1. What is meant by the “Law of God?”
Although we often consider the law of God to include the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) and the Torah (the Pentateuch), comprising the first five books of the Old Testament, the law of God is integrated throughout Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, an overarching demonstration of grace and God’s covenant with His people. JTL18 3.1
The decalogue, or moral law, is spiritual and eternal. It reveals God’s heart and shows His character of love. God’s Ten Commandments transcend time and place. Their principles are for all people and are as permanent and enduring as God Himself. Ultimately, this law must be viewed in the light of Calvary, the central event of earth’s history. JTL18 3.2
The Bible also contains other kinds of laws, such as ceremonial, civil, health, environmental and community laws. Though some of these laws were applicable to a specific time and circumstance, they were nonetheless practical extensions of the Decalogue. Whether of universal application, like the Ten Commandments, or applicable only in certain times and places, like civil law for the nation of Israel, all are torah: divine instruction for God’s people. JTL18 3.3