2. If I was already baptized as an infant, is it necessary for me to be re-baptized?
Infant baptism is a tradition that began well after the time of Christ. Nowhere in Scripture does the Bible teach infant baptism. Jesus’ choice to be baptized as an adult remains our example. His baptism forever gave this ordinance divine sanction for those who have experienced the “new birth” from the Holy Spirit. JTL16 4.1
Scripture indicates that believers were baptized, both men and women. Because infants and little children cannot experience conversion, they do not qualify for baptism. However, they are not excluded from Christ’s kingdom of grace. Believing parents and caregivers fulfill a vital role in guiding young children into a relationship with Jesus that will eventually lead them to make a personal decision for baptism. JTL16 4.2
Individuals who were baptized as adults but have discovered new transformational truth or individuals who have been baptized and subsequently broken their covenant with Christ may find heart-healing renewal in a rebaptism experience. Baptism does not free believers from further temptation and trial. If one falls into immorality or apostasy, God nonetheless welcomes back the repentant and transformed who renew their covenant through rebaptism. JTL16 4.3