8. What are the prerequisites to church membership?
Jesus summarized who can belong to the church in these words: “He who believes [in Me] has eternal life” (John 6:47). To believe in Jesus includes repentance for sins of which His Spirit convicts (Acts 2:37, 38) and turning away from those sins (2 Chronicles 7:14). As a symbol of Christ washing away their sins and raising them to new life, the believer who has experienced the new birth will be baptized (Acts 2:36-41). Every member is then called to proclaim the gospel of Christ and His return to claim His own (Matthew 28:20). JTL23 10.1
Members of the body of Christ commit to relate to one another based on equality, remembering that “he who is the greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:8, 11). In the church of Christ there must be no vestige of racism, discrimination, or hierarchy because all are “one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28), called to a “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9). Each person in the community of faith must sacrifice as did their Master, take up their cross and develop entirely new values. To the non-believer, all this sounds intimidating and difficult. But to the person who has received the joy found in forgiveness and freedom from guilt, love for Jesus makes every burden light (Matthew 11:28-30). JTL23 10.2