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Chapter 27—(1886) Second Trip Through Scandinavia

As Ellen White closed up her work in Norway in November, 1885, she had the feeling that before returning to America she should go on another tour of the Scandinavian countries. In conversation with Brother Hansen, the building contractor, she almost promised to be back in the spring. On her return from Italy she wrote to William and Jennie Ings in California, whom she was endeavoring to persuade to come to Europe and join her in the work, stating that “we design to start in two weeks for Sweden and Norway.” She thought she might end up in England, for she felt she had work to do there. She hoped the Ingses could join her in England and that they might unite their interests, “have a comfortable home, convenient food, and try to help one another” (Letter 78, 1886). In response to her invitation and urging, they closed up their work in California and started for Great Britain. 3BIO 344.1

At Basel, Ellen White was scheduled to leave for Sweden on Tuesday, June 15, but Monday found her battling with an attack of pleurisy. She improved somewhat with treatment, but on Tuesday the pain returned. She wrote of the situation: 3BIO 344.2

Every breath was painful. It seemed impossible for me to travel, especially at night. To take a sleeping car, for one night only, would involve an extra expense of ten or twelve dollars, and this was out of the question. Yet it was necessary for us to leave Basel that night in order to reach Orebro [Sweden] before the Sabbath.”—The Review and Herald, October 5, 1886. 3BIO 344.3

In spite of forbidding circumstances, she determined to go. A few months before this she had stated, “I can, when I have to, do most anything.”—Letter 95, 1886. She looked to the Lord, and He gave her help. 3BIO 345.1

Relieved of the intense suffering, she, with Sara McEnterfer and Kristine Dahl, took the train at 10:00 P.M. bound for Hamburg, Germany. There she was to meet W. C. White, who had gone on the day before in the interests of the publishing house. They met as planned; Kristine, who had served as a translator, left them to return to her home in Norway, and Ellen White, with her son and Sara, proceeded to Sweden, arriving at Orebro on Friday morning at seven. 3BIO 345.2