9. What is the significance of the doctrine of the new earth and heaven’s eternal kingdom?
The biblical teaching concerning the new earth is really the culmination of all of salvation history and the goal of redemption. God’s purpose in creation was that human beings made in His image would exercise benevolent dominion over the entire world and its creatures. Though sin interrupted that divine plan, in the new earth His plan will be perfectly restored. JTL28 11.1
The entire Bible focuses on the covenant of love God made with His people. If they are faithful to His name, He will establish them again in the kingdom to come, through the sacrifice of Messiah. God’s promises will find fulfillment as His people enjoy the new earth forever, restored even beyond its Eden beauty. This eternal kingdom of glory is the consummation of all Jesus’ teaching and ministry (see Mark 1:14, 15). JTL28 11.2