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March 17, 1913

Soul Winning by Correspondence


The great lack of men to go from place to place and preach the Word may be in a great degree supplied by tracts and papers and by intelligent correspondence. AUCR March 17, 1913, par. 1

If all would realize the necessity of doing to the utmost of their ability in the work of God, having a deep love for souls, feeling the burden of the work upon them, we should see hundreds engaged as active workers who hitherto have been dull and uninterested, accomplishing nothing. They have felt that there was nothing of importance in this tract and missionary work,—nothing worthy of their special interest. Yet it is a fact that the circulation of our papers is doing even a greater work than the living preacher can do. All can do something. Some can do more than others, but all should become intelligent as to how they can work most successfully and methodically in spreading the light of truth by scattering our publications. We meet with young and old who profess to be children of God, yet who have not grown an inch for years. A Christian indeed will grow in knowledge of the truth; and as he is sanctified through the truth, he will become more and more like Jesus, and more desirous to save souls, the purchase of His blood. AUCR March 17, 1913, par. 2

Those who are co-labourers with God will have no disposition to engage in the various expedients for amusement; they will not be seeking after happiness and enjoyment. In taking up their work in the fear of God, and doing service for the Master, they will secure the most substantial happiness. Connected with Jesus Christ, they will be wise unto salvation. They will be fruit-bearing trees. They will develop a blameless life, a beauteous character. The great work of redemption will be their first consideration. Eating and drinking and dressing, houses and lands, will be secondary matters. The peace of God will force off the withered or gnarled branches of selfishness, vanity, pride, and indolence. It is faith and practice that make up the Christian's life. We do not meet the standard of Christianity by merely professing Christ and having our names upon the church book. We should be individual workers for Christ. By personal effort we can show that we are connected with Him. AUCR March 17, 1913, par. 3

All cannot go abroad, but all can do something at home. We should as Christians have an abiding sense that our time, our strength, our ability, have been purchased with an infinite price. We are not our own, to use our moments in gratifying our fancy and our pride. As children of the light, we should diffuse light to others. It should be our study how we may best glorify God,—how we can work to save and bless souls for whom Christ died. In working to bless others, we shall be gathering strength and courage to our own souls, and shall receive the approval of God. AUCR March 17, 1913, par. 4

Mrs. E. G. White