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October 1, 1906

Devotional Meeting—September 14


“Be Guarded.” AUCR October 1, 1906, Art. A, par. 1

“It becomes our people to guard every word spoken or written. Let every church and every individual now watch unto prayer. As difficulties present themselves, Satan becomes a willing helper. Let the weapon used by us be that used by Christ—‘It is written.’ Let us be solemn and earnest and true and tender of spirit. The truth lived out in daily life is the only thing that will convince unbelievers that there is a reality in the profession made by believers. Let us dig deep now, and plead for the power of the Holy Ghost to break the bondage of Satan from the soul. Seek the Lord; confess your sins; let the Holy Spirit soften and subdue the heart.” AUCR October 1, 1906, Art. A, par. 2