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June 21, 1911

Extracts from Recent Special Testimonies


The Lord is in earnest with His people. Long have they delayed entering the cities, and now they must seek to redeem the time.... The message of the third angel of Revelation 14 is now to be proclaimed, not only in lands far off, but in neglected places close by, where multitudes dwell unwarned and unsaved. God is calling His people at this time to a long-delayed work. Decided efforts are to be made to enlighten those who have never yet been warned. The work in the cities is now to be regarded as of special importance. Let workers be selected to labor two and two in the cities, in harmony with the counsel of experienced leaders, and under the direction and commission of Jesus Christ. LUH June 21, 1911, Art. A, par. 1

The conditions that face Christian workers in the great cities, constitute a solemn appeal for untiring effort in behalf of the millions living within the shadow of impending doom. LUH June 21, 1911, Art. A, par. 2

World Wide

It is in the cities of the nations that the gospel worker finds the greatest impenitence and the greatest need.... The cities everywhere are calling for earnest, whole-hearted labor from the servants of God. LUH June 21, 1911, Art. A, par. 3

We have done only a small part of the evangelical work that God desires us to do among our neighbors and friends. In every city of our land there are those who know not of the truth; and out in the broad world beyond the seas there are many new fields in which we must plough the ground and sow the seed. LUH June 21, 1911, Art. A, par. 4

A Soul-Winning Effort

In these same wicked cities there are presented to soul-winners some of the greatest opportunities. With heart, and soul, and voice, they must respond to the summons of the Master of the vineyard to enter the cities, and work as laborers together with God for the winning of precious souls. LUH June 21, 1911, Art. A, par. 5

Well Organized

A little has been done in years past, it is true, in a few cities; but in order to meet the mind of the Lord, those in responsibility must plan for the carrying forward of a broad, well organized work. They must enter into this campaign, with a determination to make God their trust, and to labor with unflagging zeal. Thus they will be enabled to do a strong, solid work and will gain confidence to continue the effort in other places. LUH June 21, 1911, Art. A, par. 6