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April 19, 1909

Teach Your Daughters How to Cook


Do not neglect to teach your children how to cook. In so doing you impart to them principles which they must have in their religious education. There is religion in good cooking, and I question the religion of that class who are too ignorant and too careless to learn to cook. In giving your children lessons in physiology, and teaching them how to cook with simplicity and yet with skill, you are laying the foundation for the most useful branches of education. AUCR April 19, 1909, par. 1

That which we eat cannot be converted into good blood unless it is of a proper quality, simple, and nutritious. The stomach can never convert sour bread into sweet. Food poorly prepared is not nutritious, and cannot make good blood. Those things which fret and derange the stomach will have a benumbing influence upon the finer feelings of the heart. AUCR April 19, 1909, par. 2

Poor cookery is slowly wearing away the life energies of thousands. We see sallow complexions and groaning dyspeptics wherever we go. AUCR April 19, 1909, par. 3

Skill is required to make good light bread. Cakes and scones are often yellow with saleratus. They are thus rendered totally unfit for food. Saleratus in any form should not be introduced into the stomach, for the effects are bad. It eats the coatings of the stomach, causes inflammation, and frequently poisons the entire system. But some plead, “I cannot make good bread or gems unless I use soda or saleratus.” You surely can if you become a student and will learn. Is not the health of your family of sufficient value to inspire you with ambition to learn how to cook, and how to eat? AUCR April 19, 1909, par. 4

Mothers, instead of seeking to give your daughters a musical education, instruct them in these useful branches, which have the closest connection with life and health. Teach them all the mysteries of cooking. Show them that this is a part of their education, and essential for them in order to become Christians. Unless the food is prepared in a wholesome, palatable manner, it cannot be converted into good blood, to build up the wasting tissues. Your daughters may love music, and this may be all right: it may add to the happiness of the family; but the knowledge of music, without the knowledge of cookery, is not worth much. When your daughters have families of their own, an understanding of music and fancy work will not provide for the table a well-cooked dinner, prepared with nicety, so that they will not blush to place it before their most esteemed friends. Mothers, yours is a sacred work. May God help you to take it up with His glory in view, and work earnestly and lovingly for the present and future good of your children, having an eye single to the glory of God. AUCR April 19, 1909, par. 5

Mrs. E. G. White