6. What is the basis of the believer’s unity?
The Holy Spirit unites the church through the Word of God. The Spirit works to fulfill Christ’s promise of a united church by guiding believers into all truth. Christ-centered truth then becomes the basis of unity. Love for Jesus and His written Word is the bond that keeps us together. JTL24 8.1
Though study of God’s Word, fellowship, exercising spiritual gifts and love are all important, their full meaning comes through the One who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). As the truth as it is in Jesus becomes our focus, it will eliminate all prejudice and friction. This process is not the work of a moment, but of a lifetime. We are continual learners in the school of Christ. It is the Spirit who reveals to us our implicit biases and enables us to unite as heaven is united. JTL24 8.2