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Chapter 25—1846

In an 1886 Memory Statement Ellen White Declared That for More Than Forty Years She Had Been Preaching Salvation to Sinners. 

In a sermon preached at Orebro, Sweden, on Sunday, June 27, 1886, Ellen White declared: SDD 16.1

I speak because I know what I am talking about. For more than forty years I have stood in the desk proclaiming salvation to sinners, and my heart has yearned over them. God has opened before me the glory of Heaven, and I have obtained a sight of the majesty and glory of my Redeemer. I have obtained a sight of the angels in glory. I was very young when the physicians said, “You must die, you cannot live more than three months.” It was then that God gave me a sight of His glory, and said, “Go proclaim the message I give you, to the people.” I started out in my weakness. I could hardly stand. I had not spoken aloud for weeks, but when I stood before the people, God’s power came upon me. Voice was given me and I talked from two to three hours with clearness. But when I had finished, my voice again was gone. I traveled for three months in this way and then the pain of the lungs ceased, and ever since I have been doing the work which the Master has given me to do. I have traveled and labored and God has given me strength to continue unto this day.—Ms. 6a, 1886. 

This statement by Ellen White does not place her in the company of the open door Adventists. Her comment about “proclaiming salvation to sinners” is in perfect harmony with the Otis Nichols letter. He states that her message was to the “household of faith” which was then, and is now, composed of sinful men and women. As she visited the various advent bands in New England, she was preaching “salvation to sinners.”