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This collection of statements from the pen of Ellen G. White has been assembled to provide in one convenient source the principal counsels relating to the production and distribution of foods as a part of the work of the church. HFM 3.1

For a period of about ten years, beginning with 1898, the Lord sent through His servant many messages of encouragement, instruction, counsel, and warning regarding this work. In 1902 Testimonies for the Church Volume VII appeared, in which was included a section on the health food work. This section deals comprehensively with the principles that were outlined previous to that time. HFM 3.2

After the publication of Volume VII, there developed in the food work new conditions which called forth many later messages of counsel and instruction. On the request of Loma Linda Foods the White Estate in 1934 made these counsels available in a fifty-five page mimeographed document. This document—Health Food Ministry—now draws together the counsels from both sources, first the materials from Volume VII, and then the later statement. HFM 3.3

As the 1934 compilation from the manuscripts was intended to be supplementary to that printed in Volume VII, the manuscripts from which that instruction was taken are not here included. Other statements that closely parallel the subject matter selected for the mimeographed document have also been omitted. There are still some repetitions of thought which are retained because of certain striking statements or forms of expression that seem to make each one of special value. Because much of the instruction was called forth by conditions as they arose, the materials in section two appear in chronological arrangement rather than topical. A few fillers have been inserted out of chronological order because of their close relation to certain other paragraphs. HFM 3.4

As a help to the reader, a topical outline has been prepared covering the principal points of instruction, each item being followed by references to the pages where these topics appear. HFM 4.1

The reader will note that in all these messages, emphasis is placed upon the value of health food work as a soul-winning agency. Its possibilities for good are clearly pointed out. As this work developed to large proportions, however, it was found necessary to add cautions against commercialism, heavy investments, entering into binding contracts, and permitting it to absorb talent that should be devoted more directly to evangelizing efforts. HFM 4.2

This compilation should serve as a helpful guide in the laying and execution of plans for making the health food work what God designed it to be, and to shun the pitfalls that would destroy its usefulness and make it a hindrance rather than a help to the evangelization of the world. HFM 4.3

The Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate