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February 1, 1890


The third angel's message embraces more than the finite mind of man comprehends. The earth is to be lightened with its glory. The truth must be published far more extensively than it yet has been. It must be defined in clear, sharp lines before the people. It must be presented in short, but conclusive arguments, and plans must be laid that at every meeting where the Truth has been set before the people, it may be followed by the distribution of tracts and pamphlets. At first it may be found necessary to give these away, but they will be a power for good. The discourses given in the desk would be far more effective if reading-matter were circulated, educating the hearers in the doctrines of the Bible. God will make many willing to read, but there will also be many who will refuse to see or hear anything upon the present truth. But we should not even think these cases beyond hope, for Christ is drawing many to himself. There are many who will see no special importance in the truth proclaimed either by pen or voice, but we should not cease our efforts because of this, we should give them a tract or pamphlet, and though it may do them no good, some other soul may be saved through its instrumentality. HM February 1, 1890, par. 1

Publications upon health reform will be received by many who would not read upon any Bible topic. Intemperate gratification of appetite is doing its work of death, and this evil must be met with united intelligent effort. We should make known to others the ills that result from beclouding the mind God has given us, through indulgence in wine and strong drink. The truth upon health reform must be presented to the people, and it will be found an efficient way to bring before them Bible truth. You should go forth with your hands filled with proper reading matter, and your heart filled with the love of God. Many are being drawn by the Lord Jesus Christ, and they will respond to your Christian efforts for their salvation. Many are disgusted with the dry formalism which exists in the Christian world; many are becoming infidels because they see the lack of true piety in those who profess to be Christians. A good work could be done to prepare the way for the introduction of the truth, if decided testimonies were borne upon the health and temperance branch of the work. Many of those who profess to believe the truth are lamentably ignorant of the laws of health, and need to be educated line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. This subject needs to be kept fresh in the minds of the people. HM February 1, 1890, par. 2

It has been shown to me that through judicious attention to this part of the work, a large degree of prejudice might be removed from the minds of intelligent persons who have been hindered from a candid investigation of the truth. The minds of the people must be arrested, and their attention must be held, or the seeds of truth will not accomplish what they might if proper care had been taken. In comparison to the number that reject the truth, those who receive it will be very small, but one soul is of more value than worlds besides. We must not become discouraged although our work does not seem to bring large returns. It is written of Christ, “He shall not fail nor be discouraged.” Shall we talk of failure or discouragement? Let us think of the price our Lord has paid that man should not perish, but have everlasting life. Although the greatest portion of the world will reject the truth, some will accept it, some will respond to the drawing power of Christ. Those in whose hands the reading-matter is placed may turn from the light, and refuse to obey the convictions of conscience, but the messenger that they despise, through the providence of God may fall into the hands of others, and be as meat in due season to them. They will be aroused to search the Scriptures, to pray to know what is truth, and they will not ask in vain. Angels of God will minister to their necessities. Many who are in harmony with the truth, whose hearts are full of peace and gladness because of the light for these last days, have received their knowledge from the pages that others rejected. Those who are susceptible to the evidences of truth will yield to the convictions of the Spirit of God. Like the noble Bereans, they will search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are true, and they will be converted to God. HM February 1, 1890, par. 3

Satan is no idler; he watches his chances, and takes advantage of every opportunity to win souls to his side. He constantly sows his tares in every heart that is not barricaded with the truth. The people of God are in a condition of slumber; they do not discern what favorable opportunities for winning souls they are letting slip by. It has been shown to me that Satan is stealing a march upon us. The law of God through the agency of Satan is to be made void in our land of boasted freedom; religious liberty will come to an end. The contest will be decided over the Sabbath question, which will agitate the whole world. Our time for work is limited, and God calls us as ministers and people to be minute men. Teachers as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves must come to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. There are many who do not understand the prophecies relating to these days, and they must be enlightened. It is the duty of both watchmen and laymen to give the trumpet a certain sound. Some are inclined to think that too great a stir is being made, but in their position of ease they say to the people “Peace and safety,” when sudden destruction is about to fall upon the world. I tremble as I think of the words that have been spoken to me concerning those who do not act in accordance with the truth for this time. Said my guide, “Those who do not arouse will be passed by, and God will move upon men who will respond to his call, and carry his work forward and upward.” God calls the watchmen and privates connected with his army to strengthen the outposts, to guard the fort. HM February 1, 1890, par. 4

Many are ready to investigate the truth, for angels of God have prepared their hearts for its reception. Publications should be issued, written in the plainest, simplest language, explaining the subjects of vital interest, and making known the things that are to come upon the world. The condition of the earth demands that light should shine upon its darkness. Will not the people to whom has been committed sacred responsibilities awake and put away every indifference, every jealousy, every misunderstanding, and take hold of the work with determined energy? Men claiming to be teachers of Bible truth will assail those who embrace the truth, who have no experience in meeting objections, and they will seek to overwhelm them with false statements and wily reasoning. On this account, as well as for other reasons, it is necessary to have publications explaining the doctrines and meeting the arguments of objectors. If those who come into the faith can have a clear statement of the truths assailed, they will be armed with arguments with which to meet opposers, and defend themselves. In defending themselves, they will unconsciously be sowing seeds of truth. Men will misrepresent the doctrines we believe and teach as Bible truth, and it is necessary that wise plans should be laid to secure the privilege of inserting articles into the secular papers, for this will be a means of awakening souls to see the truth. God will raise up men who will be qualified to sow beside all waters. God has given great light upon important truths, and it must come to the world. HM February 1, 1890, par. 5

We have been too narrow in our views concerning publications, but we should be so no longer. We should multiply books on our faith in English, German, French, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, and other tongues, and other nationalities should be enlightened and educated that they too may join in the work. This will require means, and every child of God should practice self-denial and economy in the expenditure of the Lord's intrusted capital. The work should move forward with dispatch, for Satan has already outdone us in his preparations to make our work of small effect. Those who have talent should be recognized, respected, and encouraged by being set to work to devise ways and means of advancing the cause of God. Matter of a different order than that which has been prepared should be arranged for the press, and we should see that something is done at once. Young men and young women should consecrate their talents to the Master, that they may sow beside all waters. Far greater zeal and perseverance should be manifested than has been manifested in the past, in making the most of opportunities and privileges. There is work to be done now that admits of no delay. The rays of truth should shine out with steady light into the prevailing darkness of error, for many are uncertain in regard to what is truth. Many for fear of being repulsed do not work as they might to circulate our publications, but this is an evidence of pride, and pride must be put away. Precious opportunities are passing away, and not half is accomplished that should be in this advanced state of the work. If our brethren would but consecrate themselves to God without reserve, much more would be done in improving opportunities and in making the most of privileges than has been in the past. Much has been lost because your eyes have not been anointed with heavenly eye-salve that you might discern where God was working, and unite your efforts with his in well directed labor which would have resulted in the salvation of many souls. HM February 1, 1890, par. 6

We must not think of such a thing as discouragement, but hold fast to souls by the grasp of faith. Do not give up those for whom you are working. Go out in the mountains and seek the lost sheep. They may run from you, but you must follow them up, take them in your arms and bring them to Jesus. Pulpit effort should always be followed by personal labor. The worker must converse and pray with those who are concerned about their souls salvation. Those who listen to discourses should see in those who believe, an example in life and character that will make a deep impression upon them. HM February 1, 1890, par. 7

It is the life that impresses unbelievers and is a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Publications should be scattered like the leaves of autumn throughout the world. Let reading-matter follow the interest that is aroused at our large gatherings. HM February 1, 1890, par. 8

God would have us bring far more thoughtful intelligence into our labors. We should appoint certain ones to do a certain work, and not lay upon one man several kinds of work, so that he will not have a chance to do any of it with efficiency. Men should be trained up so that they will be prepared to fill different positions of trust. There are many who do not offer themselves to the work, but wise generals will see to it that those who are qualified for the work, shall have a place in it. They will counsel, encourage, and give them assurances of sympathy and confidence. HM February 1, 1890, par. 9

Let there be temperance workers and missionaries in this line, working on all proper times both in and out of meeting; circulate health tracts, canvassing for health publications with zeal and energy. All this is work that presses to be done. As a people to whom has been intrusted great and important responsibilities, we are far behind what we should be. Not one twentieth part of the work that should be done is being accomplished in the ranks of Sabbath-keepers. Let more and more knowledge be acquired, and let the light shine forth in clear, distinct rays to those who are in darkness and error. A great amount of light has been permitted to shine forth through those whom God has used as channels for his truth. HM February 1, 1890, par. 10

This light has been imparted to the workers, but there are hereditary trusts to be gathered up, and fresh light is to be given. HM February 1, 1890, par. 11

Let rays of light shine continually so that the people will recognize and respond, and let glory flow back to God in grateful thanksgiving, because heaven's light has pierced the darkness of error, and the flock of God has been fed, not with fable and tradition, but with Bible truth. The very best effort is now required that the people may receive the light that God has so graciously given. HM February 1, 1890, par. 12

Mrs. E. G. White