“A responsibility to spread the knowledge of hygienic principles rests upon all who have enjoyed the benefits of health reform. This responsibility should be felt by every man and woman who claims to be a Seventh-day Adventist, and much more by those who are connected with our health institutions. All should realize that this is an important part of the Lord's great work for the salvation of souls. Let it be the aim of all to be laborers together with God for the uplifting of humanity. All should be educators by precept and example. They should feel a personal responsibility to send forth fully instructed men and women, who shall exert a direct and saving influence in the homes, the communities, and the churches to which they go.” PH142 1.1
“God's blessing will rest upon every effort made to awaken an interest in health reform; for it is needed everywhere. There must be a revival in regard to this matter; for God purposes to accomplish much through this agency. Present temperance with all its advantages in reference to health. Educate people in regard to the laws of life, so that they may know how to preserve health. The efforts put forth at the present time are not meeting the mind of God.... It will require earnest, patient, protracted effort to establish the work and to carry it forward upon hygienic principles. But let fervent prayer and faith be combined with your efforts, and you will succeed.”—Extracts from recent Testimonies not yet published. PH142 1.2