy Spirit.54

Empowers for Service Acts 1:8;  TCR .Holy Spirit.55

Personal Cleansing Precedes Acts 2:38;  TCR .Holy Spirit.56

Old Testament Reference to TCR .Holy Spirit.57

(Examples of Men Receiving the Gift of, under the Old Dispensation.) TCR .Holy Spirit.58

The Seventy Elders Numbers 11:25;  TCR .Holy Spirit.59

Balaam Numbers 24:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.60

Othniel Judges 3:10;  TCR .Holy Spirit.61

Gideon Judges 6:34;  TCR .Holy Spirit.62

Samson Judges 14:6; Judges 14:19;  TCR .Holy Spirit.63

Saul 1 Samuel 10:10; 1 Samuel 11:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.64

David 1 Samuel 16:13;  TCR .Holy Spirit.65

Saul's Messengers 1 Samuel 19:20; 2 Chronicles 15:1; Luke 2:25;  TCR .Holy Spirit.66

Baptism of TCR .Holy Spirit.67

(Believers in the Early Church Baptized with) TCR .Holy Spirit.68

Simeon Luke 2:25;  TCR .Holy Spirit.69

Believers at Pentecost Acts 2:3;  TCR .Holy Spirit.70

The Samaritan Christians Acts 8:17;  TCR .Holy Spirit.71

Cornelius and his Company Acts 10:44;  TCR .Holy Spirit.72

The Ephesian Believers Acts 19:6; Acts 19:7; 1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 John 2:20;  TCR .Holy Spirit.73

Men Filled with Luke 1:15; Luke 4:1; Acts 2:4; Acts 4:8; Acts 4:31; Acts 7:55; Acts 11:24; Acts 13:9; Acts 13:52;  TCR .Holy Spirit.74

Witness of TCR .Holy Spirit.75

(Bears Witness to the Spiritual Adoption of Believers) Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6; 1 John 3:24; 1 John 4:13; 1 John 5:6; TCR .Holy Spirit.76

Withdrawal of Genesis 6:3; 1 Samuel 16:14; Psalms 51:11;  TCR .Holy Spirit.77

Christ Baptised with Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 3:16; John 1:32; Acts 10:38;  TCR .Holy Spirit.78

Guides TCR .Holy Spirit.79

Guides into All Truth John 16:13; Acts 8:39;  TCR .Holy Spirit.80

Controls the Movements of Believers Acts 10:19; Acts 10:20;  TCR .Holy Spirit.81

Directs in the Selection of Christian Leaders Acts 13:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.82

Chooses the Fields of Operation Acts 16:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.83

Obedience to, a Mark of Sonship Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18;  TCR .Holy Spirit.84

Quickens TCR .Holy Spirit.85

(Giveth Life) John 6:63; Romans 8:11; 2 Corinthians 3:6; 1 Peter 3:18; TCR .Holy Spirit.86

Spirit of Truth John 14:17; John 15:26; John 16:13; 1 John 4:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.87

The Comforter TCR .Holy Spirit.88

(Greek, Parakletos) TCR .Holy Spirit.89

Abides forever John 14:16;  TCR .Holy Spirit.90

Brings to remembrance Christ's words John 14:26;  TCR .Holy Spirit.91

Testifies concerning Christ John 15:26;  TCR .Holy Spirit.92

Convicts the world of sin John 16:7; John 16:8;  TCR .Holy Spirit.93

Guides into all truth John 16:13;  TCR .Holy Spirit.94

Filling Saints Luke 1:15; Luke 4:1; Acts 2:4; Acts 4:8; Acts 4:31; Acts 7:55; Acts 11:24; Acts 13:9; Acts 13:52;  TCR .Holy Spirit.95

Fruits of TCR .Holy Spirit.96

(General References to) TCR .Holy Spirit.97

Produced in All Periods of Life Psalms 92:13; Psalms 92:14;  TCR .Holy Spirit.98

Perennial Ezekiel 47:12;  TCR .Holy Spirit.99

Grown only upon Good Ground Matthew 13:8;  TCR .Holy Spirit.100

Many Varieties of Galatians 5:22; Galatians 5:23;  TCR .Holy Spirit.101

Without Defect Ephesians 5:9; Philippians 1:11;  TCR .Holy Spirit.102

The Product of Heavenly Wisdom James 3:17;  TCR .Holy Spirit.103

Grieved TCR .Holy Spirit.104

(Withdrawal of) Genesis 6:3; 1 Samuel 16:14; Psalms 51:11; TCR .Holy Spirit.105

Inspiring Prophets TCR .Holy Spirit.106

(Inspiration of Prophets and Teachers) 2 Kings 3:11; 2 Kings 3:12; 2 Kings 17:13; Nehemiah 9:30; Job 32:8; Hebrews 1:1; 1 Peter 1:11; 2 Peter 1:20; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Peter 3:2; TCR .Holy Spirit.107

Inspiring The Word Jeremiah 36:2; Ezekiel 1:3; Acts 1:16; Acts 28:25; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Revelation 1:1; Revelation 14:3;  TCR .Holy Spirit.108

Power of TCR .Holy Spirit.109

(general references to) TCR .Holy Spirit.110

Gives Men Courage to Rebuke Sin Micah 3:8;  TCR .Holy Spirit.111

Mightier than Physical Forces Zechariah 4:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.112

Jesus the Supreme Example of Luke 4:14;  TCR .Holy Spirit.113

Accompanies the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8; Acts 2:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.114

Enables Men to Speak with Authority Acts 4:33; Acts 6:8;  TCR .Holy Spirit.115

Fills Life with Healing Influences Acts 19:11; Acts 19:12; 1 Corinthians 2:4; Ephesians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2 Timothy 1:7;  TCR .Holy Spirit.116

Regenerating TCR .Holy Spirit.117

(the teaching concerning) TCR .Holy Spirit.118

Birth of a New Spirit Ezekiel 36:26;  TCR .Holy Spirit.119

Of Divine Origin John 1:13;  TCR .Holy Spirit.120

Essential to Spiritual Vision John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 3:3;  TCR .Holy Spirit.121

A New Creation 2 Corinthians 5:17;  TCR .Holy Spirit.122

Necessary to Salvation Titus 3:5; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:3;  TCR .Holy Spirit.123

By the Word of God 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 2:29; 1 John 3:9; 1 John 4:7;  TCR .Holy Spirit.124

Obtained by Faith 1 John 5:1;  TCR .Holy Spirit.125

Sanctifying TCR .Holy Spirit.126

(How Secured) John 17:17; Romans 15:16; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Ephesians 5:26; 2 Timothy 2:21; Hebrews 10:10; Hebrews 13:12; 1 Peter 1:2; TCR .Holy Spirit.127

Spirit of Truth John 14:17; John 15:26; John 16:13; 1 John 4:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.128

Titles of TCR .Holy Spirit.129

Comforter John 14:16;  TCR .Holy Spirit.130

Eternal Spirit Hebrews 9:14;  TCR .Holy Spirit.131

Free Spirit Psalms 51:12;  TCR .Holy Spirit.132

Holy Spirit Psalms 51:11; Ephesians 1:13; Ephesians 4:30;  TCR .Holy Spirit.133

Power of the Highest Luke 1:35;  TCR .Holy Spirit.134

Spirit of Adoption Romans 8:15;  TCR .Holy Spirit.135

Spirit of Christ 1 Peter 1:11;  TCR .Holy Spirit.136

Spirit of Counsel Isaiah 11:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.137

Spirit of Glory 1 Peter 4:14;  TCR .Holy Spirit.138

Spirit of God Genesis 1:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.139

Spirit of Grace Zechariah 12:10;  TCR .Holy Spirit.140

Spirit of Holiness Romans 1:4;  TCR .Holy Spirit.141

Spirit of Judgment Isaiah 4:4;  TCR .Holy Spirit.142

Spirit of Knowledge Isaiah 11:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.143

Spirit of Life Romans 8:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.144

Spirit of Lord God Isaiah 61:1;  TCR .Holy Spirit.145

Spirit of Might Isaiah 11:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.146

Spirit of Prophecy Revelation 19:10;  TCR .Holy Spirit.147

Spirit of the Father Matthew 10:20;  TCR .Holy Spirit.148

Spirit of the Lord Isaiah 11:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.149

Spirit of the Son Galatians 4:6;  TCR .Holy Spirit.150

Spirit of Understanding Isaiah 11:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.151

Spirit of Wisdom Isaiah 11:2;  TCR .Holy Spirit.152

Upon Christ Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 3:16; John 1:32; Acts 10:38;  TCR .Holy Spirit.153

Witness of TCR .Holy Spirit.154

(Bearing Witness to the Spiritual Adoption of Believers) Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6; 1 John 3:24; 1 John 4:13; 1 John 5:6; TCR .Holy Spirit.155