1. Where did evil originate?
The conflict between good and evil began in the perfect environment of heaven and will continue until the Second Coming of Jesus. The protagonists are Christ and His angels and Satan and his angels, though good and evil impact all of God’s creation. Understanding the controversy, which involves the entire universe, helps answer the question, “Why did Jesus come to this planet?” JTL15 4.1
Evil was introduced into heaven when Lucifer, one of God’s created angels, began to nurture pride in his heart. He refused to be content with the exalted position His Creator had given him. In selfishness, he coveted equality with God Himself. Although Lucifer desired God’s position, he had no interest in emulating His character. Lucifer contended for God’s authority but not His love. His rebellion against God’s government was the first step toward his transformation into Satan, “the adversary.” JTL15 4.2
Using the kings of Tyre and Babylon to symbolize Lucifer, Isaiah and Ezekiel illuminate how this cosmic controversy began. “Lucifer, son of the morning,” the anointed covering cherub, resided in the presence of God when his heart became lifted up because of his beauty and splendor. JTL15 4.3