6. What is the significance of baptism?
Interestingly, the theological significance of baptism is also related to full immersion. We note that Scripture uses covering by waters as a symbol of great trouble and affliction. Jesus’ water baptism represented a prophetic enactment of His suffering, death, and burial. Coming up out of the water represented His resurrection (Romans 6:3-5). JTL16 8.1
Through baptism, believers enter the death and resurrection experience of Christ. The sacred intimacy of the believer’s relationship with Christ is shown through expressions like “baptized into Christ Jesus,” “baptized into His death,” and “buried with Him through baptism.” JTL16 8.2
Seventh-day Adventists do not consider baptism a sacrament that of itself imparts grace and affects salvation. We prefer to call baptism an ordinance that shows the central truths of the gospel and the believer’s total allegiance to Christ. JTL16 8.3