Caesar - Christ
Augustus TCR .Caesar.3
CAESAR AUGUSTUS Luke 2:1; TCR .Caesar.4
Tiberius TCR .Caesar.5
CAESAR TIBERIUS Luke 3:1; TCR .Caesar.6
Claudius TCR .Caesar.7
CAESAR CLAUDIUS Acts 11:28; Acts 18:2; TCR .Caesar.8
Nero TCR .Caesar.9
CAESAR Philippians 4:22; TCR .Caesar.10
(a seaport of Palestine) Acts 8:40; Acts 9:30; Acts 10:24; Acts 11:11; Acts 12:19; Acts 18:22; Acts 21:16; Acts 23:23; Acts 25:1; TCR .Caesarea.3
Caesarea Philippi
Caesarea Philippi Matthew 16:13; Mark 8:27; TCR .Caesarea Philippi.2
(high priest in the time of Christ) Matthew 26:3; Luke 3:2; John 11:49; John 18:14; Acts 4:6; TCR .Caiaphas.3
(son of Adam) TCR .Cain.3
General References to Genesis 4:2; Genesis 4:16; Hebrews 11:4; 1 John 3:12; Jude 1:11; TCR .Cain.4
Facts Concerning TCR .Cain.5
Brought an Offering Genesis 4:3; TCR .Cain.6
Jealous Genesis 4:5; TCR .Cain.7
Hardened under Divine reproof Genesis 4:6; Genesis 4:7; TCR .Cain.8
The first murderer Genesis 4:8; TCR .Cain.9
Irreverent and selfish Genesis 4:9; TCR .Cain.10
Lost the Divine favour Genesis 4:14-16; TCR .Cain.11
(mentioned) Judges 7:13; 2 Samuel 6:19; 1 Kings 17:12; 1 Kings 19:6; Hosea 7:8; TCR .Cakes.3
(or calamus) Exodus 30:23; Song of Solomon 4:14; Isaiah 43:24; Jeremiah 6:20; Ezekiel 27:19; TCR .Calamus.3
Caldrons 1 Samuel 2:14; 2 Chronicles 35:13; Jeremiah 52:18; TCR .Caldrons.2
(son of Jephunneh) TCR .Caleb.3
General References to) Numbers 13:6; Numbers 13:30; Numbers 14:24; Numbers 26:65; Numbers 34:19; Joshua 14:14; Joshua 15:14; Joshua 21:12; Judges 1:15; 1 Chronicles 4:15; 1 Chronicles 2:42; TCR .Caleb.4
Facts Concerning TCR .Caleb.5
One of the twelve spies Numbers 13:6; TCR .Caleb.6
Courageous Numbers 13:30; Numbers 14:6-9; TCR .Caleb.7
Preserved when other spies perished Numbers 14:37; Numbers 14:38; TCR .Caleb.8
Consecrated to God Deuteronomy 1:36; TCR .Caleb.9
Vigorous and faithful in old age Joshua 14:10-14; TCR .Caleb.10
Invincible, drove out the giants from his inheritance Joshua 15:14; TCR .Caleb.11
Calf, the Golden
(The Golden Calf made by Aaron) Exodus 32:4; Deuteronomy 9:16; Nehemiah 9:18; Psalms 106:19; Acts 7:41; TCR .Calf, the Golden.3
Call, Divine
To Repentance Jeremiah 35:15; Ezekiel 33:11; Hosea 6:1; Matthew 22:3; Luke 14:17; 2 Corinthians 5:20; Revelation 3:20; TCR .Call, Divine.3
To Leadership TCR .Call, Divine.4
(examples of) TCR .Call, Divine.5
Abraham Genesis 12:1; TCR .Call, Divine.6
Moses Exodus 3:10; Exodus 28:1; Exodus 31:2; TCR .Call, Divine.7
Gideon Judges 6:14; TCR .Call, Divine.8
Elisha 1 Kings 19:19; TCR .Call, Divine.9
Isaiah Isaiah 6:8; Jeremiah 1:4; TCR .Call, Divine.10
Jnh 1:2 Acts 13:2; Acts 16:10; TCR .Call, Divine.11
Paul Acts 26:16; TCR .Call, Divine.12
Of the Apostles TCR .Call, Divine.13
Call Of to Special Work Mark 1:17; Mark 1:20; Mark 2:14; Luke 6:13; John 1:43; Acts 22:21; TCR .Call, Divine.14
Heal TCR .Call, Divine.15
Persecution of TCR .Call, Divine.16
Refused TCR .Call, Divine.17
(Refused by Men) Psalms 81:11; Proverbs 1:24; Isaiah 65:12; Isaiah 66:4; Jeremiah 7:13; Hosea 9:17; Matthew 22:3; John 5:40; Romans 10:21; TCR .Call, Divine.18
To Consecration TCR .Call, Divine.19
(A Call to Personal) Exodus 32:29; 1 Chronicles 29:5; Proverbs 23:26; Romans 12:1; 2 Timothy 2:21; TCR .Call, Divine.20
To Decision Deuteronomy 30:15; Joshua 24:15; Ruth 1:15; 1 Kings 18:21; Matthew 27:17; Mark 10:21; Luke 16:13; John 6:67; TCR .Call, Divine.21
To Work TCR .Call, Divine.22
(Various Forms of, to which Men are Called) TCR .Call, Divine.23
Working with God Haggai 2:4; TCR .Call, Divine.24
Immediate Service Matthew 21:28; TCR .Call, Divine.25
Individual Tasks Mark 13:34; TCR .Call, Divine.26
Abundant Labours 1 Corinthians 15:58; TCR .Call, Divine.27
In the Field of their Own Lives Philippians 2:12; TCR .Call, Divine.28
In Evangelizing the World 2 Timothy 4:5; TCR .Call, Divine.29
To Worship TCR .Call, Divine.30
Call to Worship in the sanctuary 2 Chronicles 30:1; Isaiah 2:3; Jeremiah 31:6; Zechariah 8:21; TCR .Call, Divine.31
For Worship of God TCR .Call, Divine.32
Universal Isaiah 45:22; Isaiah 55:1; Matthew 22:9; John 7:37; Romans 10:12; 1 Timothy 2:4; Revelation 22:17; TCR .Call, Divine.33
Wisdom's TCR .Call, Divine.34
(Select Readings) Job 28:12-28; Proverbs 3:13-24; Proverbs 4:1-13; TCR .Call, Divine.35
The Call of Proverbs 1:20; Proverbs 8:1; Proverbs 9:3; TCR .Call, Divine.36
Calling, the Christian
Calling, the Christian 1 Corinthians 1:26; Ephesians 1:18; Ephesians 4:1; Philippians 3:14; 1 Thessalonians 2:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:14; 2 Timothy 1:9; Hebrews 3:1; 1 Peter 5:10; 2 Peter 1:10; TCR .Calling, the Christian.2
Calvary, Mount
(place of Christ's crucifixion) Mark 15:22; Luke 23:33; John 19:17; TCR .Calvary, Mount.3
Names of Genesis 18:7; 1 Samuel 28:24; Amos 6:4; Luke 15:23; TCR .Calves.3
Calves, Jeroboam's
(The Golden Calves of Jeroboam, set up in Dan and Bethel) 1 Kings 12:28; 2 Kings 10:29; 2 Kings 17:16; 2 Chronicles 11:15; 2 Chronicles 13:8; Hosea 10:5; TCR .Calves, Jeroboam's.3
Camels Genesis 12:16; Genesis 30:43; Leviticus 11:4; Judges 6:5; 1 Samuel 30:17; 1 Chronicles 5:21; Job 1:3; Matthew 19:24; Matthew 23:24; TCR .Camels.2
(a town of Galilee) John 2:1; John 4:46; John 21:2; TCR .Cana.3
Canaan, Land Of
General References to Genesis 11:31; Genesis 12:5; Genesis 13:12; Genesis 16:3; Genesis 17:8; Genesis 42:5; Genesis 49:30; Exodus 6:4; Exodus 15:15; Numbers 32:32; Joshua 5:12; 1 Chronicles 16:18; Isaiah 8:8; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.4
Promised to Abraham Genesis 12:7; Genesis 13:15; Genesis 15:7; Genesis 15:18; Genesis 17:8; Genesis 50:24; Exodus 6:8; Leviticus 20:24; Numbers 14:8; Deuteronomy 6:10; Deuteronomy 31:20; Joshua 5:6; Judges 2:1; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.5
Fruitful Land Exodus 3:8; Numbers 13:27; Deuteronomy 8:8; Deuteronomy 11:9; Jeremiah 2:7; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.6
Polluted, by sin Leviticus 18:25; Numbers 35:34; Psalms 106:38; Isaiah 24:5; Jeremiah 2:7; Jeremiah 3:2; Jeremiah 16:18; Micah 2:10; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.7
Heathen Cast out of, Because of sin Exodus 34:24; Leviticus 18:24; Leviticus 20:23; Deuteronomy 6:19; Deuteronomy 7:1; Deuteronomy 9:4; Joshua 13:12; 2 Kings 16:3; 2 Kings 17:8; 2 Kings 21:2; 2 Chronicles 28:3; 2 Chronicles 33:2; Psalms 18:42; Psalms 78:55; Psalms 80:8; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.8
Wars of Extermination Waged against Early Inhabitants of Numbers 31:7; Deuteronomy 7:2; Deuteronomy 13:15; Deuteronomy 20:17; 1 Samuel 15:3; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.9
NAMES OFF TCR .Canaan, Land Of.10
Ancient Names TCR .Canaan, Land Of.11
Beulah Isaiah 62:4; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.12
Canaan TCR .Canaan, Land Of.13
Holy Land Zechariah 2:12; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.14
Immanuel's Land Isaiah 8:8; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.15
Land of Israel 1 Samuel 13:19; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.16
Land of the Hebrews Genesis 40:15; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.17
Land of the Jews Acts 10:39; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.18
Land of Promise Hebrews 11:9; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.19
Palestina Exodus 15:14; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.20
Pleasant Land Daniel 8:9; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.21
The Lord's Land Hosea 9:3; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.22
Modern Name, Palestine TCR .Canaan, Land Of.23
DESCRIPTION OF Genesis 13:10; Deuteronomy 8:7; Deuteronomy 11:11; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.24
DIVISION OF TCR .Canaan, Land Of.25
-By Joshua, among the tribes TCR .Canaan, Land Of.26
Joshua, Chapters 14-17 TCR .Canaan, Land Of.27
-Into Provinces 1 Kings 4:7; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.28
Into Kingdoms 1 Kings 11:35; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.29
Into Roman Provinces Luke 3:1; TCR .Canaan, Land Of.30
Canaan, Son of Ham
Canaan, Son of Ham Genesis 9:18; Genesis 9:22; Genesis 9:25; Genesis 9:27; Genesis 10:6; Genesis 10:15-18; TCR .Canaan, Son of Ham.2
(descendants of Canaan) Genesis 10:18; Exodus 33:2; Exodus 34:11; Deuteronomy 7:1; Joshua 5:1; Joshua 17:12; 1 Kings 9:16; TCR .Canaanites.3
((Lamp)) Job 18:6; Job 21:17; Psalms 18:28; Proverbs 20:27; Matthew 5:15; TCR .Candle.3
Candlestick Exodus 25:31; Exodus 26:35; Exodus 27:20; Numbers 8:2; Revelation 1:12; Revelation 2:5; TCR .Candlestick.2
Cane, Sweet
(or calamus) Exodus 30:23; Song of Solomon 4:14; Isaiah 43:24; Jeremiah 6:20; Ezekiel 27:19; TCR .Cane, Sweet.3
Cankerworm Joel 1:4; Joel 2:25; Nahum 3:15; TCR .Cankerworm.2
Cannibalism Leviticus 26:29; Deuteronomy 28:53; 2 Kings 6:28; Jeremiah 19:9; Lamentations 2:20; Lamentations 4:10; Ezekiel 5:10; TCR .Cannibalism.2
(a city near the Sea of Galilee) Matthew 4:13; Matthew 8:5; Matthew 11:23; Matthew 17:24; Mark 1:21; John 2:12; John 4:46; John 6:17; John 6:24; TCR .Capernaum.3
Capital and Labour
EMPLOYERS (Masters) TCR .Capital and Labour.3
Duties of TCR .Capital and Labour.4
Prompt Payment of Wages Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:15; TCR .Capital and Labour.5
Consideration for Employees Job 31:13; Job 31:14; TCR .Capital and Labour.6
Refraining from Threats Ephesians 6:9; TCR .Capital and Labour.7
Just Dealing Colossians 4:1; TCR .Capital and Labour.8
Sins of, Respecting Payment of Wages TCR .Capital and Labour.9
Delaying Payment Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:15; TCR .Capital and Labour.10
Exacting Service with Wages Jeremiah 22:13; TCR .Capital and Labour.11
Failing to Pay a Living Wage Malachi 3:5; Luke 3:14; TCR .Capital and Labour.12
Fraudulent Withholding of Wages James 5:4; TCR .Capital and Labour.13
Examples of Good Genesis 18:19; Genesis 35:2; Joshua 24:15; 2 Samuel 6:20; Luke 7:2; Acts 10:2; TCR .Capital and Labour.14
Examples of Bad Genesis 16:6; Genesis 31:7; Genesis 39:20; Exodus 1:13; 1 Samuel 30:13; TCR .Capital and Labour.15
Overseers Genesis 39:4; 1 Chronicles 9:29; 2 Chronicles 2:18; 2 Chronicles 34:17; TCR .Capital and Labour.16
EMPLOYEES (servants) TCR .Capital and Labour.17
Faithful Exodus 21:5; Psalms 123:2; Proverbs 17:2; Proverbs 25:13; Proverbs 27:18; Matthew 24:45; TCR .Capital and Labour.18
Duties of TCR .Capital and Labour.19
Obedience Ephesians 6:5; TCR .Capital and Labour.20
Faithfulness Colossians 3:22; TCR .Capital and Labour.21
Respect for Masters 1 Timothy 6:1; TCR .Capital and Labour.22
Desire to Please Titus 2:9; TCR .Capital and Labour.23
Patience in Hard Places 1 Peter 2:18; TCR .Capital and Labour.24
LABOUR TCR .Capital and Labour.25
Physical Enjoined Genesis 2:15; Genesis 3:19; Leviticus 23:3; Proverbs 13:11; Proverbs 14:23; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Ephesians 4:28; 1 Thessalonians 4:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:12; TCR .Capital and Labour.26
Worldly, sometimes disappointing Ecclesiastes 1:3; Ecclesiastes 1:14; Ecclesiastes 2:11; Ecclesiastes 4:8; Ecclesiastes 5:16; Isaiah 55:2; Habakkuk 2:13; John 6:27; TCR .Capital and Labour.27
LABOUR TROUBLES, general references to Matthew 20:11; Matthew 20:12; Matthew 21:33-35; Mark 12:1-9; TCR .Capital and Labour.28
LABOUR UNIONS Acts 19:25-28; TCR .Capital and Labour.29
Capital Punishment
For Capital Offences Genesis 9:6; Exodus 21:14; Exodus 21:29; Exodus 22:20; Exodus 35:2; Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 13:9; Deuteronomy 17:12; Deuteronomy 21:21; TCR .Capital Punishment.3
Examples of the Infliction of Leviticus 10:2; Numbers 15:36; Numbers 16:32; Joshua 7:25; 2 Kings 9:33; 2 Chronicles 23:15; Esther 7:10; Acts 5:5; Acts 12:23; TCR .Capital Punishment.4
(of the Host) Numbers 31:48; Deuteronomy 20:9; Judges 4:2; 1 Samuel 14:50; 1 Samuel 17:18; 1 Kings 16:16; 2 Kings 11:15; 2 Kings 25:8; 1 Chronicles 11:21; 1 Chronicles 12:34; TCR .Captains.3
(of war) Genesis 14:12; Numbers 31:9; Deuteronomy 20:14; Deuteronomy 21:11; 2 Kings 25:6; 2 Chronicles 28:15; Nehemiah 1:11; TCR .Captives.3
Captivity of Israel and Judah
Foretold Deuteronomy 28:36; 1 Kings 14:15; Isaiah 39:7; Jeremiah 13:19; Amos 7:11; Luke 21:24; TCR .Captivity of Israel and Judah.3
Fulfilment of Prophecies Concerning 2 Kings 15:29; 2 Kings 17:6; 2 Kings 18:11; 2 Kings 24:14; 2 Kings 25:11; 2 Chronicles 28:5; TCR .Captivity of Israel and Judah.4
Return from Deuteronomy 30:3; Isaiah 11:11; Jeremiah 16:15; Jeremiah 23:3; Zephaniah 3:20; Zechariah 10:10; TCR .Captivity of Israel and Judah.5
Caravans Genesis 37:25; Genesis 46:6; 1 Kings 10:2; 2 Kings 8:9; Ezra 8:31; Isaiah 21:13; TCR .Caravans.2
Carbuncle Exodus 28:17; Exodus 39:10; TCR .Carbuncle.2
Paul's Care of the Church Acts 20:31; 2 Corinthians 7:12; 2 Corinthians 11:28; 2 Corinthians 12:20; Galatians 4:11; 1 Thessalonians 3:10; TCR .Care.3
Business cares result in TCR .Care.4
Neglect of Duty 1 Kings 20:39; 1 Kings 20:40; TCR .Care.5
A Restless Life Psalms 39:6; TCR .Care.6
Disappointment Ecclesiastes 2:20; TCR .Care.7
Sleeplessness Ecclesiastes 5:12; TCR .Care.8
Presumption Luke 12:16-18; Luke 12:20; TCR .Care.9
Family TCR .Care.10
Solicitude Genesis 37:14; 1 Samuel 10:2; 2 Samuel 18:29; Esther 2:11; TCR .Care.11
Causes of TCR .Care.12
Servant's Ills Matthew 8:6; TCR .Care.13
Children's Sickness Matthew 15:22; TCR .Care.14
Entertainment of Guests Luke 10:40; TCR .Care.15
Hospitality Luke 11:5; Luke 11:6; TCR .Care.16
Responsibility for Husband or Wife Luke 14:20; 1 Corinthians 7:33; TCR .Care.17
Providing for the Family 1 Timothy 5:8; TCR .Care.18
Worldly TCR .Care.19
Folly of TCR .Care.20
Profitless Psalms 39:6; Ecclesiastes 1:13; TCR .Care.21
The Sinners' Portion Ecclesiastes 2:26; Ecclesiastes 4:6; TCR .Care.22
Drives away Sleep Ecclesiastes 8:16; TCR .Care.23
Indicates a Distrust of Providence Matthew 6:31; Matthew 6:32; TCR .Care.24
Chokes the "Word" Matthew 13:7; Matthew 13:22; TCR .Care.25
Mars the Peace of Home Luke 10:40; TCR .Care.26
Forbidden Psalms 127:2; Matthew 6:25; Matthew 13:22; Luke 10:41; Luke 12:29; Luke 21:34; 1 Corinthians 7:32; Philippians 4:6; 1 Peter 5:7; TCR .Care.27
Business TCR .Care.28
Family TCR .Care.29
Anxiety TCR .Care.30
(forbidden) Luke 12:11; Luke 12:25; 1 Corinthians 7:32; Philippians 4:6; 1 Peter 5:7; TCR .Care.31
Care, Divine
(Watches over Life with Infinite Care) Psalms 115:12; Matthew 6:32; Luke 12:7; 1 Peter 5:7; TCR .Care, Divine.3
Careless Hearing
(Characteristics of) TCR .Careless Hearing.3
Sentimentality Ezekiel 33:32; TCR .Careless Hearing.4
Disobedience Matthew 7:26; TCR .Careless Hearing.5
Shallowness Matthew 13:19; TCR .Careless Hearing.6
Hardness Luke 16:31; TCR .Careless Hearing.7
Forgetfulness James 1:23; James 1:24; TCR .Careless Hearing.8
Cares of Motherhood
Cares of Motherhood Genesis 3:16; Genesis 21:16; Exodus 2:3; 2 Samuel 21:10; 1 Kings 3:26; 2 Kings 4:19; 2 Kings 4:20; Isaiah 49:15; Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 15:22; Matthew 24:19; TCR .Cares of Motherhood.2
Cares, Business
(result in) TCR .Cares, Business.3
Neglect of Duty 1 Kings 20:39; 1 Kings 20:40; TCR .Cares, Business.4
A Restless Life Psalms 39:6; TCR .Cares, Business.5
Disappointment Ecclesiastes 2:20; TCR .Cares, Business.6
Sleeplessness Ecclesiastes 5:12; TCR .Cares, Business.7
Presumption Luke 12:16-18; Luke 12:20; TCR .Cares, Business.8
Carmel, Mount
(On the seacoast of Palestine 1 Kings 18:19; 2 Kings 2:25; 2 Kings 19:23; Isaiah 33:9; Jeremiah 46:18; Jeremiah 50:19; Amos 1:2; TCR .Carmel, Mount.3
Carnal Mind
(General references to) Romans 1:28; Romans 8:7; Ephesians 4:17; Colossians 1:21; Colossians 2:18; Titus 1:15; TCR .Carnal Mind.3
Carnal Security
(Leads men to dream of escape from common ills) TCR .Carnal Security.3
Death Isaiah 28:15; TCR .Carnal Security.4
Grief Isaiah 47:8; TCR .Carnal Security.5
War and Famine Jeremiah 5:12; Jeremiah 21:13; Jeremiah 49:4; Amos 9:10; TCR .Carnal Security.6
Humiliation Obadiah 1:3; TCR .Carnal Security.7
Poverty Luke 12:19; TCR .Carnal Security.8
Carnality Exodus 16:3; Numbers 11:4; Psalms 78:18; John 6:26; Romans 7:23; Romans 8:5; Galatians 5:13; 1 John 2:16; TCR .Carnality.2
Carpenters 2 Samuel 5:11; 2 Kings 12:11; Isaiah 41:7; Isaiah 44:13; Jeremiah 24:1; Matthew 13:55; Mark 6:3; TCR .Carpenters.2
Carts 1 Samuel 6:7; 2 Samuel 6:3; 1 Chronicles 13:7; TCR .Carts.2
(Carving of wood) Exodus 31:5; 1 Kings 6:18; Psalms 74:6; TCR .Carving.3
(a fragrant spice) Exodus 30:24; Psalms 45:8; Ezekiel 27:19; TCR .Cassia.3
(Spiritual Matthew 8:12; Matthew 22:13; Matthew 25:30; John 15:6; 1 Corinthians 9:27; TCR .Castaways.3
Casting Lots
Casting Lots Leviticus 16:8; Numbers 26:55; Joshua 18:10; 1 Samuel 14:41; Esther 3:7; Proverbs 16:33; Proverbs 18:18; TCR .Casting Lots.2
Jnh 1:7 Matthew 27:35; Acts 1:26; TCR .Casting Lots.3
(or forts) Numbers 31:10; 1 Chronicles 11:7; 2 Chronicles 17:12; 2 Chronicles 27:4; Acts 23:10; TCR .Castles.3
Caterpillars 1 Kings 8:37; Psalms 78:46; Psalms 105:34; Jeremiah 51:27; Joel 1:4; Joel 2:25; TCR .Caterpillars.2
(Liberality of sentiment) TCR .Catholicity.3
Examples of Acts 8:14; Acts 10:47; Acts 11:18; Acts 15:19; Romans 1:14; Galatians 2:9; Galatians 3:28; TCR .Catholicity.4
Cattle Genesis 1:25; Genesis 31:18; Exodus 9:4; Exodus 20:10; Numbers 32:1; Joshua 14:4; Ezekiel 39:18; Amos 4:1; TCR .Cattle.2
Caves Genesis 19:30; Genesis 23:9; Genesis 50:13; Joshua 10:16; Judges 6:2; 1 Samuel 13:6; 1 Samuel 22:1; 2 Samuel 23:13; 1 Kings 18:4; 1 Kings 19:9; 1 Chronicles 11:15; Ezekiel 33:27; John 11:38; Hebrews 11:38; TCR .Caves.2
(lumber) 2 Samuel 7:2; 1 Kings 6:18; 1 Kings 7:2; 1 Chronicles 22:4; Jeremiah 22:14; Ezekiel 27:24; TCR .Cedar.3
Cedars 1 Kings 4:33; 2 Kings 14:9; Psalms 29:5; Psalms 80:10; Psalms 104:16; Isaiah 2:13; TCR .Cedars.2
(or Kidron, a brook on the east of Jerusalem) 1 Kings 2:37; 1 Kings 15:13; 2 Kings 23:6; 2 Chronicles 29:16; Nehemiah 2:15; Jeremiah 31:40; John 18:1; TCR .Cedron.3
(Exemplified in Celibacy) Matthew 19:10; 1 Corinthians 7:8; 1 Corinthians 7:27; 1 Timothy 4:3; Revelation 14:4; TCR .Celibacy.3
(used in religious service) Leviticus 16:12; Numbers 4:14; Numbers 16:37; 1 Kings 7:50; Revelation 8:3; TCR .Censers.3
(Faultfinding against Christ) Matthew 9:11; Matthew 12:2; Matthew 15:2; Mark 2:7; Mark 2:16; Mark 7:2; Luke 15:2; Luke 19:7; John 6:41; TCR .Censoriousness.3
(of the Israelites Numbers 1:2; Numbers 26:2; 2 Samuel 24:2; 1 Chronicles 21:1; Luke 2:1; TCR .Census.3
Centre of Life
(Roman officers over one hundred men) Matthew 8:5; Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39; Mark 15:44; Acts 10:1; Acts 21:32; Acts 22:25; Acts 23:17; Acts 27:11; TCR .Centurions.3
FALSE RELIGION, characteristics of Mark 7:4; Acts 15:10; Galatians 4:9; Galatians 5:1; Colossians 2:20; Hebrews 9:10; TCR .Ceremonialism.3
Laws of, Abolished TCR .Ceremonialism.4
(Ceremonial Abolished in Christ) Ephesians 2:15; Colossians 2:14; Hebrews 7:18; Hebrews 8:13; Hebrews 10:1; Hebrews 12:27; TCR .Ceremonialism.5
Comforting TCR .Certainties.3
(Seven that encourage the believer TCR .Certainties.4
Sure Promises 1 Kings 8:56; TCR .Certainties.5
Sure Foundations Isaiah 28:16; TCR .Certainties.6
Sure Reward Matthew 10:42; TCR .Certainties.7
Assured Acceptance John 6:37; TCR .Certainties.8
Divine Love Romans 8:38; Romans 8:39; TCR .Certainties.9
Assured Immortality 2 Corinthians 5:1; TCR .Certainties.10
Eternal Anchorage Hebrews 6:19; TCR .Certainties.11
Sobering TCR .Certainties.12
(Seven that face the unrepentant sinner TCR .Certainties.13
Certainty of Exposure Numbers 32:23; TCR .Certainties.14
Certainty of Disappointment Deuteronomy 32:32; TCR .Certainties.15
Certainty of Leaving Earthly Possessions 1 Timothy 6:7; TCR .Certainties.16
Certainty of Death Ecclesiastes 8:8; TCR .Certainties.17
Certainty of Judgment Ecclesiastes 12:14; TCR .Certainties.18
Certainty of Separation from the Righteous Matthew 25:31-33; TCR .Certainties.19
Certainty of Banishment from the Divine Presence 2 Thessalonians 1:9; TCR .Certainties.20
(Compared to Chaff) Job 21:18; Psalms 1:4; Isaiah 5:24; Isaiah 17:13; Hosea 13:3; Matthew 3:12; TCR .Chaff.3
(Chains used as ornaments) Genesis 41:42; Proverbs 1:9; Ezekiel 16:11; Daniel 5:29; TCR .Chains.3
(Precious Stone) Revelation 21:19; TCR .Chalcedony.3
(an ancient race) Ezekiel 23:23; Daniel 2:2; Daniel 3:8; Daniel 4:7; Daniel 5:7; TCR .Chaldeans.3
Chamberlains 2 Kings 23:11; Esther 1:10; Acts 12:20; Romans 16:23; TCR .Chamberlains.2
Channels of Truth
Channels of Truth Matthew 10:20; Mark 13:11; John 7:38; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 1 Peter 4:11; 2 Peter 1:21; TCR .Channels of Truth.2
Character Transformed
(Character transformed by conversion) TCR .Character Transformed.3
Peter, the Profane Fisherman Matthew 26:74; TCR .Character Transformed.4
becomes a man whose very shadow heals Acts 5:15; TCR .Character Transformed.5
The Restless Demoniac Mark 5:5; TCR .Character Transformed.6
becomes a quiet disciple Mark 5:15; TCR .Character Transformed.7
John the Vindictive Jew Luke 9:53; Luke 9:54; TCR .Character Transformed.8
becomes the apostle of love 1 John 4:7; TCR .Character Transformed.9
The Woman of Samaria of Unsavoury reputation John 4:17; John 4:18; TCR .Character Transformed.10
becomes an evangel of truth John 4:29; TCR .Character Transformed.11
Saul the Bloodthirsty Persecutor Acts 9:1; TCR .Character Transformed.12
becomes Paul, the tender-hearted brother Acts 21:13; TCR .Character Transformed.13
The Cold-hearted Philippian Jailer Acts 16:24; TCR .Character Transformed.14
becomes a sympathetic friend Acts 16:33; TCR .Character Transformed.15
Charges, Solemn
Moses to Joshua Numbers 27:23; Deuteronomy 31:23; TCR .Charges, Solemn.3
David to Solomon 1 Kings 2:1; TCR .Charges, Solemn.4
Jehoshaphat to leaders of Judah 2 Chronicles 19:9; TCR .Charges, Solemn.5
Christ to the Disciples Matthew 10:5; TCR .Charges, Solemn.6
Paul to the Ephesian Elders Acts 20:28; TCR .Charges, Solemn.7
Paul to Timothy 1 Timothy 5:21; 1 Timothy 6:13; 2 Timothy 4:1; TCR .Charges, Solemn.8
Used in War Exodus 14:7; Joshua 11:4; Joshua 17:16; Judges 1:19; Judges 4:13; 1 Samuel 13:5; 2 Samuel 10:18; Psalms 20:7; Isaiah 31:1; Nahum 2:13; TCR .Chariots.3
Used in Travelling Genesis 41:43; Genesis 46:29; 1 Kings 12:18; 2 Kings 9:16; Acts 8:29; TCR .Chariots.4
Chariots of God
Chariots of God Psalms 68:17; Psalms 104:3; Isaiah 66:15; Habakkuk 3:8; TCR .Chariots of God.2
Duty of Proverbs 17:9; Matthew 7:3; Romans 15:1; Galatians 6:1; 1 Peter 4:8; TCR .Charitableness.3
Judgment Forbidden Matthew 7:1; Romans 2:1; Romans 14:4; Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 4:5; James 4:12; TCR .Charitableness.4
CHARITABLENESS TCR .Charitableness-Uncharitableness.3
Duty of Proverbs 17:9; Matthew 7:3; Romans 15:1; Galatians 6:1; 1 Peter 4:8; TCR .Charitableness-Uncharitableness.4
Judgment Forbidden Matthew 7:1; Romans 2:1; Romans 14:4; Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 4:5; James 4:12; TCR .Charitableness-Uncharitableness.5
UNCHARITABLENESS TCR .Charitableness-Uncharitableness.6
General References to Isaiah 29:20; Isaiah 29:21; Matthew 7:4; John 1:46; Acts 28:4; 1 Timothy 6:4; TCR .Charitableness-Uncharitableness.7
Faultfinding against Christ Matthew 9:11; Matthew 12:2; Matthew 15:2; Mark 2:7; Mark 2:16; Mark 7:2; Luke 15:2; Luke 19:7; John 6:41; TCR .Charitableness-Uncharitableness.8
Duty of Proverbs 17:9; Matthew 7:3; Romans 15:1; Galatians 6:1; 1 Peter 4:8; TCR .Charity.3
Judgment Forbidden Matthew 7:1; Romans 2:1; Romans 14:4; Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 4:5; James 4:12; TCR .Charity.4
(Land of) Genesis 11:31; Genesis 12:5; Genesis 27:43; Genesis 28:10; 2 Kings 19:12; Acts 7:4; TCR .Charran.3
(Mark of the Father's Love Deuteronomy 8:5; Job 33:19; Psalms 94:12; Proverbs 3:11; Proverbs 3:12; Jeremiah 10:24; John 15:2; 1 Corinthians 11:32; Hebrews 12:5; Revelation 3:19; TCR .Chastisement.3
Chastity Deuteronomy 5:18; Job 31:1; Proverbs 5:20; Matthew 5:28; 1 Corinthians 7:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Titus 2:5; Revelation 14:4; TCR .Chastity.2
CHASTITY Deuteronomy 5:18; Job 31:1; Proverbs 5:20; Matthew 5:28; 1 Corinthians 7:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Titus 2:5; Revelation 14:4; TCR .Chastity-Impurity.3
IMPURITY TCR .Chastity-Impurity.4
General References to Matthew 5:28; Romans 1:24; Romans 6:19; Ephesians 4:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:7; Hebrews 13:4; 2 Peter 2:10; TCR .Chastity-Impurity.5
Fornication Matthew 5:32; Acts 15:29; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 1 Corinthians 7:2; 1 Corinthians 10:8; Ephesians 5:3; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; TCR .Chastity-Impurity.6
Lasciviousness Numbers 25:6; John 8:3; Romans 1:27; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Ephesians 4:19; Jude 1:7; TCR .Chastity-Impurity.7
LUST Proverbs 6:25; Matthew 5:28; Romans 13:4; Galatians 5:16; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:5; 2 Timothy 2:22; James 1:15; 1 Peter 2:11; TCR .Chastity-Impurity.8
Cheeks Smitten
(of the righteous 1 Kings 22:24; Job 16:10; Luke 6:29; TCR .Cheeks Smitten.3
(the duty of Proverbs 15:13; Proverbs 17:22; John 16:33; Acts 27:25; Acts 27:36; TCR .Cheerfulness.3
CHEERFULNESS TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.3
(the duty of Proverbs 15:13; Proverbs 17:22; John 16:33; Acts 27:25; Acts 27:36; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.4
DESPONDENCY TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.5
(Moments of, in the Lives of Good Men TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.6
Moses Numbers 11:15; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.7
Joshua Joshua 7:7; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.8
Elijah 1 Kings 19:4; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.9
Job Job 10:1; Psalms 31:10; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.10
David Psalms 42:6; Psalms 69:2; Psalms 73:16; Psalms 137:1; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.11
Jeremiah Jeremiah 15:10; Micah 7:1; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.12
The Disciples Luke 24:17; TCR .Cheerfulness-Despondency.13
Cheese 1 Samuel 17:18; 2 Samuel 17:29; Job 10:10; TCR .Cheese.2
(a god of the Moabites Numbers 21:29; Judges 11:24; 2 Kings 23:13; Jeremiah 48:7; TCR .Chemosh.3
Cherub Exodus 25:19; 1 Kings 6:25; Ezekiel 9:3; Ezekiel 10:7; Ezekiel 28:14; TCR .Cherub.2
Angelic Genesis 3:24; Ezekiel 10:5; Ezekiel 10:20; Ezekiel 11:22; TCR .Cherubim.3
Images of Exodus 25:18; Exodus 37:9; Numbers 7:89; 1 Samuel 4:4; 1 Kings 6:35; 2 Chronicles 3:11; Psalms 80:1; Psalms 99:1; Hebrews 9:5; TCR .Cherubim.4
Chests 2 Kings 12:9; 2 Chronicles 24:8; Ezekiel 27:24; TCR .Chests.2
Child Vice
Child Vice 2 Kings 2:23; Job 19:18; Job 30:12; Isaiah 3:5; TCR .Child Vice.2
Childhood, Marks Of
Dependence Numbers 11:12; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.3
Credulity Proverbs 14:15; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.4
Foolishness Proverbs 22:15; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.5
Love of Amusement Zechariah 8:5; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.6
Petty Complaints Matthew 11:17; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.7
Need of Rulers Galatians 4:2; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.8
Fickleness Ephesians 4:14; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.9
Ignorance Hebrews 5:12; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.10
Weak Digestion Hebrews 5:13; TCR .Childhood, Marks Of.11
(Immaturity Proverbs 22:15; Jeremiah 4:22; Hosea 7:11; 1 Corinthians 13:11; TCR .Childishness.3
(Regarded as a Misfortune Genesis 11:30; Genesis 15:2; Judges 13:2; 1 Samuel 1:2; 2 Samuel 6:23; 2 Kings 4:14; Luke 1:7; Luke 20:29; TCR .Childlessness.3
(An Essential Element in the Christian Life) Psalms 131:2; Mark 10:15; Luke 18:16; 1 Corinthians 14:20; 1 Peter 2:2; TCR .Childlikeness.3
The Gift of God Genesis 33:5; Genesis 48:9; Joshua 24:3; Psalms 113:9; Psalms 127:3; Isaiah 8:18; TCR .Children.3
Esteemed Highly Psalms 127:4; Psalms 127:5; Psalms 128:3; Proverbs 17:6; Matthew 19:14; TCR .Children.4
Exhortations to Psalms 34:11; Psalms 148:12; Proverbs 10:1; Proverbs 20:11; Proverbs 23:22; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Ezekiel 20:18; Mark 7:10; Ephesians 6:1; Ephesians 6:2; Ephesians 6:3; Colossians 3:20; 1 Timothy 5:4; TCR .Children.5
Present at Religious Worship Joshua 8:35; 2 Chronicles 20:13; Ezra 8:21; Nehemiah 12:43; Matthew 21:15; TCR .Children.6
Ungrateful Exodus 21:15; Leviticus 20:9; Deuteronomy 21:18; Deuteronomy 21:20; Deuteronomy 21:21; Proverbs 19:26; Proverbs 28:24; Proverbs 30:11; Proverbs 30:17; Ezekiel 22:7; Micah 7:6; Mark 7:11; TCR .Children.7
Examples of Helpful TCR .Children.8
The child Samuel assists Eli 1 Samuel 2:18; TCR .Children.9
A boy who waited upon David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 20:36; TCR .Children.10
A little maid who aided Naaman in securing his health 2 Kings 5:2; 2 Kings 5:3; TCR .Children.11
A child king 2 Chronicles 24:1; TCR .Children.12
The boy Christ about his Father's business Luke 2:49; TCR .Children.13
The lad who have his lunch to help feed the multitude John 6:9; TCR .Children.14
Vices of 2 Kings 2:23; Job 19:18; Job 30:12; Isaiah 3:5; TCR .Children.15
Special Promises to Children, examples of TCR .Children.16
Reverent Children Deuteronomy 5:16; TCR .Children.17
Forsaken Children Psalms 27:10; TCR .Children.18
Early Seekers Proverbs 8:17; TCR .Children.19
Obedient Children Proverbs 8:32; TCR .Children.20
Lambs of the Flock Isaiah 40:11; TCR .Children.21
Little Children Mark 10:14; TCR .Children.22
Children of Believers Acts 2:39; TCR .Children.23
The Commandment with Promise Ephesians 6:2; TCR .Children.24
Examples of Good Children of good Parentage TCR .Children.25
Isaac Genesis 22:7; TCR .Children.26
Jephthah's Daughter Judges 11:36; TCR .Children.27
Samuel 1 Samuel 2:26; TCR .Children.28
John the Baptist Luke 1:80; TCR .Children.29
The Boy Jesus Luke 2:49; 2 Timothy 1:5; TCR .Children.30
Timothy 2 Timothy 3:15; TCR .Children.31
Good Children of Wicked Men 2 Kings 12:2; 2 Kings 18:3; 2 Kings 22:2; 2 Chronicles 34:3; TCR .Children.32
Naming of Genesis 4:25; Genesis 5:29; Genesis 21:3; Genesis 30:8; Genesis 41:51; Exodus 2:10; Ruth 4:17; 1 Samuel 4:21; 1 Chronicles 4:9; 1 Chronicles 2:9; Hosea 1:4; Luke 1:60; Luke 2:21; TCR .Children.33
Adoption of Genesis 15:3; Genesis 48:5; Exodus 2:10; Esther 2:7; TCR .Children.34
Births Foretold Genesis 16:11; Genesis 18:10; Judges 13:3; 1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kings 4:16; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:13; TCR .Children.35
Birthright of Genesis 25:31; Genesis 43:33; Deuteronomy 21:16; 2 Chronicles 21:3; Hebrews 12:16; TCR .Children.36
Dishonouring Parents, Different Ways of TCR .Children.37
By Stubbornness and Sensuality Deuteronomy 21:20; TCR .Children.38
By Lack of Respect for Deuteronomy 27:16; TCR .Children.39
By Despising their Mother Proverbs 15:20; TCR .Children.40
By Cursing their Father Proverbs 30:11; TCR .Children.41
By Strife in the Household Micah 7:6; TCR .Children.42
By Failure in Providing for Mark 7:11; TCR .Children.43
By Disobedience 2 Timothy 3:2; TCR .Children.44
Filial Honour Enjoined TCR .Children.45
(Young People) Exodus 20:12; Leviticus 19:3; Deuteronomy 27:16; Proverbs 1:8; Proverbs 20:20; Proverbs 30:17; Isaiah 45:10; Matthew 15:4; Ephesians 6:2; 1 Timothy 5:4; TCR .Children.46
Filial Obedience Enjoined TCR .Children.47
(Young People) Proverbs 1:8; Proverbs 6:20; Proverbs 7:1; Proverbs 23:22; Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20; TCR .Children.48
Indulgence of TCR .Children.49
(Examples of TCR .Children.50
Eli 1 Samuel 3:13; TCR .Children.51
Samuel 1 Samuel 8:3; TCR .Children.52
David 1 Kings 1:6; TCR .Children.53
Disastrous Results of Proverbs 29:15; TCR .Children.54
Father of Prodigal Luke 15:12; Luke 15:13; TCR .Children.55
Instruction of Deuteronomy 4:9; Deuteronomy 6:7; Deuteronomy 11:19; Deuteronomy 31:13; Psalms 78:5; Proverbs 22:6; Isaiah 28:9; John 21:15; TCR .Children.56
Instructed, Examples of Joshua 8:35; 2 Kings 12:2; Psalms 34:11; Proverbs 3:1; 2 Timothy 3:15; TCR .Children.57
Lambs of the Fold TCR .Children.58
Carried in Christ's Bosom Isaiah 40:11; TCR .Children.59
Reward for Attention to Matthew 10:42; TCR .Children.60
Precious to the Heavenly Father Matthew 18:14; TCR .Children.61
To be Nourished by the Ministry John 21:15; TCR .Children.62
Of the Devil Matthew 13:38; John 8:44; Acts 13:10; 1 John 3:10; TCR .Children.63
Of God TCR .Children.64
(Special title for Church members) Matthew 5:9; Luke 20:36; John 11:52; Romans 8:16; Romans 8:21; Romans 9:26; Galatians 3:26; 1 John 3:10; 1 John 5:2; TCR .Children.65
Of the World Luke 16:8; Luke 20:34; Ephesians 2:3; Ephesians 5:6; Colossians 3:6; TCR .Children.66
Parents, Duty to TCR .Children.67
To Teach Deuteronomy 6:7; Deuteronomy 6:20; Deuteronomy 21:19; TCR .Children.68
To Train Proverbs 22:6; Isaiah 38:19; Lamentations 2:19; TCR .Children.69
To Provide for 2 Corinthians 12:14; TCR .Children.70
To Nurture Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21; TCR .Children.71
To Control 1 Timothy 3:4; 1 Timothy 3:12; TCR .Children.72
To Love Titus 2:4; TCR .Children.73
Partiality toward TCR .Children.74
(By Parents) Genesis 25:28; Genesis 33:2; Genesis 37:3; Genesis 42:4; Genesis 48:22; 1 Chronicles 26:10; TCR .Children.75
Prayers for TCR .Children.76
(Parental Prayers) TCR .Children.77
Abraham, for Ishmael Genesis 17:18; TCR .Children.78
David, for the life of his child 2 Samuel 12:16; TCR .Children.79
David, for Solomon 1 Chronicles 29:19; TCR .Children.80
Job, for his children Job 1:5; TCR .Children.81
The father, for the demoniac Matthew 17:15; TCR .Children.82
The Syrophenician mother Mark 7:26; TCR .Children.83
Precious TCR .Children.84
Esteemed Highly Psalms 127:4; Psalms 127:5; Psalms 128:3; Proverbs 17:6; Matthew 19:14; TCR .Children.85
Promised to Parents TCR .Children.86
Births Foretold Genesis 16:11; Genesis 18:10; Judges 13:3; 1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kings 4:16; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:13; TCR .Children.87
Promises to TCR .Children.88
Special Promises to Children, examples of TCR .Children.89
Reverent Children Deuteronomy 5:16; TCR .Children.90
Forsaken Children Psalms 27:10; TCR .Children.91
Early Seekers Proverbs 8:17; TCR .Children.92
Obedient Children Proverbs 8:32; TCR .Children.93
Lambs of the Flock Isaiah 40:11; TCR .Children.94
Little Children Mark 10:14; TCR .Children.95
Children of Believers Acts 2:39; TCR .Children.96
The Commandment with Promise Ephesians 6:2; TCR .Children.97
Solicitude for Genesis 37:14; 1 Samuel 10:2; 2 Samuel 18:29; Esther 2:11; TCR .Children.98
Stories, Bible, for TCR .Children.99
Who Made the World Genesis 1:1-25; TCR .Children.100
The Woman who exchanged her Home and all she had for an Apple Genesis 3:1-6; TCR .Children.101
The voyage of the Big Boat Genesis 6:14-22; Genesis 7:1-24; TCR .Children.102
The Boy who lost his Home by mocking Genesis 21:9-20; TCR .Children.103
The Young Man whom an Angel Saved Genesis 22:1-13; TCR .Children.104
The Young Man who traded his Inheritance for a dish of Pottage Genesis 25:29-34; TCR .Children.105
The Beautiful Coat Genesis 37:1-34; TCR .Children.106
The Boy Captive who became prime minister Genesis 37:13-36; Genesis 39:20-23; Genesis 41:1-44; TCR .Children.107
The Baby's Cry that won his way to a palace Exodus 2:1-10; TCR .Children.108
A fit of Anger that cost a good Man his Life Numbers 20:10-12; Deuteronomy 3:23-26; TCR .Children.109
How Snake bites were Healed Numbers 21:4-9; TCR .Children.110
The Woman who used a Red Cord to save her Life Joshua 2:1-24; Joshua 6:22-24; TCR .Children.111
The Man who could not keep his Hands from Beautiful things Joshua 7:20-26; TCR .Children.112
A Band that captured a City by marching around it thirteen times Joshua 6:1-20; TCR .Children.113
Gideon's Fleece Judges 6:36-40; TCR .Children.114
The Man who won a Battle with Pitchers and Lights Judges 7:15-22; TCR .Children.115
The King of the Forest Judges 9:7-15; TCR .Children.116
The Young Man who became a Slave by having his hair cut Judges 16:1-31; TCR .Children.117
The Boy who could hear God's Voice 1 Samuel 3:1-21; TCR .Children.118
The Men of curiosity who looked into a Sacred Chest and Lost their Lives 1 Samuel 6:19; TCR .Children.119
The Young Farmer who went out seeking Donkeys and found a Crown 1 Samuel 9:1-27; 1 Samuel 10:1; TCR .Children.120
The Anointing of the Young Shepherd 1 Samuel 16:1-14; TCR .Children.121
David the Giant Killer 1 Samuel 17:1-58; TCR .Children.122
Fast Friends 1 Samuel 18:1-4; TCR .Children.123
The Boy Helper 1 Samuel 20:21-40; TCR .Children.124
The Lame Prince 2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 9:1-13; TCR .Children.125
The Killing of the Pet Lamb 2 Samuel 12:1-6; TCR .Children.126
The Handsome Prince Caught in a Tree 2 Samuel 18:9; TCR .Children.127
The Prophet fed by the Birds 1 Kings 17:1-6; TCR .Children.128
The Food that never grew Less 1 Kings 17:10-16; TCR .Children.129
The Chariot of Fire 2 Kings 2:9-11; TCR .Children.130
The Man who used a Cloak to get through a River 2 Kings 2:13; 2 Kings 2:14; TCR .Children.131
The Minister's Boys who were saved from Slavery 2 Kings 4:1-7; TCR .Children.132
A Race for a little Boy's Life 2 Kings 4:18-36; TCR .Children.133
The Captive Girl who returned good for Evil and Saved a Man's Life 2 Kings 5:2-15; TCR .Children.134
The Borrowed Axe that floated 2 Kings 6:1-7; TCR .Children.135
The Boy King who was hid 2 Kings 11:1-12; TCR .Children.136
The Choir that won a battle by Singing 2 Chronicles 20:20-24; TCR .Children.137
The most Wonderful House in the world Ecclesiastes 12:2-7; TCR .Children.138
An Eating and Drinking Contest won by four Temperance Young Men Daniel 1:3-15; TCR .Children.139
Three Young Men who would not Bend, Budge, or Burn Daniel 3:1-30; TCR .Children.140
The Man the Lions would not eat Daniel 6:1-22; TCR .Children.141
Three Fish Stories TCR .Children.142
Jnh 1:1-17 TCR .Children.143
Jnh 2:1-10 Luke 5:4-8; John 21:4-11; TCR .Children.144
The Star that led to the Baby's Cradle Matthew 2:1-11; TCR .Children.145
The Woman who Prayed with her finger Matthew 9:20-22; TCR .Children.146
Five girls Locked out in the cold Matthew 25:1-13; TCR .Children.147
The Lost Boy who was found in the Church Luke 2:40-52; TCR .Children.148
Mr. Selfishness, Mr. Curiosity, Mr. Kind-hearted Luke 10:30-37; TCR .Children.149
The Men who were invited to a Feast Luke 14:16-24; TCR .Children.150
Nine Men who forgot to say "Thank You" Luke 17:12-19; TCR .Children.151
The Boy who ran away from Home Luke 15:11-24; TCR .Children.152
Thirty-eight years beside a Pool and never a Chance to get in John 5:1-9; TCR .Children.153
The Boy whose lunch fed 5000 Men John 6:5-13; TCR .Children.154
The Fatal Lie Acts 5:1-10; TCR .Children.155
The Song that opened the Jail Doors Acts 16:16-28; TCR .Children.156
Shaking off Vipers Acts 28:1-6; TCR .Children.157
Evil Proverbs 1:29; Isaiah 65:12; Isaiah 66:3; Matthew 27:21; TCR .Choice.3
Wise Choice, Examples of TCR .Choice.4
Joshua Joshua 24:15; TCR .Choice.5
Ruth Ruth 1:16; TCR .Choice.6
Solomon 1 Kings 3:9; TCR .Choice.7
The Psalmist Psalms 119:30; Psalms 119:173; Micah 4:5; TCR .Choice.8
Mary Luke 10:42; TCR .Choice.9
Moses Hebrews 11:25; TCR .Choice.10
To Choose between God and Evil Exodus 32:26; Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:15; 1 Kings 18:21; TCR .Choice.11
Of God by Men Genesis 28:21; Deuteronomy 26:17; Ruth 1:16; 1 Kings 18:39; 2 Kings 5:17; Psalms 16:2; Psalms 31:14; Psalms 63:1; Psalms 73:25; Psalms 118:28; Psalms 140:6; TCR .Choice.12
Choirs, Ancient
Regularly Employed 1 Chronicles 9:33; TCR .Choirs, Ancient.3
Assisted by an Orchestra 1 Chronicles 15:16; TCR .Choirs, Ancient.4
Vested Choir led by Precentor 1 Chronicles 15:27; TCR .Choirs, Ancient.5
A Great Chorus Choir God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters 1 Chronicles 25:6; 1 Chronicles 25:7; TCR .Choirs, Ancient.6
A Militant Choir, songs lead to victory 2 Chronicles 20:21; 2 Chronicles 23:13; 2 Chronicles 35:15; Ezra 2:65; Nehemiah 12:42; Ecclesiastes 2:8; TCR .Choirs, Ancient.7
Choose, Exhortations To
(To Choose between God and Evil) Exodus 32:26; Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:15; 1 Kings 18:21; TCR .Choose, Exhortations To.3
Choosing Jehovah
(as God) Genesis 28:21; Deuteronomy 26:17; Ruth 1:16; 1 Kings 18:39; 2 Kings 5:17; Psalms 16:2; Psalms 31:14; Psalms 63:1; Psalms 73:25; Psalms 118:28; Psalms 140:6; TCR .Choosing Jehovah.3
Chosen Instruments
LEADERS, TCR .Chosen Instruments.3
MEN OF GOD TCR .Chosen Instruments.4
Chosen Instruments to accomplish God's purposes Haggai 2:23; John 15:16; Acts 9:15; 1 Corinthians 1:27; 1 Corinthians 1:28; 1 Corinthians 1:29; TCR .Chosen Instruments.5
Chosen Ones
(God's people called) Deuteronomy 7:6; Psalms 4:3; 1 Corinthians 1:26; Ephesians 1:4; James 2:5; 1 Peter 2:10; TCR .Chosen Ones.3
Abiding in TCR .Christ.3
(Results in) TCR .Christ.4
Spiritual Fruitfulness John 15:5; TCR .Christ.5
Answered Prayer John 15:7; TCR .Christ.6
Peace in the Storm John 16:33; TCR .Christ.7
New Life 2 Corinthians 5:17; TCR .Christ.8
Robe of Righteousness Philippians 3:9; TCR .Christ.9
For Select Reading TCR .Christ.10
Angels Wait Upon Matthew 24:31; Matthew 25:31; Matthew 26:53; Luke 2:13; Luke 22:43; John 1:51; 2 Thessalonians 1:7; Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 5:11; TCR .Christ.11
Appearance, Personal of TCR .Christ.12
(Figuratively Described Psalms 45:2; Song of Solomon 5:16; Isaiah 52:14; Isaiah 53:2; Daniel 7:9; Matthew 17:2; Revelation 1:14; Revelation 4:3; TCR .Christ.13
Appears, After His Resurrection TCR .Christ.14
To Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9; TCR .Christ.15
to the other women Matthew 28:9; TCR .Christ.16
to two disciples Luke 24:15; TCR .Christ.17
to the eleven disciples Luke 24:36; TCR .Christ.18
(to Peter) 1 Corinthians 15:5; TCR .Christ.19
to the ten, Thomas absent John 20:19; TCR .Christ.20
to the eleven disciples John 20:26; TCR .Christ.21
at the Sea of Galilee John 21:1; TCR .Christ.22
to five hundred brethren 1 Corinthians 15:6; TCR .Christ.23
to eleven disciples in Galilee Matthew 28:17; TCR .Christ.24
to James 1 Corinthians 15:7; TCR .Christ.25
at the time of his ascension Luke 24:50; TCR .Christ.26
to Paul at his conversion Acts 9:5; 1 Corinthians 15:8; TCR .Christ.27
Ascension of Psalms 68:18; Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51; John 6:62; John 20:17; Acts 1:9; Ephesians 4:8; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 9:24; 1 Peter 3:22; TCR .Christ.28
Attractive Matthew 8:1; Mark 5:6; Mark 5:21; Luke 9:37; John 12:32; TCR .Christ.29
Authority of Matthew 7:29; Matthew 28:18; Mark 1:27; John 5:27; TCR .Christ.30
Baptized Matthew 3:13; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21; TCR .Christ.31
Blasphemy Against Matthew 9:34; Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:30; Luke 11:15; Luke 22:65; James 2:7; TCR .Christ.32
Blood of TCR .Christ.33
(The Atoning Matthew 26:28; John 6:56; John 19:34; Acts 20:28; Romans 5:9; Colossians 1:20; Hebrews 9:14; 1 Peter 1:18; 1 Peter 1:19; 1 John 1:7; Revelation 1:5; Revelation 5:9; Revelation 7:14; Revelation 12:11; TCR .Christ.34
Branch TCR .Christ.35
(Name applied to) Isaiah 4:2; Isaiah 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5; Jeremiah 33:15; Zechariah 3:8; Zechariah 6:12; TCR .Christ.36
Brethren of Matthew 12:46; Matthew 13:55; Mark 3:31; John 2:12; John 7:3; John 7:5; 1 Corinthians 9:5; Galatians 1:19; TCR .Christ.37
Bridegroom TCR .Christ.38
(The Church) Matthew 9:15; Matthew 25:1; Matthew 25:6; John 3:29; Revelation 21:2; TCR .Christ.39
Comforts TCR .Christ.40
(Christ's Words a Source of) Matthew 9:22; Mark 5:36; Luke 7:13; John 14:1; John 14:18; John 16:33; 2 Thessalonians 2:16; TCR .Christ.41
Commands of Matthew 28:20; John 13:34; John 14:15; John 14:21; John 15:10; John 15:14; Acts 10:42; 1 John 3:23; TCR .Christ.42
(Special to Individuals) TCR .Christ.43
Commendation by TCR .Christ.44
(of persons by Christ TCR .Christ.45
The Syrophenician Woman Matthew 15:28; TCR .Christ.46
Mary of Bethany Mark 14:6; TCR .Christ.47
A Centurion Luke 7:9; TCR .Christ.48
John the Baptist Luke 7:28; TCR .Christ.49
A Poor Widow Luke 21:3; TCR .Christ.50
Compassion of TCR .Christ.51
For the Multitude Matthew 9:36; Matthew 14:14; Matthew 15:32; TCR .Christ.52
For the Unfortunate Matthew 20:34; TCR .Christ.53
For Jerusalem Matthew 23:37; TCR .Christ.54
For the Leper Mark 1:41; TCR .Christ.55
For the Bereaved Luke 7:13; John 11:35; TCR .Christ.56
Condescension of Psalms 113:6; Psalms 136:23; Psalms 138:6; Isaiah 57:15; Matthew 9:11; Luke 1:48; John 13:4; John 20:20; John 20:27; TCR .Christ.57
Confession of TCR .Christ.58
(The Duty of) Matthew 10:32; Luke 12:8; Romans 10:9; Philippians 2:11; 1 John 2:23; 1 John 4:15; TCR .Christ.59
Confessing, Example of TCR .Christ.60
(Seven Remarkable Confessions of Faith in Christ) TCR .Christ.61
Peter Matthew 16:16; TCR .Christ.62
Nathanael John 1:49; TCR .Christ.63
The Woman of Samaria John 4:29; TCR .Christ.64
Peter's Second Confession John 6:69; TCR .Christ.65
Martha John 11:27; TCR .Christ.66
Thomas John 20:28; TCR .Christ.67
The Ethiopian Eunuch Acts 8:37; TCR .Christ.68
Conqueror of Death TCR .Christ.69
Foretold by the Prophets Isaiah 25:8; Acts 2:27; TCR .Christ.70
Defied Death to Hold him John 10:17; John 10:18; TCR .Christ.71
Submitted to the Stroke of Death for our Sins 1 Corinthians 15:4; TCR .Christ.72
Three Times he entered the realms of Death, and Rescued Victims Luke 7:14; Luke 7:15; John 11:43; John 11:44; TCR .Christ.73
Demonstrated his Victory by his own Resurrection Romans 1:4; TCR .Christ.74
Carries the Keys of the Grave in his Girdle Revelation 1:18; TCR .Christ.75
Will Call all men from Death's Domain John 5:28; John 5:29; TCR .Christ.76
Will Completely Destroy Death at Last 1 Corinthians 15:25; 1 Corinthians 15:26; TCR .Christ.77
Co-operation with TCR .Christ.78
(Work wrought in co-operation with God) 1 Samuel 14:45; Mark 16:20; 1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 6:1; TCR .Christ.79
Corner-stone TCR .Christ.80
(Name applied to) Psalms 118:22; Matthew 21:42; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6; TCR .Christ.81
Creator John 1:3; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:1; Hebrews 1:2; TCR .Christ.82
Cries of Luke 8:8; John 7:28; John 7:37; John 12:44; Matthew 27:46; Matthew 27:50; TCR .Christ.83
Cross of TCR .Christ.84
(The Doctrine of) TCR .Christ.85
Preached 1 Corinthians 1:17; TCR .Christ.86
Gloried in Galatians 6:14; TCR .Christ.87
Reconciliation through Ephesians 2:16; TCR .Christ.88
Enemies of Philippians 3:18; TCR .Christ.89
Peace made by Colossians 1:20; TCR .Christ.90
Old Testament ordinances abolished by Colossians 2:14; TCR .Christ.91
Death of TCR .Christ.92
(Suffered and Died to Redeem the Race) Isaiah 53:12; John 10:11; John 12:23; John 12:24; Romans 5:6; Romans 14:9; 1 Corinthians 15:3; 2 Corinthians 5:15; Colossians 1:22; Hebrews 2:9; Revelation 5:9; TCR .Christ.93
Defamed TCR .Christ.94
Accused of Keeping Bad Company Matthew 9:11; TCR .Christ.95
Accused of Gluttony and Intemperance Matthew 11:19; TCR .Christ.96
Accused of Blasphemy Matthew 26:65; TCR .Christ.97
Accused of Insanity Mark 3:21; TCR .Christ.98
Accused of being Possessed with Devils John 7:20; John 10:20; TCR .Christ.99
Accused of Breaking the Sabbath John 9:16; TCR .Christ.100
Accused of Treason John 19:12; TCR .Christ.101
Denial of TCR .Christ.102
General References to Matthew 10:33; Matthew 26:34; Matthew 26:69; Matthew 26:70; Mark 8:38; Acts 3:14; 2 Timothy 2:12; Titus 1:16; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 2:22; TCR .Christ.103
Despised Isaiah 53:3; Matthew 13:55; Mark 15:29; Mark 15:30; Luke 16:14; John 10:20; TCR .Christ.104
Devils Confess Matthew 8:29; Mark 1:24; Mark 3:11; Luke 4:41; Acts 19:15; TCR .Christ.105
Devotions of TCR .Christ.106
Select Readings Genesis 18:23-32; Genesis 32:24-30; 2 Samuel 7:18-29; 1 Kings 8:22-61; Luke 11:1-13; Luke 18:1-8; John 17:1-26; TCR .Christ.107
Private Devotions of Christ TCR .Christ.108
Morning Devotions Mark 1:35; TCR .Christ.109
Evening Prayer Mark 6:46; Mark 6:47; TCR .Christ.110
Solitary Communion Luke 5:15; Luke 5:16; TCR .Christ.111
All-night Prayer Luke 6:12; TCR .Christ.112
Only the Disciples near Luke 9:18; TCR .Christ.113
In the Garden of Gethsemane Luke 22:41; Luke 22:42; TCR .Christ.114
Disciples of TCR .Christ.115
General References to Luke 17:5; Luke 22:14; Acts 1:13; Acts 1:26; 1 Corinthians 4:9; 1 Corinthians 9:1; 2 Corinthians 11:5; Ephesians 2:20; Ephesians 4:11; Revelation 21:14; TCR .Christ.116
Names of Matthew 10:2; Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13; TCR .Christ.117
Call Of to Special Work Mark 1:17; Mark 1:20; Mark 2:14; Luke 6:13; John 1:43; Acts 22:21; TCR .Christ.118
Heal TCR .Christ.119
Persecution of TCR .Christ.120
Divine TCR .Christ.121
His Own Words Luke 22:69; Luke 22:70; John 10:30; John 10:37; John 10:38; John 12:45; John 14:7-10; John 16:15; TCR .Christ.122
Testimony of the Apostles Matthew 16:16; John 1:1; John 1:2; Romans 1:4; Romans 9:5; Colossians 1:15; Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; 1 Timothy 6:15; Hebrews 1:3; Revelation 19:16; TCR .Christ.123
The Father Bears Witness Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; John 5:32; John 5:37; John 8:18; 1 John 5:9; TCR .Christ.124
Seven Scriptural Witnesses to TCR .Christ.125
John the Baptist John 1:34; TCR .Christ.126
The Works of Christ John 5:36; TCR .Christ.127
The Father John 5:37; TCR .Christ.128
The Old Testament John 5:39; TCR .Christ.129
Jesus Christ Himself John 8:14; TCR .Christ.130
The Holy Spirit John 15:26; TCR .Christ.131
Believers John 15:27; TCR .Christ.132
Evil Spirits Confess His Divinity Matthew 8:29; Mark 1:24; Mark 3:11; Luke 4:41; Acts 19:15; TCR .Christ.133
DIVINE NAMES ascribed to Christ TCR .Christ.134
Beloved Son Matthew 12:18; Matthew 17:5; Mark 1:11; Ephesians 1:6; Colossians 1:13; Hebrews 5:5; TCR .Christ.135
Son of God Matthew 2:15; Matthew 3:17; Matthew 8:29; Matthew 14:33; Matthew 17:5; Mark 1:1; Luke 1:35; John 1:34; John 3:18; John 9:35; John 10:36; John 11:27; Acts 9:20; Hebrews 10:29; 1 John 4:14; TCR .Christ.136
King of Kings 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 1:5; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:16; TCR .Christ.137
For other titles relating to his Divinity TCR .Christ.138
His Pre-existence Micah 5:2; John 1:1; John 8:58; John 17:5; John 17:24; Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 7:3; Revelation 22:13; TCR .Christ.140
His Authority Matthew 7:29; Matthew 28:18; Mark 1:27; John 5:27; TCR .Christ.141
His foreknowledge TCR .Christ.142
General References to John 6:64; John 13:1; John 13:11; John 18:4; John 19:28; TCR .Christ.143
Predicts his own Sufferings Mark 8:31; Luke 9:22; Luke 12:50; Luke 22:37; Luke 24:7; Luke 24:26; Luke 24:46; John 3:14; TCR .Christ.144
Foretells his Departure John 7:33; John 13:33; John 14:28; John 16:5; John 16:10; John 16:16; John 16:28; John 17:11; TCR .Christ.145
His Lordship Luke 6:5; Acts 2:36; Acts 5:31; Romans 10:9; 1 Corinthians 1:9; 1 Corinthians 8:6; 1 Corinthians 12:3; Ephesians 4:5; TCR .Christ.146
His Pre-eminence Matthew 3:11; John 3:31; John 13:13; Acts 2:36; Romans 14:9; Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 1:4; Hebrews 3:3; Hebrews 8:6; Revelation 1:11; TCR .Christ.147
His Dominion TCR .Christ.148
Eternal Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 9:7; Daniel 7:14; TCR .Christ.149
Universal Zechariah 9:10; TCR .Christ.150
Over Nature Matthew 8:27; Mark 1:27; John 3:35; TCR .Christ.151
Over the Church Ephesians 1:22; TCR .Christ.152
Over Heavenly Powers 1 Peter 3:22; TCR .Christ.153
His Exaltation, to Heavenly Places Mark 16:19; Luke 22:69; Acts 2:36; Acts 5:31; Ephesians 1:20; Philippians 2:9; Hebrews 1:9; 1 Peter 3:22; Revelation 5:12; TCR .Christ.154
General References to Matthew 1:1; Galatians 4:4; Philippians 2:8; 1 Timothy 2:5; TCR .Christ.156
Manifested in the Incarnation Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 11:1; Luke 1:31; Luke 2:7; John 1:14; Acts 2:30; Romans 1:3; Romans 8:3; Philippians 2:7; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 4:2; 2 John 1:7; TCR .Christ.157
He had the Common Experiences of Humanity TCR .Christ.158
Sorrow Matthew 26:37; TCR .Christ.159
Natural growth Luke 2:40; TCR .Christ.160
Hunger Luke 4:2; TCR .Christ.161
Sleep Luke 8:23; TCR .Christ.162
Poverty Luke 9:58; TCR .Christ.163
A Physical body Luke 24:39; TCR .Christ.164
Weariness John 4:6; TCR .Christ.165
Called "The Son of Man" Matthew 8:20; Matthew 9:6; Matthew 11:19; Matthew 16:13; Matthew 18:11; Matthew 20:28; Matthew 24:27; Mark 8:38; Luke 18:8; John 1:51; John 5:27; John 6:53; John 12:23; John 13:31; Acts 7:56; Revelation 1:13; TCR .Christ.166
Son of David Matthew 1:1; Matthew 12:23; Matthew 15:22; Matthew 21:9; Mark 10:48; Mark 12:35; John 7:42; Romans 1:3; 2 Timothy 2:8; Revelation 5:5; TCR .Christ.167
Divisions caused by Luke 12:51; John 7:12; John 7:43; John 9:16; John 10:19; TCR .Christ.168
Dominion of TCR .Christ.169
Eternal Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 9:7; Daniel 7:14; TCR .Christ.170
Universal Zechariah 9:10; TCR .Christ.171
Over Nature Matthew 8:27; Mark 1:27; John 3:35; TCR .Christ.172
Over the Church Ephesians 1:22; TCR .Christ.173
Over Heavenly Powers 1 Peter 3:22; TCR .Christ.174
Door, the John 10:7; John 14:6; Romans 5:2; Ephesians 2:18; Hebrews 9:8; Hebrews 10:19; Hebrews 10:20; TCR .Christ.175
Dying with TCR .Christ.176
Fellowship with Christ's Death Romans 6:6; Romans 8:36; 2 Corinthians 4:11; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 2:20; 2 Timothy 2:11; TCR .Christ.177
Eternal TCR .Christ.178
His Pre-existence Micah 5:2; John 1:1; John 8:58; John 17:5; John 17:24; Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 7:3; Revelation 22:13; TCR .Christ.179
Exaltation of TCR .Christ.180
King of Kings 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 1:5; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 19:16; TCR .Christ.181
For other titles relating to his Divinity TCR .Christ.182
His Exaltation, to Heavenly Places Mark 16:19; Luke 22:69; Acts 2:36; Acts 5:31; Ephesians 1:20; Philippians 2:9; Hebrews 1:9; 1 Peter 3:22; Revelation 5:12; TCR .Christ.183
Exalted TCR .Christ.184
(To Heavenly Places Mark 16:19; Luke 22:69; Acts 2:36; Acts 5:31; Ephesians 1:20; Philippians 2:9; Hebrews 1:9; 1 Peter 3:22; Revelation 5:12; TCR .Christ.185
Example of Matthew 11:29; Matthew 16:24; John 13:15; Romans 15:5; 2 Corinthians 10:1; Philippians 2:5; Colossians 3:13; Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 12:2; 1 Peter 2:21; TCR .Christ.186
Expected TCR .Christ.187
Expounds The Word Matthew 13:37; Matthew 24:33; Mark 4:34; Luke 8:11; Luke 24:27; TCR .Christ.188
Faith in, Great TCR .Christ.189
(Examples of TCR .Christ.190
The Leper Matthew 8:2; TCR .Christ.191
The Centurion Matthew 8:10; TCR .Christ.192
The Ruler Matthew 9:18; TCR .Christ.193
The Blind Man Matthew 9:28; TCR .Christ.194
The Diseased Matthew 14:36; TCR .Christ.195
The Syrophenician woman Matthew 15:28; TCR .Christ.196
The Afflicted woman Mark 5:28; TCR .Christ.197
Faith in, Secures Salvation John 3:16; John 3:36; John 5:24; John 6:40; John 11:25; John 12:46; John 20:31; Acts 8:37; Acts 10:43; Acts 13:39; Acts 16:31; Romans 9:33; Romans 10:9; 2 Timothy 3:15; 1 John 5:1; TCR .Christ.198
Faithful TCR .Christ.199
(Of Christ) 1 Thessalonians 5:24; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 2 Timothy 2:13; Hebrews 2:17; Hebrews 10:23; Revelation 1:5; Revelation 19:11; TCR .Christ.200
Faultfinding against Matthew 9:11; Matthew 12:2; Matthew 15:2; Mark 2:7; Mark 2:16; Mark 7:2; Luke 15:2; Luke 19:7; John 6:41; TCR .Christ.201
Feet, at His TCR .Christ.202
(Persons found at) TCR .Christ.203
Unfortunate Sufferers Matthew 15:30; TCR .Christ.204
An Afflicted Father Mark 5:22; Mark 5:23; TCR .Christ.205
A Sorrowing Mother Mark 7:25; TCR .Christ.206
A Sinful Woman Luke 7:37; Luke 7:38; TCR .Christ.207
A Healed Demoniac Luke 8:35; TCR .Christ.208
A Seeker after Truth Luke 10:39; TCR .Christ.209
A Bereaved Sister John 11:32; TCR .Christ.210
A Reverent Worshipper Revelation 1:17; TCR .Christ.211
Fellowship with TCR .Christ.212
Found in Spiritual Assemblies Matthew 18:20; TCR .Christ.213
In the Communion of Saints Luke 24:15; TCR .Christ.214
Warms the Heart Luke 24:32; TCR .Christ.215
Leaves its Impress upon the Life Acts 4:13; TCR .Christ.216
Believers Called to 1 Corinthians 1:9; TCR .Christ.217
Testimony an Aid to 1 John 1:3; TCR .Christ.218
Spiritual Receptivity the Condition of Revelation 3:20; TCR .Christ.219
Foreknowledge of TCR .Christ.220
(General References to) John 6:64; John 13:1; John 13:11; John 18:4; John 19:28; TCR .Christ.221
Friends of John 11:5; John 11:35; John 11:36; John 13:23; John 15:15; TCR .Christ.222
Friendship of John 11:5; John 11:35; John 11:36; John 13:23; John 15:15; TCR .Christ.223
Fulfilment of Prophecy by Matthew 1:22; Matthew 2:15; Matthew 2:23; Matthew 4:14; Matthew 8:17; Matthew 12:17; TCR .Christ.224