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Their Object, and How to Conduct Them

Our camp-meetings are one of the most important agencies in our work. They are one of the most effective methods of arresting the attention of the people, and reaching all classes with the gospel invitation. The time in which we live is a time of intense excitement. Ambition and war, pleasure and money-making, absorb the minds of men. Satan sees that his time is short, and he has set all his agencies at work, that men may be deceived, deluded, occupied, and entranced until probation shall be ended and the door of mercy be forever shut. It is our work to give to the whole world—to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people—the saving truths of the Third Angel's Message. But it has been a difficult problem to know how to reach the people in the great centers of population. We are not allowed entrance to the churches. In the cities the large halls are expensive, and to the best halls but few, as a rule, will come out to hear. We have been spoken against by those who were not acquainted with us. The reasons of our faith are not understood by the people, and we have been regarded as fanatics, who were ignorantly keeping Saturday for Sunday. In our work we have been perplexed to know how to break through the barriers of worldliness and prejudice and bring before the people the precious truth which means so much to them. The Lord has instructed us that camp-meetings are one of the most important instrumentalities for the accomplishment of this work. PH130 1.1

We must devise and plan wisely, that the people may have an opportunity to hear for themselves the last message of mercy to the world. The people should be warned to make ready for the great day of God, which is right upon them. We have no time to lose. We must do our utmost to reach men where they are. The world is now reaching the boundary line in impenitence and disregard for the laws of the government of God. In every city of our world the warning must be proclaimed. All that can be done should be done without delay. PH130 2.1

And our camp-meetings have another object, preparatory to this. They are to promote spiritual life among our own people. The world in its wisdom knows not God. The world cannot see the beauty, the loveliness, the goodness, the holiness of divine truth. And in order that men may understand it, there must be a channel through which it shall come to the world. The church has been constituted that channel. Christ reveals himself to us, that we may reveal him to others. Through his people are to be manifested all the riches and glory of his unspeakable gift. PH130 2.2

God has committed to our hands a most sacred work, and we need to meet together to receive instruction, that we may be fitted to perform this work. We need to understand what part we shall individually be called upon to act in building up the cause of God in the earth, in vindicating God's holy law, and in lifting up the Saviour as “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” We need to meet together and receive the divine touch, that we may understand our work in the home. Parents need to understand how they may send forth from the sanctuary of the home their sons and daughters, so trained and educated, that they will be fitted to shine in the world. We need to understand in regard to the division of labour, and how each part of the work is to be carried forward. Each one should understand the part he is to act, that there may be harmony of plan and of labour in the combined work of all. PH130 2.3