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7. How could evolutionary theory potentially impact the biblical view of human nature?

Since Creation, Satan has sought to weaken confidence in the biblical account of the origins of the human race, the nature of humanity, and the introduction of sin and evil. Today, millions accept the theory of evolution, the “natural” or mechanistic view of humanity through eons of survival of the fittest, to be the template for human origins. Many Christians do not view the first chapters of Genesis as literal but as allegory or myth, even though such skepticism strikes at the roots of Christianity. JTL13 5.1

Really, Christianity and evolution are diametrically opposed to each other. Either our first parents were created in the image of God and experienced a fall into sin, or they did not. If there has been no fall, why would we need Christ to die in our behalf? If we are ever ascending and evolving into something better, why would Calvary and the Second Coming of Christ be necessary? JTL13 5.2

Is our planet evolving into something better? Some would say that scientific advances in the past centuries have provided evidence of progressive evolution. But humanity has utterly failed to subdue and control the sinful, selfish heart, and all the scientific progress has only made the world more dangerous, increasing attitudes of nihilism and despair. JTL13 5.3

Our only hope rests in Jesus. His incarnation is perfect evidence of God’s creative power. If God could bring about this supreme miracle, there is no question as to His ability to form the first Adam. God has not left humankind without hope. The gospel of Christ can free us, restore us, redeem us! JTL13 5.4