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May 1, 1910

Self-Denial Boxes


My Dear Brethren and Sisters everywhere, GH May 1, 1910, par. 1

I wish to ask if you would not regard it as a privilege to lay aside a certain sum weekly for the Southern field? Will you not put in a prominent place in your home a box with the inscription, “For the Work Among the Colored People of the South?” Will you not ask your children to put into this box the money that they would otherwise spend for candy and other needless things? When visitors come to your home, they will see the box, and will ask in regard to it. Let the children tell the story of their effort to help a needy missionary field by denying self. GH May 1, 1910, par. 2

Every church-member should cherish a spirit of sacrifice. In every home there should be taught lessons of self-denial. Keep in your homes a self-denial box into which you can put the money saved by little acts of self-denial. GH May 1, 1910, par. 3

Many should become interested in the work of placing these boxes in homes. Ask old and young to aid the work for the colored people by placing these boxes in every home possible. A blessing will surely follow the gifts of self-denial thus brought to the Master. GH May 1, 1910, par. 4

Mrs. E. G. White