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January 20, 1904

The Work of the Ministry


It is an eternal law of Jehovah that he who accepts the truth that the world needs is to make it his first work to proclaim this truth. But who is there that makes the burden of perishing sinners his own? As I look upon the professed people of God and see their unwillingness to serve him, my heart is filled with a pain that I cannot express. How few are heart to heart with God in his solemn, glorious work? IR January 20, 1904, par. 1

Many fields ripe for the harvest have not yet been entered because of our lack of self-sacrificing efforts. These fields must be entered, and many laborers must go to them with the expectation of bearing their own expenses. But some of our ministers are little disposed to take upon them the burden of this work. God is grieved as he sees the lack of self-denial and perseverance in his service. Angels are amazed at the spectacle. IR January 20, 1904, par. 2

God has intrusted to his ministers the work of proclaiming his last message of mercy to the world. He is displeased with those who do not throw their whole energies into this all-important work. Unfaithfulness on the part of the appointed watchman on the walls of Zion, endangers the cause of truth and exposes it to the ridicule of the enemy. It is time for our ministers to understand the responsibility and sacredness of their mission. There is a woe upon them if they fail of performing their work which they themselves acknowledge that God has placed in their hands. IR January 20, 1904, par. 3

The Lord's great vineyard demands from his servants that which it has not yet received,—earnest, persevering labor for souls. The ministry is becoming weak and enfeebled, and under its tame service the churches are becoming weak. As a result of their labors, the ministers have but little to show in the conversion of souls. The truth is not carried into the barren places of the earth. These things are depriving God of glory that belongs to him. He calls for workers who will be producers as well as consumers. IR January 20, 1904, par. 4

The world is to be warned. Ministers should work earnestly and devotedly, opening new fields and engaging in personal labor for souls instead of hovering over the churches that already have great light and many advantages. In view of the fact we are living so near the close of this earth's history, there should be greater thoroughness in labor, more vigilant waiting, watching, praying, and working. IR January 20, 1904, par. 5

As faithful householders, give meat in due season to the household of God. Present truth to the people. Work as if in full view of the whole universe of heaven. We have no time to lose—not a moment. Important issues must soon be met, and we need to be hidden in the cleft of the rock, that we may see Jesus, and be quickened by his Holy Spirit. IR January 20, 1904, par. 6