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January 1, 1902

Instruction to Teachers


Planted firmly upon the earth, and reaching heavenward to the throne of God, is a ladder of shining brightness. God is above the ladder, and his light is shining along its whole length. This ladder is Christ. Every round that you climb, you are coming step after step into fellowship with the sufferings of Christ, and are becoming fashioned after his divine similitude. The angels of God are constantly ascending and descending this glorious ladder. They will not let you fall, if you keep your eye fixed upon the glory of God that is at the top of the ladder. Some are trying to grasp the highest round of the ladder, without starting at the first round. Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 1

Every teacher should train the voice, so that he can speak intelligibly and read the Scriptures distinctly, giving emphasis where it is necessary and essential. [Extracts from a talk given before the Teachers’ Institute, Healdsburg, Cal., September, 1901.] The voice is a power, a talent, which few appreciate. Then cultivate your voice, for thus God is to be magnified. Let the voice be mellowed and softened by the Holy Spirit of God. There was pathos in the voice of Jesus. Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 2

Your words are a precious talent. You should learn how to bear testimonies in meeting with a clear and distinct voice, as though you knew that you had an abiding Christ. Learn to pray as though you had confidence that your prayer reached the throne of God. Then you will have an educating power which will go farther than Latin, Greek, or any such knowledge you may gain. Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 3

Teachers, you must have a living faith, or you will be separate from Christ. He does not ask how much favor you have with the world, and how much praise you are receiving from the world; but he does ask you to live so that he can put his seal upon you. Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 4

Teachers, how much praise comes from our lips to the one to whom you should be full of gratitude for this probationary time, during which if you allow Christ to abide in you, you may obtain a fitting in character to live with him? Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 5

Co-operate with God, and he will co-operate with you. Then you are God's helping hand. Then you can take hold of him, and he will hold your hand. He says, “I am at thy right hand to help thee.” As you work for him with only his glory in view, he will teach you. You are to learn all these lessons that you may teach others. Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 6

There are some who love the society of the world, who think it is a great deal better than the society of those who are not considered so elevated and who do not know, as they judge, half so much. Teachers, know enough to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to wear the yoke of Christ. Then you will become fools for Christ's sake. It is not the so-called wisdom of worldlings that God accounts anything. He says their wisdom is foolishness; but to them the wisdom of God is foolishness. Do you desire to have the wisdom of God? Humble yourselves before God, walk in the way of his commandments, be determined that you will make the most of every educational privilege, gather every ray of divine light, practice the light, bring it into your life and character, and thus show that you have learned of Jesus. Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 7

As soon as our minds harmonize with the mind of God, we are in touch with an intelligence that can communicate to each of us every lesson that will be beneficial in the education of the youth entrusted to us. In telling the children the precious story of the cross, our own souls will be lifted from despondency, gloom, and darkness. In considering the Redeemer's infinite sacrifice, we shall lose all desire for the things of this world. Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 8

Church school teachers should carry a burden for souls,—not that they themselves can save souls, but as God's helping hand they have the privilege of winning souls to Christ. Teachers, the words that you speak may be very precious. Let there be no folly in your conversation. In the schools you shall undertake to conduct, set a proper example before the children by presenting them to God in prayer every morning. Then look to him for strength every hour, and believe that he is working, and that you are to represent him. When you do this, you gain the affection of the children. It is not such hard work to manage children, thank God. We have a helper, one altogether above ourselves. Oh, I am so thankful that we do not have to depend upon our poor, miserable selves, but we may depend upon the strength which comes from God! Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 9

Teachers, if your life is hid with Christ in God, a helper will stand by your side, and you will be one with Christ, and one with those you are teaching. Never exalt self, for this shows that you are not humbling yourself before God. Exalt him, glorify him, honor him before the world. Say, “I stand under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel. I have left the banner of the powers of darkness, and am wholly on the Lord's side.” Advocate January 1, 1902, par. 10