Ellen G. White at different times wrote of the temptation and fall of man, the plan of redemption, and of the victory of Christ in the wilderness of temptation. In 1874 and 1875 in a series of 13 articles published in the Review and Herald she treated these topics in depth. In these she devoted more attention to lessons drawn from the experience of man and Jesus Christ in meeting temptation than to the sequence of historical events. The series closes with practical applications to present-day situations. Con 5.1
These articles, with some paragraphs added by the author, were later republished in a 96-page pamphlet and became the second of eight pamphlets to make up the Redemption series published in 1878. The other seven present materials published simultaneously in Spirit of Prophecy volumes two and three, were later replaced by Ellen White's Masterpiece, The Desire of Ages. Con 5.2
Number two of the Redemption series, written quite apart from the others, in its fullness in the treatment of temptation makes a unique contribution to Ellen G. White materials currently available. Con 5.3
In the first printing some articles carried subheadings; many did not. A uniform plan is followed in this reprint. Capitalization and spelling have been brought into keeping with present usage, and some very long paragraphs have been divided for the sake of readability. The text is accurately reproduced. Con 5.4
In this attractive reprint the reader will find encouragement and practical lessons appropriate for these times. Con 5.5
Board of Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate
Confrontation Study Guide. A complete chapter by chapter guide with questions to aid in your reading and understanding of the book. Con 5.6