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January 1, 1911

The Christian's Zeal


For what has the history of the work of the disciples been recorded, as they labored with holy zeal, animated and vitalized by the Holy Spirit, if it is not that from this record the Lord's people today shall gain an inspiration to work earnestly for Him. What the Lord did for His people in that time, it is just as essential and more so that He do for His people today. All that the apostles did, every church member today is to do. We are to work with as much more fervor, accompanied by the Holy Spirit in as much greater measure, as the increase of wickedness demands a more decided call to repentance. Every one on whom is shining the light of present truth, is to be stirred with compassion for those who are in darkness. From all believers, in clear, distinct rays, light is to be reflected. The work that the Lord did in Antioch through His delegated messengers, He is waiting to do today. At this time, when the end of all things is at hand, should not the zeal of the church exceed even that of the early church? Zeal for the glory of God moved the disciples to bear witness to the truth with mighty power. Shall not this zeal fire our hearts with a longing to tell the story of redeeming love, of Christ and him crucified? Should not the power of God be more mightily revealed today than even in the time of the apostles? BTS January 1, 1911, par. 1

It was sincere devotion and humble, earnest prayer that brought the disciples into close communion with Christ. They sat together with Him in heavenly places. They realized the greatness of their debt to Him. Should we be less earnest than they were? Shall we not by living faith claim the promises which moved them to the depths of their being to call upon the Lord Jesus for the fulfillment of the word, “Ask, and ye shall receive?” Is not the Spirit of God to come today in answer to persevering prayer, and fill men with power? Is the throne of grace farther removed from us than it was from the disciples? Is not God saying to His praying, trusting, believing workers, who are opening the Scriptures to those ignorant of the precious truths they contain, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world”? Shall we not, through the indications of God's providence, hear His voice, saying, “Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” There certainly are men that the Lord is fitting to stand in their lot and in their place. BTS January 1, 1911, par. 2

Let us show that we are workers together with God. Let us be as true as steel to principle. No one can stay at home in ease, living only for self, without becoming selfish. We must be representatives of Christ, if we would be truly happy. The earnest, united prayers of faith will inspire Christlike zeal. BTS January 1, 1911, par. 3

God will raise up a Paul and Barnabas for the church that is worthy of such helpers. True missionary workers will find that the Holy Spirit is working on minds, raising up laborers of faith and patience and zeal to take the place of some who fall away. We need more keen, sanctified discernment. We need to cherish the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. BTS January 1, 1911, par. 4