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No. A. A General Testimony

True Sense of the Sacredness of the Work

1. In regard to matters at the Pacific Publishing House, there has not been that faithfulness which God requires. There should be a deeper sense of the sacredness of the work, and each and all should be faithful in their several departments of the work. But there is a great lack of stability with some. When special attentions are shown by young men to the young ladies, and they in turn encourage these attentions, and the company of young men, involving neglect of duties, becoming frivolous and unguarded in deportment, it is wrong to encourage such a course of conduct by retaining them in the office in connection with the work; and when marriages occur no display should be countenanced. PH152 5.1

2. I was shown that there is not with a number of those at work in the office a true sense of religious things. Those who have left the east for the Pacific Coast should not in their daily and religious life pursue a course which is not worthy of imitation. They disgrace and misrepresent those who are connected with the work in the east. They should be circumspect in their conduct. Their daily religious life is very defective. Eternal interests are placed below the temporal. I saw that against the names of several now at work in the Signs Office was written in the ledger of heaven, “Wanting—weighed in the balance and found wanting.” As the searching eyes of the Judge rested upon these unfaithful ones, their countenances became pale, and terror seized them. Some had not been guilty of any great wrong, but they had not let their light so shine before men that others, by seeing their good works, would reflect glory to God. You who are working in the office may avail yourselves of religious privileges if you will, so that you may have spiritual strength to put forth spiritual exercise for your own benefit and that of others. Prayer-meetings are neglected, religious duties are left undone, and the conscience is at ease. What does this spiritual slothfulness say in favor of Christ? Just this, that your own business, or the mechanical work in which you are engaged, is of more consequence than the service of God. PH152 5.2